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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. Great job MaxQuest. You found the damage formula. I think I understood the formula of PoE1: damage done = ( base damage * ( 1 + sum of all modifiers) ) - DR In PoE1 all modifiers are equal (not their value but how they work). So a graze (-50%) and a sneak attack (+50%) together lead to the base damage. Even though you have written the formula for PoE2 above, I still have problems understanding it. When you have several bonusses and penalties I cannot tell which one has the biggest effect on the end result. The double inversion of penalties makes it almost impossible to calculate things without a calculator, and even then its not easy. In PoE each modifier was a number and you could compare them without problems. Now you have to look if it is a bonus or penalty and what type of bonus is it. The only problem in PoE1 for me were unarmed attacks (fist, shapeshift). reason: for weapons you could right click them to see a description with the numbers. There was no description when you right click your fist. Would be nice if they add a fist/claw description in PoE2 (if it does not exist already, I just realized that I did not look) bonus question: What about lashes? From which number is the +x%damage taken? I have learned that lashes are good because they are not lowered by underpenetration. So the +50% from lightning strikes will be much higher than your physical damage if you have low penetration. The tooltip for dots has not improved since PoE1, so I know nothing about this as well. Edit: corrected the formula. behind " base damage" must be a *, not a +
  2. I did a quick math test: I use the numbers of the fine weapons from the shop, ignore all modifiers ( stats like str, dex, con, acc, penetration ) and calculate the different DPS dual wielding fast weapons, dual wielding normal weapons and using a 2h weapon. I use the weapon with the highest and lowest damage from each category to see the extreme values. In order to get DPS, I look at the damage I do in half a minute. So the formula is: 30 / (attack + recovery duration ) * (average damage of the weapon) fast weapons: 0.5sec attack, 2sec recovery other weapons: 0.7sec attack, 3sec recovery attack cycle: dual wielding fast weapons = 1,5sec attack+recovery dual wielding normal weapons = 2,2sec attack+recovery 2h weapon = 3,7sec attack+recovery expected damage in 30 seconds: dual stiletto: 250 dual dagger: 300 dual flail: 184 dual sabre: 306 2h estoc: 170 2h greatsword: 227 result: Dual wielding does always do much more damage than using a 2h weapon, except when you dual wield the slow weapons with the lowest damage numbers. If you want max damage and you have enough penetration, dual wielding sabres or small weapons is always the best option. Once again: This is a rough guess using the fine weapons from the shop and ignoring all stats, acuracy and penetration. While I am not sure about the exact value of the +12acc for using a single weapon, I am sure it is much less damage than dual wielding the same weapon
  3. Like the Dr. I dislike hard breaks. Here is an example of what I do NOT want to have: Long time ago I played World of Warcraft. For every class there was a cookie cutter build and other players complained when you had something different. You had to spend your talents in a certain way and regarding stats it usually went like this: - max out the main stat (str, dex or int) - get exactly x% hit chance. One point less and you could miss, every point more is wasted because you hit anyway - get exactly x% speed. One point less and you have a tick less of ability X, each point more is wasted until you get so much that it gives you another tick - and so on for the other stats There were programs that helped you to optimize your equipment in order to get exactly those numbers. I think this is boring. I liked about PoE1 that there where many different ways to build your char for each class. Some options were better than others, but most were at least viable and since it is a single player game you only need to be strong enough to beat the monsters. There is no need to be better than other players ( I would not mind some kind of arena mode, but I would probably be one of the worst players there if I use it at all.) Reaching zero recovery was the only hard limit in PoE1. At the moment PoE2 is bad in this regard because dual wielding is always the best way to deal max damage. It makes no sense if you have many options if one of them is much better than all others because everybody will use this choice unless a) they seek a challenge and want to make their life harder or b) they are new players who do not know which option is best and then they might quit because they feel very weak after choosing something that seemed like one viable choice among others. Thats why I say: nerf dual wielding and buff the other styles so that we actually do have a choice between several options and one is not always better than the others.
