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About teranosouras

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    New Zealand
  1. I noticed the same thing (here), if you buy the item and pick it up from your treasury the stats are actually there. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not and there's been no reply saying either way yet.
  2. Not a biggy, just something that's bothering me and should be a nice easy fix. Armor: Vengiatta Rugia The icon for it shows a blue set of armor (it should be red). Yet the item once equipped is clearly red. The item's fluff also says that it's red/maroon. As seen in the screenshot:
  3. Though if you had the same problem i had of opening the that central door, you have to advance to Act 2 by going to Defiance Bay and completing a quest to learn the language the spirits on level 13 speak. Which will allow you to learn what it is you need to say to get past that central door.
  4. When i wandering merchant appears at the stronghold to offer an item to sell, none of the stats are displayed on that item. So you have no idea just want it is that you're buying. Though if you buy it anyway and go pick it up from your treasury it then has the enchanted stats on it. Not sure if it's meant to be a type of gamble or it's a bug.
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  5. If you click the line in the combat log that says something along the lines of: Characters Ability: 2 hits, 4 grazes, 1 crit. It will expand to show the individual damage and hit, miss etc for each creature.
  6. So, strangely (or not so strangely) updating to the latest ATI driver's fixed the problem. I guess the change to fix the doors not opening with the fog of war must have changed a way that the stuff was drawn, causing my old drivers to suddenly not work. Feel free to close/delete this thread if you wish. Or leave it up for anyone else googling the problem.
  7. Current Content Build ID: 579590 What's gone done got broked? After downloading the latest patch on steam (It was ~578mb) and then loading up my game, i immediately noticed my characters feet were pink and any of my characters obscured by something, such as my rogue half behind the gate, and his pet dragonling. Weird, but i thought it might go away. Walked off and entered scouting/stealth mode and suddenly all my entire party turned a shade of pink. I tried changing areas and restarting the game, and also playing with the graphics settings but to no avail. Here are my current settings: So going back into the game and deciding to just play on i discovered it also occurs on items (aka dead bodies yet to be looted) on the ground where there shadow would normally be and also on NPC's as they entered/left the fog of war. Though i forgot to screenshot those. Then i opened my map to quickly move somewhere and saw this: Eww... It stayed like that as i moved around and had the same strange... stuff, all over it on other maps too. Though when you moved the mouse over either a character or a map marker it changed to this: Have attached a DxDiag and the output log. I know i'm not currently running the latest drivers for my graphics card, but i'm still using the same drivers/setting i was using yesterday before this patch and while i was having no graphical glitches like this, so i don't imagine that that is actually the issue unless something major was changed to affect the way model/spite shading works in the latest patch. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
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