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About okamimiyazaki

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  1. This is still an issue and it appears to be an issue with locks at lock pick difficulty level 15 only - so there is one in Treasure Trove, Fleet Master's Office, two at entrance of Crookspur (in the picture), and one in Deck of Many Things. All the loot in the chests are from the vendor and can be purchased with money anyway with the exception of the Fleet Master's Office, which just has a flag in it. It's still an annoying bug, though.
  2. POTD isn't locked on my playthrough either. No idea if that's intended or not and I can find no information about it. I can easily switch between POTD and any other difficulty.
  3. The game doesn't do epic dungeons well on higher difficulties. You attrition too fast. They'd have to sprinkle in way more resting kits. Or you'd be leaving a dungeon every level or so to grab more kits. Yea, I was worried about that when I read about the resting limit (per camping equipment) before the game came out. : /
  4. I agree. I was very underwhelmed and confused. I was sure there would be some big twist or sudden realization that just made everything fall into place but it never came. It was kind of a mess, to be honest. The final dungeon was not exciting at all. Definitely agree with you there, too. Well, there really weren't any epic dungeons in the entire game, except the one under the stronghold. Maybe we'll get a more exciting plot and bigger dungeons in the expansion(s).
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