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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. It was the Playthrough from XBN which said that T3 was lost at the end of peragus. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lost as in destroyed, or lost as in we can't find him? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think lost as in "get back to the Hawk now T3 we need you to fix the hyperdrive". T3: "Beeble Bee...crackle hiss". Which translated means "I'm on my...oof i've just been whaked over the head from behind with a blunt object". The Harbringer isn't EU (before TSL) but has been mentioned in a number of previews such as IGN and XBN.
  2. The only additional infomation was one of the first planet playthroughs (I can't remember which) which said that at the end you lost contact with T3, oh and varous screenshots, including the datapad one refering to HK-50. Kriea's profile on the lucasarts site suggests she dies to save the PC, and there is good reason to think Sion dispatches her.
  3. Actually, I've just remembered the screenshot from the tutorial on IGN where T3 is unable to repair the hyperdrive due to a lack of parts. Maybe when the PC reaches the Hawk on Peragus they have aquired the parts but are unable to repair the drive without T3. Hence the need to rescue him.
  4. One of the playthroughs (I think it was IGN) says the last thing your character remembers before the start of the game was being abord the the republic cruiser Harbringer. It has been stated that you face Sion abord the Harbringer. The meaning of the name is probably not without significance. Speculation: Sion hijacked the Harbringer looking for the PC, who was somehow spirited away on the Ebon Hawk. The Force brings the PC to Peragus, which has been infiltrated by HK-50, who is after Kriea. The PC, Atton and Kriea are about to escape Peragus abord the Hawk when Sion arrives on the Harbringer. T3 is captured by Sion. Since T3 contains plot-imprtant information the PC and party have to rescue him from the Harbringer. During the confrontation with Sion abord the Harbringer Kriea is killed, however her Force ghost continues to guide the PC.
  5. I believe the TotJ stories take place about 40 years before KotOR. While they are refered to in the first game TSL may draw more heavily on TotJ for background. Since many people who play TSL will not be familiar with TotJ so they thought it would be a good idea to try and bring people up to speed. I suspect Mike Gallo is the man responsibe.
  6. They had to get the xbox version out early enough for the little kids who have xboxes to ask Santa for it.
  7. A strong enough Sith Master might be able to use the Mind Trick to convince a Jedi they where no longer able to use the LS of the Force. "This isn't the side you're looking for."
  8. If Anakin had died or not been trained Sidious would have found another tool to destroy the jedi, possibly one that didn't destroy him in the end.
  9. If Canderous is Mandalore I guess he will keep his regeneration ability, plus the armour will be very powerful and not wearable by anyone else.
  10. Exar Kun could have chosen to die. cf conversation between Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black in Prisoner of Azkaban.
  11. Well Visas Marr isn't from Onderon then. I guess I can't be right about everything. Where did Miraluka first appear? I havn't come across them before and I thought I had read most of the EU stuff.
  12. There was a tendancy in the classic trilogy to use archtype environments for planets (Desert, Jungle, Ice, swamp, Forest) in the same way as archtype characters are used (hero, mentor, rogue). This I felt was completly consisant with the style of the films, and something that was lost with the addition of multienvironment planets like Naboo and the addition of mountains and lakes to Kashyaak. Athough in the case of Telos many environments in close proximity is also an exagerated environment and consistant with the classic Star Wars style. BTW Nar Shaddaa has been officially confirmed.
  13. It's quite clear that Peragus is considered a planet, see for instance the IGN playthrough of the "first planet" meaning Peragus. Duxn and Onderon have always been refered to as seperate worlds in anything that has come from the developers. However it is stted in the discription of Telos that "there are many different environments".
  14. All seven "planets" have been confirmed. Peragus Onderon Duxn Dantooine Telos Nar Shaddaa Korriban
  15. I also think the icey area is one of many environments on Telos. It is interesting that they reiterate that the spirit of Freedon Nadd was utterly destroyed, which suggests that they won't try to find a way to reserect him in TSL. Also the mention at the end of Naga Sadows battleship may be important given the concept art we have seen tha appears to be a huge deralict ship.
  16. The Twileek looks to have the rebel alliance insignia on its back!? Just about all the characters in the new screen shots seem to be suffering from impared dress sense, although Bao Dur appears to have aquired some cool shades. The guns with holo-display-rangefinders appear to be new.
  17. I would have much rather seen starship combat done in turn based rpg style rather than as a rather feeble minigame. Astrogate could reduce the chance of encountering hazards and enemies when in transit Pilot would reduce the chance of your ship being hit and help to avoid hazards Gunnery would determine the chance of hitting enemy ships.
  18. Does Plunging Neckline still function in Heavy Armor?
  19. I think in the ign preview one of the devs said that you can say you simply don't know and the game will move on from there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but in what way? You see, if select a gender, or DS/LS, it changes the story. How would NOT knowing change the story? That is the question. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The "don't know" option is for people who havn't played KotOR. I would guess it either has a defult setting (e.g. Revan male, DS ending) or it chooses at random, which would be good for players who like to preserve a a bit of additional mystery.
  20. They are waiting for bug reports to come in from QA.
  21. The Echani are elves, the Iridorians are orcs.
  22. I suspect the information in the chronicle will prove extremely relevent to TSL.
  23. UK, Currently Surrey, although I am officially known as "that rough Northener".
  24. Could you put all of that in english please? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a lot better than my Spainish, athough the spelling is dodgy (says Mr Dyslexic )
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