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About adzd

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    In a galaxy not too far, far away, but pretty close
  • Interests
    Whenever i lick a camel, i get horny.
  1. its pretyy hard to notice it at all.
  2. that never happened to me... or maybe it did. whatev.
  3. i love it when people ask obvious questions
  4. why? kavar wasnt so bad... vrook sucked thoough, he needed to die painfuly
  5. or if you already have the 3rd level of both those powers, then all you get is DS points.
  6. nice capitalization of "Standing" for no apparent reason.
  7. you can go to korriban hidden tomb and repeatedly spawn hssis and get to level 50, its reallly easy if you put everything on that modifies wisdom, and use force storm over and over agian and you can level up once every minute.
  8. he sould have had it slow and painful.
  9. why would she want the end of the force? isnt everything "connected" to the force in some wierd way? wouldnt that kill everything?
  10. or sometimes it glitches and makes kreia gray (like always) usually light people dark, and usually dark people light. they get the masteries, if they have force.
  11. are you sure kreia actually says that he was a lightsaber master, i thought that she only said that he was master at melee stuff.
  12. all new people would be better.
  13. he nver says anything anyway.
  14. blood good. hulk smash.
  15. and so does every other game.
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