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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Oh, hey, that worked! Gracias.
  2. I appreciate that script issues never are what you'd want them to be, so yeah, I made those comments fully expecting it might not all be possible. If you wanted to add more space you could add an underground floor, btw, using the existing 'sewer hatch' asset, no? Anyway, happy to proofread your dialogue for future mods if you want. Finished my 4th NCR-Energy playthrough. I released Raul after his quest then Arcade left after his quest, so was all alone in shiny power armour shooting it up with the Gauss Rifle near the end. Decided to take out Cottonwood Cove on my own - very satisfying to pick out a good spot at the outlook and start sniping them down. Spotted Cursor Lucullus with about 5 legionaries bunched up at the dock, one headshot and the perk-based explosion chain took them all out into the sea. Pity I couldn't see all of the ending due to a crash, wanted to see how Arcade would end up. Feeling a bit done with it now after 150 hours but probably will come back once DLCs & mods come out. Funny thing, FNV makes me want to play the originals again....
  3. Well, 1.2's actually made my game slightly buggier I think. The Cowboy Repeater bug where the gun wouldn't fire - I didn't have it, but now it's on half my guns at random times, and the game crashes at the endgame slides. All the quests worked fine though. Hrm.
  4. Lexx, I've played Warehouse War House. I like it, but it definitely is pretty rough at the moment. It's feedback bonanza time! Writing: Generally good, I think currently it's let down by a mix of grammatical errors and awkward writing - if those are cleaned up it would fit in very well with the rest of FNV. I've given you detailed comments on this below. As for the story, again, I think the core idea about what happened to Tap-Trap & his old buddy coming to put him down is good, but I don't think it was utilised enough in the quest as the player experiences it. 1) T-T's anger about Felix is really only expressed in one line (it's his fault i was kicked out) or so - because he's presented as wacky instead of bitter it doesn't really come through that much; 2) Once you kill Felix for T-T there's no regret or introspection or anything, just 'kthxbye', and finally 3) I suppose it was intentional that there's no option to try and persuade T-T to give up the Fiend life? No problem with making that not possible, but would be nice if the player got to try it. Combat: I saw that you can't take the quest until late game so was pleasantly surprised by how difficult it can be to put down a dozen fiends in a very smal space, if you have to watch out for allies as well. However, I don't think FNV is very good for having such a messy chaotic sort of battle; 1) on not-so-good comps the heavy concentration of people, corpses, etc means lag; 2) in a very cluttered and tight space I encountered lots of collision problems with fiends disappearing into thin air, or into the wall, etc - the engine's weaknesses are maximised here; 3) the script seems to only have the NCR troops enter the fiend building, not follow the player or go for T-T. I had to reload 4 times to get this to work because the debris directly in front of the door would contribute to collision problems, the NCR troops might start going in and out of the door, or they might not react at all and just stand there in the warehouse while I fight the fiends. I think if you kept the same setup, but made the warehouse twice as big (still in corridor format), and then had the NCR guys follow you (like how the vanilla game usually does it) you'd have more success. Perhaps you wanted to design a more messy chaotic battle, but especially indoors I think the engine/game isn't so good at it. Level Design: apart from making it larger for combat, as above, I thought it was nice to look at. Good cluttered lived-in feel and good use of existing assets. The corpse on the mattress on the wall when you enter looks a little odd though. No complaints here. Bugs: I tried both sides (kill T-T or Felix) and found a few bugs. Apart from how the big fight can get buggy due to collision, I also had; When you persuade felix to leave, you can use Terrifying Presence successfully even if you don't have the perk. When you start fighting Felix outside, some Fiends rushed out of the warehouse to attack both me and the NCR. As aforementioned, T-T & Fiends can sometimes just fight me and ignore the NCR, while the NCR also ignores them. Dialogue Fixes: General Comments: -I'd say make more use of contractions - it's the wasteland and it's the fiends but everyone sounds a bit bookish sometimes. "I cannot sell you the drugs" to the doorguard (Barter option) in particular is very silly. Initial felix dialogue: -First line: "military NCR" -> "NCR military" -Felix introduces himself: "I've heard" -> "I heard", "I responded with troops" -> "I gathered up some troops", "I've tracked" -> "tracked" -Describes fiends: "A few fully pumped" -> "Some fully pumped" (it would sound odd if someone was saying a few fully pumped out loud) -On T-T: "to abuse drugs" -> "load up on drugs" (the bookish thing) -On killing T-T: "it is a sad move" -> change to something else, 'sad move' sound weird; "he became" -> "he's become", "last months" -> "last few months" Doorman dialogue: -[Combat] you will DIE!:" -> "YOU will die!" -[barter] I cannot sell you the drugs" -> "I can't..." Tap-Trap dialogue: -Felix, I assume?: "Lee has send out" -> "Lee's sending out" -On NCR troops: "It went down quick" -> "They went down quick" -On avenging his family: "i've done the most obvious" -> "So I did the most obvious" -[speech] You still didn't told me -> "...tell..." Oxford: -Couple of times "didn't you" is used, should be "did you" Felix again -Where's Hanning? "I've send him to the doctor" -> sent -"As you might have heard already, heavy infantery..." typo Take or not take the feedback as you will, personal opinion obviously. Anyway, it was quite fun nevertheless, good job Lexx and hope you make more.
  5. Sir-Tech?
  6. You don't think that peasants would say "hey, hang on, maybe we should target the lightly armoured target who is capable of attacking from range that also seems to be using powerful magic"....? What I'd like to have seen was a simple AI category where animals and such attack randomly and also are likely to turn on wheover hits them, while organised humanoid enemies are trained a bit, so, for instance, their archers will target your mages. Oh well...
