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About Thaudal

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  1. I'm wondering the same thing. Would love it if they gave us a date soon. It's a little weird to still have nothing more than "2021" for a DLC for a game from 2019.
  2. When will The Outer Worlds and its expansions launch on GOG?
  3. Somehow I completely missed that one - thanks a lot for sharing! Hmm, that sounds a bit weird that the character "snuck through" or was overlooked, and that you can't kill her because they're past VO deadlines. I wonder if she will just have unlimited hitpoints, or how it will be handled...
  4. That would make a lot of sense if that's the case. When you say AFAIK, do you have any sources on it, or is it just an assumption? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just trying to get a clearer picture of what's actually been said. I mean, I guess I kind of get that, but what gets me is that they have been telling every media outlet for months now that you can kill everyone, and now suddenly it sounds like that has changed to "at least one" - but I can't find any sources on it. So just trying to distinguish between what's rumor and what Obsidian and/or Private Division has actually said. So far, I can only find actual sources and quotes from a couple of months ago or more, stating that every NPC can be killed, but would like to know if there's anything to this newer, different version that some are reporting. Like, did someone from Obsidian or PD actually say this? Or did a journalist with a preview demo actually encounter such an NPC?
  5. So everything I've read about this game ever since it was announced states that you can kill ANY NPC in the game. Now, however, I am seeing/hearing various different sources claiming that there's "only 1 unkillable NPC", but no actual source is given. So which is it? Is it none, or one? Or perhaps even more? Here's one source claiming the "only 1 unkillable NPC" - at 09:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Q7V-kDGeY Here's another one: https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/481404474 Both are fairly recent, and most of the articles I can find (and have already read months ago) stating that anyone can be killed are fairly old. So maybe new information has quietly been shared with the press?
  6. I didn't say the problem was lack of warning. My point is that design like that does really not make for great incentive to play the game until everything is out. Which is just one out of several reasons for why, in my experience with Obsidian/Paradox it is actually much better to wait. While I haven't played it myself, it is my understanding that both the expansions for The Witcher 3 are designed in such a way that it does not matter how far along you are in the main game before you play them, so that something like White March doesn't happen. I could be wrong, but in any case, I think it's something to keep in mind when designing expansions like that, especially when they aren't due out for 6+ months after release. But at the end of the day, it is only one of several reasons.
  7. Eh, for me, a year may actually be a bit on the short side. But that has more to do with how Paradox does business which I learned the hard way with Pillars 1. I bought it on release day and started playing immediately. One thing was bugfixes and balancing patches, which meant that some of my key characters were nerfed hardcore halfway through my playthrough. Another thing is that the White March packs were designed in such a way that, if you had proceeded too far into the main story, you couldn't play them. Terrible decisions, in which you punish early adopters. Then, of course, at the end of all of it - when all patches and expansion packs had been released, they made the definitive edition, which had everything in one pack and for a much lower price. All of this has meant that, as much as I look forward to play Pillars 2, I still haven't purchased it. First because I wanted to wait until all expansions had been released, which in itself took quite a while after initial release (this time even more so, as there are 3 as opposed to 2). Now that they're all out and most bugs seems to have been fixed and all builds have been balanced (or at least won't be tampered with more), all that's left is to wait for the definitive edition on GOG so that I can be sure to buy everything in one go. With Pillars 2 being released early May of 2018, it will likely mean that it will have been over a full year at least from release to when I finally buy and play, because of patches, expansion and definitive edition. This is simply something Paradox has taught me. That it does not pay to buy early from them. So yeah... A year, maybe a bit more, actually seems about right. They'll have fixed all bugs, released all DLCs/expansions, and maybe even made available some sort of definitive edition. It's all good.
  8. Yeah, I know, you're right... I get it. Part of me also already knew that. And I do understand it. Obsidian is in a ****ty situation in that regard. Still just gave a bit of an awkward and pressed atmosphere in what was otherwise such a cool, funny and positive panel.
