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Everything posted by CoM_Solaufein

  1. Fallout New Vegas. I'm getting ready to head into Dead Money.
  2. Fallout New Vegas. Less crashy. I like FNV because it reminds me of the original two. It helps they used some of the old ambient music with this. Plus I can play the radio on the pipboy which I couldn't in F3. F3 it was statically. Must be a Windows 8.X thing because I could play it on Windows 7 and XP. Ah yes, damn you Obsidian, now I like Western music thanks to FNV.
  3. May have to start a new game of New Vegas instead. I'm not going to take these hard crashes in Fallout 3 for too much longer.
  4. Fallout 3 still. Miss having Marts Mutant Mod. I liked the challenges it brought. But I believe it caused crashes in my previous games. I would have crashes around spawn points in the game.
  5. Taking a break from all of your worries and my psychotic companions.
  6. Now that its officially confirmed, that sucks.
  7. If that is the case he hasn't been demoted yet. http://forums.obsidian.net/user/13-chris-avellone/
  8. Fallout 3. I cut down on the amount of mods I usually install. Also installed the unofficial patch. Only had one crash, an unusual one I never had before. I was about to click on Moria to talk to her and the game froze. I really hope they aren't using that POS crash happy Gamebryo engine again.
  9. Went from Fallout, to Fallout 2 and now thanks to the Fallout 4 hype, just started a game of Fallout 3.
  10. Best news I heard all week. Now release it ASAP! Waited too long for this game.
  11. I think Interplay still owns the assets. I don't recall them being sold at their fire sale auction when they filed for bankruptcy.
  12. Fallout 2 with the restoration mod. I don't remember there being a residential area in the Den. Must be the mod added that.
  13. Isn't that resolution a tiny bit too much? I'm using that high resolution mod. Its at 1280*720 windowed. You sure about this? The interface looks way too tiny for 1280x720px. To compare, this is me with a resolution of 1280x720px: Your screenshot is a truckton wider. The mods configuration says its at 1280*720 but on the screen shot it says 2560*1017 which is close to my system's resolution of 2560*1080. Strange
  14. I tried as well, I couldn't get past the rat king thing .. the combat and interface is sooo clunky. Tried to play the old games a couple of years ago and grew bored with them quickly. I've been spoiled by the rich 3D games and some of the newer 2D games.
  15. Isn't that resolution a tiny bit too much? I'm using that high resolution mod. Its at 1280*720 windowed.
  16. And to think the original Mad Max cost around $650,000 and Road Warrior around 2 mil.
  17. I'm not concerned about it. The studio will get their money back as time goes on and when the movie is released in other markets.The movie has mostly favorable reviews.
  18. Why wouldn't you play the EE editions? Best thing to happen to those old dinosaurs.
  19. One thing I never understood about these Mad Max movies, if gasoline is such a rare commodity, why are they driving around in these big muscle V8s with blowers and nitrous on them? Doof Warrior, guitar guy, has become one of my favorites. There is explosions going off, bullets flying, people getting run over, cars blowing up and this dude keeps on jamming to the guitar as if nothing is happening around him. He's in his own little world.
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