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Everything posted by fingolfin92

  1. When i formated my harddrive, i backed up all my save games, including KotOR ][. I reinstalled it today, and when trying to load my old save files, it goes on the loading screen, then when it finishes the screen goes black then it crashes. New games are working fine... (I am on 2.10, and was before)
  2. heh, i was gonna say N. How far are people btw? Iv'e completed 2 columns - the first two http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_freeware_games save you some trouble...
  3. you want something like this, then read the new jedi order, and the dark nest trilogy afterwards, has some interesting theries in them, including the agreement in the end that there is no "dark side", but that its the dark in you.
  4. starforge, i wish they hadn't cut stuff out of kotor 2
  5. a sith sword would be cooler, but probably bronze for me, white would be nice as well.
  6. where is darth bane and exar kun? exar kun ftw! :D
  7. ep 1 was complete ****, ep 2 was still dissapointing, 3 was much better, but I still prefer the original; ESB FTW!
  8. considering he is pretty much useless, I was dissapointed in not getting another interesting character.
  9. why not just get the mod that skips peragus?
  10. yuuzhan vong or barabels
  11. hey duff, great idea and game, im just wondering if there is a forums topic for meeting other people online to play against? also making a dejarik game could be a future project, as sabacc has been done (http://www.mavrinac.com/projects/sabacc/) though someone could atleast make it offline and have nice graphics like PP
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