  7. Apparently you do need it on startup, though. In which case, I'm not yet interested, Ubisoft.
  8. Sorry to hear that, looks like it's a more general problem - hopefully you can keep it around and try it on a different PC or get a replacement copy.
  9. But then somebody would have to take care of the dogs and such, no? It would be tricky whatever happens, though perhaps you can work something out GD. Even if you let this one go sooner or later you'll get another offer like this.
  10. Here you go, Normal, Recruit, Professional then Suave answer. Hope that works... Place the .sav in my docs/alpha protocol/apgame/checkpoints, and the .dat in .../metadata.save.zip
  11. This is what real men are like, ladies. Listen to the man.
  12. It's not any different in the humanities by and large Gorth, and if you cornered most academics about this they would confess taht they'd feel without going through those motions they know are rather farcical, they'd feel they were risking their career and even their livelihood by strangling themselves out of the funding tubes. Kind of disturbing that I've realised this already, but it's good - now I'm even more determined to not end up a pure academic.
  13. It won't be your computer not being good enough, no. That's the unfortunate thing about PC games, that depending on the computer, sometimes some games will have problems - Alpha Protocol, ME2, etc. Jerky camera/mouse and fps improvements are generally fixable issues with several tricks mentioned in this forum, e.g; http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=55163 http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=55140 http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...p;#entry1036075 etc. hopefully the hard crashes aren't too frequent, and you should be able to get it working better.
  14. Yeah, the "works first time but not since" is a weird, weird thing in the world of PC games... :/ OK. You can set your appearance & change skillpoint distribution after that point, but since you need to decide whether to be Recruit, Veteran or whatever, can you tell me what settings you want your Mike to start with, and what kind of dialogue options to choose in the initial conversation? (or if you don't care?) I should be able to give you a savefile to try within 24 hours or less.
  15. Yes, I mean return it for another copy. I'm not familiar with Amazon's policies but they should have something in place...? Copying the files to hard drive - you could just copy & paste, but a more reliable way is to create an iso file, yes, then unpack that into a folder on your HD then installing it from there. Anything to try and make sure it's not the DVD or DVD reader mucking it up, or that the files on the DVD themselves aren't corrupted in some way. Unfortunately data2.cab would be a large file containing a lot of compressed files so it won't be easy to tell if it's a specific file causing the problem.
  16. Searchlight is very easy to get lost in for me, esp. because of the pressure of radiation - if you don't have the Radical perk you have to burn through at least two dozen radaways. The ifrst playthrough I found neither Logan's gang nor the ghoul trooper, and got nothing out of the place. Yeah you know about legion doing it somehow right off the bat, but I felt the kind of 'salvage work' you do was quite well done - it really has a nice original Fallout vibe, similar to the Vaults, without being overdone. I like the fact that in some places in FNV, you don't end up getting the whole story neat & tidy with a big revelation.
  17. Well, I certainly never saw that fire axe. I thought you find out plenty of what happens when you piece it together, without need for a big reveal - thought that was the point, you pick up little hints about NCR guys being worried about weird happenings and diverted supplies, other NCR guys have no idea, then you realise it was a Legion infiltration mission that ends with a big boom (and you see the dead guys with their orders).
  18. Continue.
  19. Ze thread, it iz too longue!
  20. Level 13 and doing the Searchlight area before going up through Boulder City into the Strip area. The ghoul-infested old nuclear site nearby is a real reloadfest, even with Raul - in the end I sat down and threw in Buffout, MedX, Psycho, Rebound and Turbo like a druggie before throwing down a few tons of incinerator fuel. I still can't quite figure out what types of ammo are effective against ghouls, except for power fists and the like. Searchlight and Nipton are probably the most 'atmospheric' areas in FNV...
  21. Jerky camera movement is often related to mouse smoothing and a few other settings that can be adjusted in the .inis and such - it's been a frequent issue, search this forum and check the stickies. As for the hard crashes, unfortunately we don't have a lot on this one at the moment.
  22. That's fairly broad, but with a hard crash like that I guess it's the usual answers - verify file integrity (if Steam), reinstall, check drivers, etc. I could also give you a savefile just beyond that point and see if it's something weird glitching up there, if you like.
  23. CRC errors are generally related to file integrity - if you got the hard copy recently the easiest way might just be to get a replacement version? You could also copy files to the hard drive then try.
  24. Friendly fire linked to difficulty is not a huge problem in itself, because Bioware combat is normally fairly pedestrian on anything lower than Hard and if you're wanting challenging tactical combat you're probably playing on something with FF anyway. It's Gaider's faux pas talkin about people being too stupid for FF... to be honest, it really seems as if the camera restriction & FF restriction go hand in hand.
  25. I helped Cass but I think as a male player, what's different? 4th energy/NCR playthrough now heading towards Boulder City. I took the back route from Hidden Valley, dodged some Giant Radscorpions with theri insane DT then snuck into Black Mountain (using a Locksmith's Reader for the back gate then a stealth boy) to recruit Raul. Now I can do his quest & hear his talk for the first half, then grab Arcade Gannon for the second. I think he's a bit OP for where I am now, though - he's meant to be pretty geriatric with his pistol but even with the patch he's a bit too strong if you get him at lvl10. Energy weapons are pretty fun, by the way. It's hard to tell the difference between some of them (Laser RCW? Plasma Pistol v. Rifle v. Defender? Recharge Pistol v. Rifle?) but it'll also be fun to try overcharge ammo and such. I'm using the Pointiac mod, which restores double skill points for tags but reduces skill points per level & starting points.
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