  9. Very true. I remember years ago, Josh Sawyer and other Obsidian developers were showing an early build of PoE at PAX as well. It was very similar - very casual and they were goofing around, stopping the game in the middle of the action just to enable bighead mode just for the **** of it. Good times. And I love to see them continue that way of doing things. In an industry ever growing with more carefully planned deceptive bull****, this comes across as very honest and what you see is what you get. In fact, just about the only thing about the entire presentation that, to me, was a bit of a downer, was how they just instantly expressed that they wouldn't even hear any questions regarding the Epic thing and that they were just so excited to work with their partners. That seemed like the typical industry bull****. And it was mostly just the mindset and attitude of "we don't even want to hear it, so don't even bother" before the presentation even began that rubbed me the wrong way. Had nothing to do with the game though. The game looks dope.
  10. I very specifically said peasant selling potatoes - as in, a vendor, not necessarily a farmer. Could have been a tailor if that suits you better (no pun intended). Anyway, getting a bit silly now and drilling way too much into semantics.
  11. Sure, but statgrowth and all the systems that goes along with it can vary a great deal from game to game (some can have it to the extremes you mention, while others can have basically none - and everything in between) - while an immortal NPC is always an immortal NPC. And honestly, if I am the big strong archetypical fantasy hero with biceps of steel and a greatsword longer than a giant, I do find it easier to believe that I will absolutely devastate the peasant selling potatoes in one hit - than him just shrugging it off. But at the end of the day, immersion (or lack thereof) is just one out of several things I like about it. I would still have to say that the main one for me personally is freedom. I like all layers of freedom (especially in RPGs) - this just happens to be a rather rare one that I cherish when I finally find a new game that has it (in addition to its other layers of freedom). Finally, it speaks volumes towards the developer not taking the easy way; it's very easy to make a pretty but very railroaded experience when you put limitations on the player. It's freaking hard designing a game as dynamic as an RPG to be beatable even if you kill key people. The sheer dedication for supporting such a novel feature and layer of freedom in and of itself is also something I can really respect, because it's so incredibly easy to go the other route, as most other developers do.
  12. People have tried, man. Then I exercised the freedom to kill random people in real life. The freedom is unmatched, I tell you! EDIT: But on a more serious note... NPCs that are literally immortal makes no sense to me, immersion wise or in any other way. Like, wow, you're literally unkillable... It is not I, but you who should be the one to go save the world, oh godlike merchant vendor of bread and fish!
  13. I absolutely loved it. For me it was one of the things that 100% assured me that I am definitely going to buy and very likely love the **** out of this game. For me, one of the key elements of freedom in an RPG is something as silly as being able to murder everyone if that's what you desire. I remember being quite excited about The Witcher 3 before it was released. I was at EGX in 2014 where CD Projekt Red were showcasing and taking questions. One of my questions were if you would be able to attack anyone, including random civilians. As soon as they told me no, that's where my hype and interest died. I realize I am very much in the minority here, but to me it is one of those extreme elements of freedom in RPGs, and there are so extremely few games that allow this. Seeing this in TOW filled me with pure disbelief... In the best way possible! The janky presentation just makes it all the more hilarious, honestly. I really don't care too much about the visual presentation. It's the story, mechanics, and level of freedom that makes or breaks it for me. I absolutely loved the presentation.
  14. Ah, that would explain it perfectly. Really hoping this to be the answer. What a relief!
  15. I saw the presentation and panel from PAX East. The game looks good and about what I expected. However, one thing has me a little worried. Seeing the main menu, there's this little item called "Deliverables". Now I know they did that awesome little tweet back in 2017 with Tim and Leonard where they said there would be no mtx or crates, but... With the recent backpeddling on other things (such as Steam availability), I can't help but worry. The main menu is shown as also having "Extras", so the "Deliverables" sounds a bit worrying. I'm hoping that it's just some sort of in-game thing like maybe new weapons showing as available from various corporations or something like that, and nothing like any sort of microtransactions. What do you think it could be?
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