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About moreKOTORplz

  • Rank
    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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    KOTOR 3 and BEYOND
  1. hey when is this game coming out again?
  2. go USA yeahhhh "
  3. OBLIVION!!! trying to get onto GRAW but....OBLIVION!!!
  4. Dynasty era rule in china...never seen that before . I don't know, i think china missed its chance to change in the 80s with the soviets
  5. I predict i will not watch one game!
  6. I am afraid that won't be enough. The government spendings on border security in the past years have increased three fold only to see an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. Also Hades, if you check the numbers, a large portion (30~40%) of the illegal immigrants here are women and the majority of the illegals are family-oriented and hard-working people. Don't get the wrong impression that most of them are single men and are either gang members or drug dealers. Secondly, they do contribute positively to many industries here. I have no problem with cracking down on the criminals among illegal immigrants with harsh measures, but a guest-worker program seems necessary; otherwise, US would be hurting itself by driving away a part of its work force. (Our unemployment rate is still around a very healthy 5% mind you.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> blah blah tell that to the schools who get these idiot no good kids who can't read or write and have no desire to better society through eduation. And yes it is mexican directed, they are the only ones who don't want to follow the rules it seems.
  7. I'm all for a trade prop. For every immigrant that wants to come over the other country involved has to take all the pieces of crap we don't want in this country. No one outside the US should bitch about us wanting to police the world when we have to accomdiate so many of its freaking people. Or here is a thought why don't we just take over mexico and fix the freaking stink hole,oh i know why all the butt pirate mexicans will still want to live in california
  8. Now that isn't very nice. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> look at me i'm turning into hades :D . By E3 if i hear nothing i'm moving on, i'm to dam bored of talking about this game that will most likely not be made (at least in the relative future).
  9. glad to see everyone is still having fun talking about the same crap
  10. <_< great no news. I'm begining to believe this is never going to happen, oh well guess i have lego starwars 2 to look foward to...yeah
  11. wow don't mind the grammar, its time for bed
  12. it is a struggle, we have to here all the time how crappy are system is. The reason is just what you listed above, we focus on the morons and do nothings. When is a lost soul not worth saving anymore. I'm so sick of seeing these kids with no common sense or logic ruin schools and teachers that could do so much more then they are ALLOWED to do with these kids who are law suit hunters. I observe the culture of these students the rap or emo music, the attitude, the disrepect, and the utter waste of biomaterial and it sickens me. What pisses me off more is i have a lot of pride and i know there our tons of others that feel my pain. It just pisses me off to here nothing but criticism and bashing of everything american when at the heart of it are these people who don't deserve to needed space that we protect and shelter when we need to send them to the moon or these countries who complain about america. Arclam good points and well said, keep working hard in school so that you can add to the worth a dam people in this country.
  13. Another I hate about the US, minorities get too much benefits. Really. Mostly of these laws were put in place back in the 60s to prevent minorities from succeeding. There's a lot less racists now a days and if someone doesn't hire you or accept you, than you can always sue. Another thing, if you're in the top ten percent at your school you guaranteed to get into any state school. You could be in a school filled with druggies, it doesn't matter. The way I see it, is that it takes away other people's opportunity, people who have tried harder. Who do you think should get into UT(or your state's top school). Someone's who's grade's equal to about a 96 together (but is in the top 11%) or some druggie from Southeast Dallas (or your local slums) who maybe has a B- average. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> amen http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/story?id=1500338 just touched on your point, omg the dam slum minorities piss me off. Our teachers are boring, maybe because your too stupid to understand what is taught!!! Are kids aren't making the marks on the test, because they are dumber and lazier then what is demanded for growth! Oh by the way most educators in the united states are white... go figure that they get the blame!
  14. US 1) the masses of fat, lazy, and crazy people that choke your sanity with cries of unjustice at every turn 2) every GOD DANG thing has to be FAIR!!! wtf people absoultes are for 5 yr olds not adults 3) We are taught Darwins tenets but are unable to let natural selection take its course 4) how many lawyers does one country need? 5) Everyone wants to be a minority or a women so they can Bit## more at the white heterosexual man and suck the country down the toliet of so called progress without addressing the real issues. 6) Everyone wants to be a dam celebrity, hence everyone is phony 7) Why do we let so many people into the country that hate it in the first place? And why do we have so many people on welfare that hate the country? Femnazies 9) The KIDS omg the KIDS, as #4 points out let them swallow marbles or sniff glue so they don't pick people off with rifles on top of the freeway signs when they get older. 10)Add to infintiy... but hey god bless america
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