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About bman654

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Yeah, there's that with one or two enemies attacking the tank and the rest of the enemies in a line behind. example: But I'm actually talking about ring around the rosey. Example: I had a better example but forgot to save the screen shots as my ranged characters were nearly against my tank but the enemies kept targeting my tank. Also, my other characters aren't wearing any armour. I was able to move my other characters down below the crane and mop up all the wizards and continue around and then help out the tank. Pretty easy fight when the enemy concentrates on one character (tank) and ignores the rest of your party. Hopefully a modder will put in some enemy AI scripts to attack more than one person. Okay, I have a better example below. Following the yellow arrow, Lady Valtas completely ignores my other party members who aren't wearing any armour and goes around and attacks my tank. I'm not even trying to exploit the A.I. FYI I just uploaded IEMod 1.11 where I've attempted to improve this. The AI is more proactive about switching to a different target when it is having trouble reaching its current target. There are still times when an enemy will just inexplicably stand there doing nothing--I've not yet tracked down the cause of that. But it does seem to play less ring-around-the-rosey now.
  2. Good idea. I'll see if that's possible. It would be easier than figuring out how to add a walk/run toggle button
  3. Silly me. I thought BitBucket sent emails to the repo owner when a pull request was opened...
  4. Indeed. I've not quite finished it enough to merge in, but essentially when a new patch comes out... Copy new game dll into build folder Switch to original-game branch Switch build configuration to LOADGAMEPATCH Compile Run It grabs all of the unmodified game functions the mod is modifying from the new patch and updates the source code back to the "pristine" version (It uses ILSpy to extract the unmodified source code) Use Hg Diff to examine the changes and revert the unimportant ones Commit and tag Switch to default branch Merge original-branch into default branch Mercurial will merge the mods with the new versions of the code. Since the mods are built as changes from the previous version, auto-merge should do a fairly good job of updating the mod for the new version Build and run to generate new modded library I should finish it later tonight and get it checked in.
  5. I've implemented a "walking when not in combat" mod (because I assume you don't mind running once combat starts ). Rather than building it stand-alone (and thus incompatible with IE Mod), I've incorporated it into the IE Mod. It should be available once Bester accepts the submission.
  6. For those of you unhappy with the need to walk slowly to be able to detect hidden objects, I've just made a mod to "fix" this. With the mod, Stealth Mode uses the normal run animations. Currently only supports Windows and not compatible with the IE Mod. When I get more time, I'll figure out how to incorporate it into the IE Mod. Get the mod from Nexus.
  7. I just made a mod to "fix" this. With the mod, Stealth Mode uses the normal run animations. Currently only supports Windows and not compatible with the IE Mod. When I get more time, I'll figure out how to incorporate it into the IE Mod. Get the mod from Nexus.
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