  4. I agree with you about ciphers as well: In PoE1 druids, wizards and priests could cast at once but they needed to rest while chanters and ciphers could cast as much as they want but they had to build up their resources. In PoE2, everybody can use all spells in a fight and have them back the next fight. So yes, ciphers should cast faster than vacian casters because they need time for auto attacks which can also miss. At the moment ciphers are only good as soul blade, best multi classed with a martial class: Attack enemies with your weapon, then use your focus for even more damage. Maybe cast a spell sometimes when it makes sense. But as casters ciphers are almost useless now. It takes forever to cast and then it takes long untill you can cast again. Chanters have it better than ciphers in PoE2 now. A skald multi classed with a melee class will have enough phrases and the fast cone spells ( armor down, paralyze) are very powerful. The one who doubles the amount of summons can be useful too. ----------------------------------------------- about weapon styles: In almost all games dual wielding comes with some kind of penalty. You had to spend points in dual wielding skill or else it would make you weaker instead of stronger. In PoE2 putting a weapon in each hand gives you a huge speed bonus without penalty. It looks like the devs of PoE do not like penalties. No talents come with a penalty (except sub class specials) and they removed the penalties for paladins and priests. ( PS: the downsides for specialized wizards should be lowered too, losing 2 out of 5 spells schools plus more recovery for 2 schools is too much). so my suggestion is to do both: - lower the recovery bonus for dual wielding from 50% down to 25% or 30% - give 2h weapons a bonus in penetration and 2h style gives +20% damage ( up from 15%, style is fighters only and they can also boost dual wielding by 20%) At the moment, dual wielding is the best option. You do much more damage than any other weapon style. As written above you cannot reach zero recovery anymore so dual wielders will always be ahead. So I think the bonus should be lowered because you have it all the time without conditions or downsides. In the middle ages people used huge 2h swords and hammers to damage other people in heave armor. Armors and weapons got heavier and the limit was that people must still lift it and fight with it. The use of firearms led to the end of heavy armors. So it makes sense that bigger weapons have more penetration. ( Big minus point for me for referring to history and physics when talking about game mechanics ) Penetration is very importent in PoE2. ( PS: I liked the PoE1 damage system more). So I think its fair to give 2h weapons extra penetration. If you get enough penetration with dual wielding it makes no difference and dual wielding will likely cause more damage. But 2h weapons will have a bonus against enemies with really heavy armor or when you do not have a caster in your party than can reduce enemy AR.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/hVJsw I am in the village. I have already finished the main quest when I found this, so I am not sure if it happens before. When you scroll around on the map, the door icon will become visible when a door is in the lower part of the screen and it will disappear when you scroll so the door is in the middle or upper part of the screen. It does not matter where your party stands and if the party members are visible on screen or not. expected behaviour: You should only see the door icon when you put your mouse over a door or when you press the tab button.
  6. In this image I had my characters walk to the enemy, press pause and enter each ability manually. Later I used the AI menu to apply buffs automatically ( disciplined barrage on fighter, lightning strikes on monk, . . . ) and ordered spells and special attacks manually. But I think that some of the icons were wrong all the time.
  7. I made a video https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pmbr3uzgsawezo/2018-01-12-2256-43.flv?dl=0 Just enter the load menu and move your mouse up and down in the lower part of the screen. PS: How to make a video without pressing the record button, switching to the game and then switching back to press the stop button? I used OBS.
  8. I have finished the main quest, so there is nobody standing close to the shrine. Maybe this file helps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hvbwi3ziqkfvpnp/Monk%20%28Tikawara%29%20%28710ac092-e4e0-4cfd-bcd9-b73101f4483a%29%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 When I click on the ship and on the world map I click on the town, I see a graphic effect on the body in the water.
  9. Good news: There is already a thread where we collected all kinds of improvements for such things: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91980-list-of-poe1-inconsistent-stuff/ Bad news: Looks like they did not listen to us Edit: OK, a few things did improve: -Now you can see the attack time and recovery time for your current equipment and how it is calculated - I like the extended tooltip in the combat log (shift+mouse over) - Maybe some other things improved too, but there is still lots of things to be done.
  10. One more problem with him. According to the text he gives me a cloak for freeing him. But I do not find any new item in my inventory after he leaves.
  11. https://imgur.com/a/02d22 The vision cone of Giordu Red-Handed looks strange. I think there are two overlapping cones. One goes in the correct direction and the other one is wrong. PS: I untie him and he leaves, but where does he go? The diary says that they are stranded on the island and they started cannibalism to survive. This means my ship is the only way off the island.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/b49ts As title, the grimoire does not have any spells.
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  13. https://imgur.com/a/OHJ3y In all descriptions you can see by right clicking something, the normal text is written over the big letter at the start of the text. It was normal before and after some time it became normal again. I do not know what caused this and why it returned to normal by itself. I was in the ruin that was added in the last patch and it happened after I defeated the first group of enemies in this ruin.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/M7Uzc I am in the ruin that has been added in the last update. There is some kind of dust or smoke moving over the ground. At the bottom of the screen, the dust ends at the wall (as it should be) but it becomes visible again after a while. Maybe the dust layer is bigger than the map?
