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Posts posted by evilcat

  1. There is huge topic on PoE1 subforum https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86950-pillars-of-eternity-2-wish-list-and-suggestions/

    It seems that some request was already included like seadogs adventure, return of Eder, no medieval culture set, multiclass and some others i remember.

    I hope that OE has already set list of stretchgoals. Improvising could spoil the overall conception.

    Which means that PoE2 is already less open to big changes, but there is probably still some possible like stealth, VO, granades... stuff like that.

  2. I must say that i am more looking forward to english voice over, that would be big upgrade.

    Also there was nice idea of bilingual text, so we can learn some language and slay a few dragons.

    Also Spanish version would be nice, since there is enought walls to be build against them.

    There could be some official tool helping fan translations for any language.

    Portugalese, Hindu, Japan, China could be popular, not sure, what people there like.

    • Like 1
  3. It probably will not be that big deal. In DnD casters are not so good at multiclass, since your high level spells are probably better than anything other class can bring.

    There may be however some powerful dips, like 1 level chanter and stacking party songs.

    Paladin defenses buff is good. Also any form of sneak attack.

    But generallty good new. If i ever feel that fighter will be so much more fun with a bit of focus powers or 1/2 spells, here is the option. And best option is to have options.

    • Like 1
  4. It is more likely that Eoathas has return, and feels like got hammer in the head, so is a bit moody.

    Eder poster claimed that Eder god has return, and is not forgiving one.

    Not to mention that Eoathas is master reborn, and his power wasnt fully wiped out in PoE1, and Eora is generally driven by soul recycling.

    Not to mention that new incarnation of old god brings some good crpg memories. ;-

  5. Kickstarter isn't that of success lately. You guys think they should still continue with KS?

    There could be good reason kf KS being less popular: too many ks scams, eternal alphas and preorders. At one point players will get fed up with it.


    But what is success and recently? Divinity OS2 got 2m in '15, good enought.


    As for PoE2: every stupid 100k is 1800h of dev time. And there is always something to do, be it more copywrite, animation, AI... not to mention some bigger stuff like Voice Overs.


    And PoE2 probably had big chance for 1m+, since 1st one was game of the year material, and having same but bigger and better would attract.

  6. Not sure if pirates are main reason for lack of demos, that is more of excuse from publishers.

    There is enought reason from production point of view:

    • Need part of game which is very good. But you can understand it without everything.
    • Network speed vary, and casually downloading 5gb is not always possible.
    • Game cant be bugged at release (probably main reason)
    • Creating 1h official gameplay is cheaper and gives much more control
  7. I would not complain about demo at any name. 10h demo for wider audience. Fair enought.

    Definetly better than "we are not even giving press copies before release"

    It may be still possible that hours after 10th are horrible, but there is also fair amount of games where first hours already light the red bulb.

    • Like 1
  8. Pathfinder could be good, since it may attract dnd/pathfinder fans, or people who heard something and want to check it out.

    But i suppose there could be too much PoE clones, so that Pathfinder title need to be somehow different. Full 3D, turn base, or being more focused on co-op and player created content.

    There is also option to make it more action based, but that could be heresy for pen-a-paper and there was Neverwinter MMO which wasnt fully succesful (with action combat).

    Hard choice.

    Not to mention im also looking forward to some more modern times game with either mystery or futuristic spies

  9. I support that own IP could be generally better, since nobody else will screw it, we could make any number of sequels or mobile apps if that floats our boat (Deadfire hype).

    On the other side: any game from fallout will sell well, making big game for publisher is so much safer, and new IP which does not adress niche could not even get crowdfund money. :-(

    Shadowrun, Divinity, Numerea, Pillars, Wasteland... all adressed some retro feels for old games (also Bioware went EA). Campaign for Fallout: New Wasteland could be much harder these days :-(

  10. I can't help but compare Vailian Republics to Amn from BG2, they sound kinda similar being all merchant-y and all. It seems like a nice place to start a sequel - to get a ship to sail south to the Deadfire Archipelago. If that's where the main game will take place, that is.


    Btw, is there a map somewhere of the whole world of Eora? With all the continents and islands?

    Not sure if we will get whole map any time soon. As long as there is no horizon there will always be place for another continent for another sequel

  11. Dunno whether the Halo War count or not, but there will be a new sudden strike which exactly is a RTS. As for the whole genre, still can't say anymore...

    Dawn of War 3 will probably be well marketed. Also Ultimate General Civil War.

    In past years: Paradox Interactive games, Total War games, Homeworld Karak, Ashes of Singularity, Company of Heroes 2 was bestseller, Wargame series have some niche, War of Goo was not pile of poo.


    Game like Z could be a good idea, it was casual enought and cut off boring stuff. Just need some modern gimmicks like special abilities or hero units.

    Offworld Trade Company kinda did that.

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