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Everything posted by necrocannibalistic

  1. I didn't kill any dragon in POE1. I've manage to negotiate with them and I'm very happy with my choice. I finished the first game and import the save in POE2, but "some characters" called me "the dragonslayer " and stuff like that so for me was little weird.
  2. Hi AeonsLegend, Thank you for your exceptional explanation, really appreciate your help. So, Priest/Cipher doesn't sound like a good idea. I'll give a shot on priest/chanter. Since my Eothas Priests will spend a considerable amount of time casting, I'll choose another class that doesn’t - Chanter(Troubadour) and end up with celebrant In POE1 I was a good guy and i'm planning to stick to it, so Huana is my faction, for this playthrough. Cheers!
  3. Hi AeonsLegend, I'll try to develop a cipher/priest for main character. In POE1 my character was a cipher and I had Durance, Eder, Aloth, Kana and Hiravias , and had a pretty easy/comfortable game (difficulty-Normal). Probably I'll stick with the same classes and just looking for some builds I have to take a look at these factions, have y got any recommendations ? Cheers
  4. Hi all, Just finished POE1 and I'm going to start POE2 and I'm looking for your Companions/Sidekicks builds. Already found some useful posts, but looking for more (all companions/sidekicks), pls share Cheers
  5. Hi, Pls ignore it, I found the cause - Citrix Now everything is OK. Cheers, Miro
  6. Hi Guys, I just installed Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire ( via GOG ) and the game crashes when I try to start it. I try to do this: https://support.obsidian.net/article/35-frame-rate-issues-and-constant-crashing-with-nvidia-gfx-cards https://www.gog.com/forum/inside/game_crashes_befor_the_start - Just delete the d3d9.dll file from the game directory and it works. I don't have such file - d3d9.dlloutput_log.txt but nothing changed . Re-install the game and VGA drivers (Nvidia version 442.74) has no positive impact and I'm looking for support. The error log is attached. Cheers, Miro crash.dmp error.log
  7. Hi, I'm working on something similar to this, or at least trying - https://github.com/Tyr62/POE-II-Deadfire Be the code and the structure are a bit different and for now I'cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. P.S Maybe I should look for a paid mod, if there is any....
  8. Hi Piero, Did y mange to increase the party size ? I'll try to accomplish it from "Assembly-CSharp.dll". Cheers!
  9. Hi all, Is there any way to increase party size ? I just wonder Cheers!
  10. Hi @Boeroer thank you for your reply. I'm just curious about dialogs. With the pale elf I had a several interactions and it was fun for me. Like "you are coming from far away", etc. For this build I'm going with Aumaua (as a main character) priest (Eathos/honest/benevolent) and will play defense, most of the time. Maybe the Aumaua is not the best choose for priest, but I'm going to try it :) Hope some of the NPC will recognize me as a fellow Aumaua Cheers
  11. Hi all. I´m going to start my second play-through and I'm wandering about the race. I did the first one with "snow elf" but now I'm thinking about Aumaua ( love Kana:)))). Please share your thoughts with me/us I found this topics But I din't find much about it - Aumaua: "Aumaua: 7 Coastal Aumaua: 1 [Race] The single Human check also checks for Aumaua, Godlike, and Elf. [subrace] Island Aumaua have no checks in Eternity, White March I, or White March II." Cheers!
  12. Hi all, I'm also playing trough GOG/Galaxy and the update is also 3.7GB Which in my world is huuuuge Anyhow, thanks for the bug fixes. Cheers!
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