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About Knights&Darths

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  1. Hey, welcome, not to worry, you just have to tell him and he'll give you a reward for each planet you stabilized or destabilized. That is if you didn't decline the offer of credits, which by the way makes you lose influence with him.
  2. Are you talking about the floating red numbers or the damage breakdown where you see the type of damange (Ion/Energy/Cold.) Either way what's weird is that you say it used to show up and now it doesn't.
  3. Yep, sounds like a bug.
  4. Or not. I actually loathe TOR graphics, so if that's what they would go for, count me out. On KotOR models it's the textures that stick out the most, the art, not that overly smooth shiny glowy **** I couldn't even bring myself to play.
  5. So do you ever use these abilities? I think they're kinda cool, but of little use, the game is way too simple to beat, especially due to the crappy programming of creature AI.
  6. Here's the latest trailer, I released it on my channel a couple days ago. By now it should be on deadlystream.com as well.
  7. Just go neutral after you get the prestige class, and after you've visited the tomb of Ludo Kressh, or you will miss those.
  8. I have my own channel about KotOR, the images in my signature are from the vids. Some of the best rated are of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence, and one about . There is also about Atris and Katarr, and some romance vids on and .
  9. I'll be glad to see it as part of a larger whole For those who wish to take a look at that little bit, here's a couple of vids, I hope you like'em. They've been on YouTube for a while now, but here it is: SPOILER WARNING
  10. Are you sure? Then why the other feat? Must be a bug, I didn't know about it.
  11. Having very low influence with the good guys also allows you to train them. As Kreia says: "Your mere presence serves as an example to them - of something to uphold, or something to fight against."
  12. Here they are: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Quote:Kreia...27s_predictions
  13. You don't have a lightsaber?
  14. Did you know Nihilus had dreadlocks under his hood? It's on the Hasbro Sith Evolutions Set: The KotOR Campaign Guide states that he had become a shell devoid of flesh and that mask, robe, and lightsaber were kept together with the Force just to give him a form. This is a piece of promo art for TSL showing a clearly flesh and blood arm: Then there is this ongoing comic series based on KotOR. Zayne Carrick, the protagonist, is thought by many to be Nihilus' former self. I personally liked the idea of Zayne becoming Nihilus, but I don't picture him wearing dreadlocks. Throw in this empty shell bull**** and it feels like nothing makes sense no more. I would ask Avellone if I weren't sure he's not making comments on this sort of thing, or JJ Miller, the guy who's writing the comics.
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