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About durbal

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  1. I enjoyed Serpent in the Staglands. The combat system becomes broken when you can get attack speed down to 0.01 and such, but it's a solid game in my opinion. Age of Decadence is all kinds of awful. Just terrible, terrible design. It makes me want to vomit when I think about it.
  2. Camping supplies ARE limited. There isn't an infinite supply of them. What game are you playing? Camping supplies respawn at vendors.
  3. man sounds like the game just hasn't really sucked you in. I highly doubt you play on super hard settings. Why power game it and complain about it. Don't respect characters, I wasnt even aware of this option and i'd never use it. Load your party with companions you like regardless of classes. NEVER go back to town to restock. ROLE PLAY. Play as a character, that's what I do the game is perfect for that. Camping supplies seems like 2 or 4 is a barren wasteland when u dont go back into town during an adventure. I highly doubt after u break into a place u could leave for a week and come back. So I dont play that way. a person wouldnt just change stats and skill set over ... so i dont play that way. An easier quest option by selecting a dialogue contrary to my character.... I dont click it. play the game like a table top RPG and you'll have more fun. I have 250 hours in the game playing on hardest setting (no expert because all it does is add tedium). Most were played when the game had a design vision and before I found other games that actually made me choose strategies and provided actual challenges within well-defined game rules. Crazy really, the idea that games exist where a player is challenged by the developer rather than himself and so accomplishments actually feel like accomplishments -- where unexpected things can occur that force me to re-think my strategy rather than spamming Slicken.
  4. PoE is pretty boring because there's never any real challenge. Every fight is more or less the same, resources are unlimited, and with endless respecs (why even make them cost gold?) there's never really any strategy, adventure,or even character identity. It's just load area -> kill stuff -> load next area. I've wanted actual limited camping supplies for some time now and Obsidian seems to be going in the opposite direction in terms of design and it makes me sad. Edit: I can't believe there are actually people in this thread acting like camping supplies are limited. The only limit is your patience for waiting to load a town then an interior before continuing to play the game.
  5. It just happens whenever the effect procs. Sometimes the character can still attack but can't cast spells, sometimes they can do nothing. It's weird. Restarting the game fixes it.
  6. The 'move while engaged' option has existed for a few versions. Pathfinding wasn't this bad when it was introduced.
  7. Didn't they upgrade the engine? Could've sworn. Regardless, performance is terrible.
  8. There's a framerate limiter in the game options. Make sure that it's not set really low. Otherwise, when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del what CPU/memory resources does it show the game using? Finally, do you have issues with any other Unity engine games?
  9. I don't know if it's because of White March Part 2 or the upgrade to Unity 5, but load times and general performance is terrible at the moment. I assume it's due to Unity 5 since the game seems to start loading assets as they appear/are used, resulting in horrendous slowdowns until the assets are loaded into memory. Entering new areas, for example, tends to make this especially apparent. What's especially weird is despite that the engine seems to try to load things on the fly, the load times I've been experiencing are at least twice as long as they were before the engine upgrade.
  10. I've had this same issue. PoE combat is getting to be really tedious since party members tend to just 'stutter' in place and I have to manually move each one a few feet to get them to actually move where they should. I don't remember it ever being this bad (or really, bad at all).
  11. As long as the rest system is broken this doesn't matter at all. The rest system is integral to Vancian casting and other large fundamental parts of the game as well (combat fatigue, Athletics, some consumables, etc.) yet it remains untouched and it so obviously sloppy and unfinished.
  12. Just loaded up a POE save, figured I'd do the Adra Dragon fight. Reloaded twice because my Petrify and Paralyze spells didn't hit. Closed the game. Not in the mood to do this reload crap when I wanna just play a game.
  13. No, I mean to use the word 'trivial'.
  14. Posted this in the bugs forum a while back. It's doing an extra 50% damage that's almost always blowing right past damage reduction because the Crush damage is benefiting from Soul Whip. Yes, it's crazy OP and makes the game trivial.
  15. The chant when the White Forge was refired was perfect. Loved it.
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