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About Brimsurfer

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist
  1. Hi does this game have aim assist on consoles? Someone told me that gun play on consoles is not very good because aiming is virtually impossible with a controller in absence of aim assist, is this correct? I have both, a strong gaming PC and PS4 Pro. I myself prefer M & K/b for FPS (RPGs). However I wanted to get this one on my PS4, to be able to play this in my living room and share the game time with my family. But if aiming is an issue on PS4 then I would rather get it on PC. Pls advise
  2. To OP, no point in criticising anything about this game on this forum, its teeming with fanboys and 5 year olds... Come to reddit to have meaningful discussions and to get realistic and useful tips about strats and builds........ This game's difficulty curve and scaling is badly messed up as the devs failed to manage it properly, its a known fact so there is no point in wasting any breath about this......many gaming websites have also highlighted this in various articles and online shows......
  3. Well? Only the highest, highest level of detail has been provided about the game thus far, and I assume a lot of that has to do with the fact that there's a publisher in the picture this time. It might be a while before you get any information about the religious leanings of the game world. We still don't even know if this is going to be a real time vs. turn based game, 2D vs. 3D, Isometric vs. some other perspective. We're a powerful evil guy though... so likely not going to be making attending Sunday morning church services too great of a priority. Well the Devs, surely know, they can say either 'Yes' or 'No' to what I asked, not asking them to divulge any more than that....... Honestly, not looking forward to suffer any pontification from Josh and his people about their personal convictions, this time around.........PoE final act was a bad enough experience already.... There is nothing wrong with being evil, I have played evil characters in other RPGs and served evil gods and enjoyed it very much but my problem is when someone start shouting their personal convictions in my ear, pushing me into the dark narrow corridors of their personal ideologies with no windows or doors to an alternate or opposing thought system. PoE final act was literally a horror in this regard, definitely not looking forward to go through such horror all over again....... That is why I asked what I asked and would sure love to know the answer with either a 'Yes' or a 'No', don't care about any details.
  4. I hope not, but if it is then people must know...... EDIT: I just hope you guys don't roll with another pulpy cliche posing 'Gods / Deities as Tyrants' in this one lol.
  5. i think its more about how confrontational his tone is which, if you were wondering, is what makes a troll a troll Beyond just macho swagger I don't understand why people feel the need to trash games for being WAY TOO EASY BRO when I'd say about 95% of the people who play this game find it plenty challenging. So you've mastered it. Move on, do something else. Stop acting like its the game's fault. I'd love to see a chess master moan about how easy chess is. OP is right, specially after WM release the game is piss easy, those atheists messed up badly on difficulty curve in this game and someone who did not play this game before WM, is pretty much going to be dumbfounded by absolutely crappy difficulty scaling in this game......
  6. Is this game also going to based on an anti-theist world?
  7. Don't try to make sense of things in this game, there is just so much out of place.......just play it with your mind's eye closed.
  8. Because its awesome to see your characters intelligently moving / manoeuvring around the battlefield, and you know that you made it happen by setting a particular combination of strategies. Its not like a movie at all. It imparts an enormous sense of accomplishment and fulfilment to the user / player.....it makes you think about countering enemy moves in advance and prepare yourself for upcoming battles in unique ways, it also allows the game to offer players more difficult and challenging encounters (as it provide devs more room and options to play with) and allows the players to have an excellent tool to better manage these intelligently designed superior challenges. Can't imagine why anyone would consider current AI setting options sufficient for this kind of game, most of the settings are dumb and make you waste your spells / abilities in one way or another. One should never do anything half-ass, either give us a comprehensive AI strategy setting system, or don't do it all. I normally keep the AI settings turned off at all times, i even forgot that it exists, its simply that bad. Not sure why its so 'completely beyond you'? There must be a lot that goes beyond you, I am guessing... Thats funny Brimsurfer, for someone who has like 4 threads running where you refuse to change your opinion about something and repeat the same arguments over and over to rile up the other members, I assumed you were our resident forum user for whom things are completely beyond understanding. As for the AI, I think pathfinding could have been resolved better, but I dont really need a beefy AI. I agree that Dragon Age's AI system was FUN to play with, but I ultimately exercise to much control to care if such a system is implemented again. Thanks for the reminder of that AI system, I kinda miss it, might visit Dragon Age again. If DA:O was your only and best experience with such an AI system then I don't know what to say to you......... P.S. First paragraph of your post is misguided and has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
  9. Because its awesome to see your characters intelligently moving / manoeuvring around the battlefield, and you know that you made it happen by setting a particular combination of strategies. Its not like a movie at all. It imparts an enormous sense of accomplishment and fulfilment to the user / player.....it makes you think about countering enemy moves in advance and prepare yourself for upcoming battles in unique ways, it also allows the game to offer players more difficult and challenging encounters (as it provide devs more room and options to play with) and allows the players to have an excellent tool to better manage these intelligently designed superior challenges. Can't imagine why anyone would consider current AI setting options sufficient for this kind of game, most of the settings are dumb and make you waste your spells / abilities in one way or another. One should never do anything half-ass, either give us a comprehensive AI strategy setting system, or don't do it all. I normally keep the AI settings turned off at all times, i even forgot that it exists, its simply that bad. Not sure why its so 'completely beyond you'? There must be a lot that goes beyond you, I am guessing...
  10. game play is good but writing in this game is entirely bogus and unrefined and the world philosophy is flawed and has wholes in it......doesn't feel like a proper professional and finished product in some regards.... .
  11. ^ that's what I said, I have realised that Paladins in this game are not my cup of tea, I find them disappointing.....IMO its a very bad class design, although people may disagree and that's fine with me, but some how people are not fine with this....... I just wished that Paladins were some how viable, but I find them useless.........and I want to play many classes, 'nobody has any right to tell me that if I don't like a class then I should play another....', and whoever thinks that they can say this to me, I'll tell them to F themselves..........you did not pay out of your pocket and bought me this game, I paid my good money for this game so I had some expectations from this product, it passed in some regards and it failed in some....... but for some reason people on this forum only want to hear good things about this game and any criticism is greeted with evil scorn....... but still if I don't like something about this game, I will make sure to post it here and fanboys will just have to deal with it........
  12. Pallegina Order Abilities > Protagonist Orders Abilities And you get Sacred Immolation at level 13, that's way too late, that's almost near the end of the game and so we can safely say that protagonist paladin is pretty much reduced to zealous aura and the exhortation.......and honestly i don't find exhortations appealing....... so its basically zealous aura that they are sort of good for......I find this class quite underwhelming, don't see any reason to play it..... I think its a bad class design, some think its good but I find it quite bad and unappealing.............not my cup of tea, an utter disappointment for me......
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