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Posts posted by evilcat

  1. My list: Eder, Pallagina, Yennifer, Triss, Yarpen, Morigan, Alistar, Iron Bull (no homo), Varric, Garrus, Tali, Thane, Mordin, Verse. Grace, HK47, Vissas Marr, Minsc, Jan jansen, Glory Probably some others.


    Pattern: 1)Funny dwarfs 2) easygoing specialists with past 3)Loyal girls


    • Usuful in battle somehow
    • Something familiar... but with a twist
    • Text, alot of it
    • Banters
    • Imput during conversation (bonus information in natural way)
    • Why do we even partying together?
    • Quests
    • Bromance
    • Not being ****, loyality
    • Jokes

    Potencial: Companions who change a bit during joyurney

    Difference: Interesting companion to write or to play in party with?

  2. I think that there should be throwing weapons, like daggers, chakrams and so on. As some variant to ranged attack, Tyranny has throwing weapons, so the path is found. They could serve as shotgun option, shorter range, but relativly high impact.


    As for granades/bombs i view them as "what to do with all this defused traps?" So there could be an option to turn trap into throwing bomb of similar effect. It would work more like inventory item (scroll) consumable.

    With some feats to enhance for far throw, larger aoe, stronger impact.

    There could be a gimmick of bombs having travel path and time, so during lob something may happen, or they could bounce a little or something.

    (so fun to code haha)


    Granades, it would be blast to play.

  3. Not enought options, party of 2and3 make sense since we focus on player character and use companions as support. Party of 12 makes sense, since only this option give full tactical value. Everything less is just casual mode for chummers.


    Generally i prefer 4+ so i can have some freedom, but will wait with complains after play with 5.


    There is also field to improve, how interesting fights could be done. Can you translate the thrill of DarkSouls into poe mechanic?

    Can we have interactive background? Changing conditions?


    What if... we define some special attacks as Finishers, and if we perform them on unconsious enemies (frozen, tripped, stuned) we perform coup de grace on them killing instantly or dealing ton of damage? That would be more interactive than increase number of character.

  4. If you Devs could romances in the way they will be proud of it, sure why not.

    If our significant Eder got kidnaped to push plot futher, i could take that, so many games did it before player can used to.

    There is HUGE potencial in complex relations with companions which player choose. Bromance. Rivalry. Teacher. Family.

    Romances are fun if they have alot text with it. Just need narration dev who is able to do that.

    Love story comes in many tastes, not all cute sweet.

    Not all romances end on our sight.

    • Like 3
  5. I dont mind lv1, since early levels allow to joy over killed wolf or any magical item no matter how inferior it is end game.

    It could be easier for new folks to learn the game from level 1, when there is just a couple of spells/abilities.

    Forcing new players to level 16 levels just after character creation, and autoleveling is even worse, since it takes fun away.

    I hope for advanced start: if we beat game once, we can start new game at level 5, so can skip some early content.

  6. My spider senses are tingling...


    I think that If we reach $1.8M, there will be other two stretch goals like: "$2.0M something + spanish" and "$2.2M something + italian"  :blink:


    I hope it reaches $ 2.2M, I'm Italian  :biggrin:

    That sounds as good strategy. cRPG is so much easier if in familiar language.

    It is quite interesting which markets (languages) are promising, is Italian? What about Portugalese (Brazil is growing market). Would Deadfire have enought tentacles for Japansese taste? And so on. Interesting issue.

  7. What are the cost of VO in US? One page showd $1000 for 1h industrial usage. 1h is about 7,5k worls. Tyranny has 600k words.

    Are these estimation correct? Or are we speaking about no industrial usage, but more art, so need much better actors for that.

    The trick may be if PoE2 would be much bigger than Tyranny. Spending 100k on VO dosnt sound that bad, but 500k more on just 5m title... may be too much of audiobook production instead of developing.

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