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Everything posted by MarwinElMaco

  1. Really really great! Thank you MCA!
  2. Isnt Fallout 3 based on UE 3?
  3. funcroc our superspy here at the forums. Should be put in the game.
  4. I think LA knows all too well that the fans are craving for K3, they just ignore it.
  5. They can start make ice cream! Look what Bio did before and now they do MMO. /Troll mode off
  6. If Obsidian went doing MMO who would do quality RPG with depth? There is not allot of them out there except for Bioware. I believe Obs can make really good MMO
  7. I could be wrong but I guess you should ask Sega.
  8. gigahound, welcome to the Obsidian forums. MMO? Oh please god NO!
  9. No Wii and some more info. http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/T...icle_103750.asp
  10. Two tech demos from force unleashed: http://www.fz.se/nyhetsarkiv/?id=17811 Page in Swedish.
  11. How hair is handled? Does it move, is it long, and does it clip right through your neck. If the engine can simulate hair well I'm going to try and lean to mod it. Im sure that Lucas can get a sponsor agreement with Loreal.
  12. (K3 is sooooo 2009. ) I think most of us does, but its better then nothing.
  13. Some lifesigns from Star Wars: Force Unleashed http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=157734
  14. No not track anything already written. That
  15. You are more than welcome to express your thoughts. But I think it's time to split in two threads. It
  16. No offence to anybody but can we please split this thread in two? One for wish lists and ideas, and one for news and speculations. After a few years on this forum I think that lots of us have heard about customized robes and lightsaber hilts a few times.
  17. Neat. Congrats!
  18. Okey Obsidian, if you bring us some nifty info on PNJ we bring you Volourn!
  19. I fully agree. Do we have any volunteers
  20. I really like the "staying up late" picture. I will print it out and put it in my livingroom as a nice rimder. Thanks Brian!
  21. Guess im in minority but i think that no Star wars without Tatooine.
  22. Click
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