Define "many". A PC game is bound to have bugs upon release, much of it due to the fact that you have to account for different hardware and OS configurations. Are the current bugs "game-breaking" in the true sense of the word, as is the case with a lot of games nowadays? Not by a long shot.
By many, I understand, that I cannot play anymore, because I can't travel from one destination to another and I cannot save my game, because it makes it crash.And also there are this problems with buffs, cloaks not displayed, etc etc.
Are you using a 32bit version of Windows by any chance? How much RAM do you have?
Regarding the "other problems" that you mentioned - your character model not displaying an equipped cloak is hardly game breaking.
I'm not saying that it's not frustrating - everybody has a different threshold for annoyances, however, I think everybody should take a step back, take a deep breath and dial back the drama a bit.
MacBook Air, 8gigs of ram, core i7.
Crashing during save and transitioning between location is game breaking.