  15. @IndiraLightfood: You said: "Primary attack means only the weapon in the right hand, full attack means both weapons at the same time if you're dualwielding." You do not attack with both weapons at the same time when using a full attack. Usually its: Main Hand Attack -> recovery -> Off Hand Attack -> recovery full attack = first you attack with one weapon, then you attack with the other weapon and only then comes the recovery. So the advantage of a full attack is that there is no recovery between those two attacks and both attacks can cause the secondary effect ( like fire lash for FoD or status effect for a rogue attack) Bonus questions: - When using a full attack, do you use the main hand or off hand weapon first and which recovery is used afterwards? I think I have read that things changed from PoE1. - When using a primary attack, is always the main hand used or does it "upgrade" the next normal attack. - So you are dual wielding and while you attack with the main hand you select a special attack ( full attack or primary attack), will you use the off hand attack for your next attack because normally you would attack with your off hand next or does it not matter what you do now if you select to use a full or primary attack next?
  16. update: In the new version of the beta the cloak is only glowing on female characters, not on male ones. Maybe it was like this in the earlier version, I did not test it. There was another bug with the cloak: When the mercenary fighter was wearing it, first it went down normally but halfway down it moved forward through the character. It stayed like this for some time, but exactly in the moment I made a screenshot it became normal and I could not reproduce it. So I have to make an image to show how it looks: https://imgur.com/a/RO0KU Yes, I know that I am a terrible painter.
  17. After looking at another scripted event, I think the image should show the portrait of the char who failed the check. I guess it should be my main char which is the male blue aumaua without hair.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/ooHFj I am resting to cury my party from injuries. There are many blue and red lines visible in this screen. There is always a set of two parallel lines of the same color. I do not think that the resting screen should look like this.
  19. https://imgur.com/a/ceZBp Earlier in this game the rogue gained an injury and I cured it by resting when she ate the only egg I ever found in this game. Now the wizard has an injury and I want to rest again. - The rogue still has the egg in her slot and it is greyed out. ( This may be intended and not a bug ) - There is a gap between the arrack and the grog. There is no other gap in this menu. Maybe the gap is the missing egg, if all items are sorted alphabetically. expected behaviour: I hink there should be no gap in the list of food.
  20. https://imgur.com/a/fILf9 I entered the adra pillar, convinced the valiens to leave and killed the huana. Then I chose to restore the pillar. When leaving the pillar I see a "failed" message in the scripted scene. There is no image in the failed message, by the look of the symbol to the right it could mean I lost a religion check.
  21. I made a quicksave in the third level of the engwithan waystation, then I entered the adra pillar. Inside the pillar when I press F8, I get the message "no quicksave avaiable". I can load the last quicksave without problems via the menu. Expected behaviour: You should be able to quickload the last quicksave any time, even if you saved in another area.
  22. In the third level of the enwighan Waystation near the lightning trap there is a body of a woman. I can read her soul, search her body, take a book and take her weapon ( that has a problem too ). I can read her soul as often as I like. In all other cases I know in PoE1 and PoE2, the soul energy disappears when I read it and I can read the soul only once. I am not sure if this is a bug or not.
  23. https://imgur.com/a/hRge1 The priest spell shows 49acc in the description you see when right clicking, but the tooltip says its 52. The tooltip value increases by 1 per spell level, so the lv4 spell shining beacon tooltip says 55. https://imgur.com/a/ctUNS This spell tooltip shows two different accuracies, but the description shows that all numbers are the same. The combat log shows that 55 is used, I hit only one target. Maybe the bonus accuracy ( that is mentioned nowhere ) is only applied to the initial target? https://imgur.com/a/FiYyr This spell shows no accuracy at all. Does it always hit? If yes, it should be mentioned somewhere. At least primary and full attacks have the same accuracy in the tooltip and in the character screen, but the description by right clicking is inconsistent. Some abilities show no acc at all (arterial strike), some just show acc vs deflection (knockdown) and some show acc vs deflection for the initial target but an acc number for foe AoE (torments reach) PS: The accuracy tooltips are also wrong in the newest version of PoE1.
  24. There is another problem with the pet: It moves much slower than the party.
  25. https://imgur.com/a/HVXLV There is a lv8 lock, my mercenary rogue has 8 mechanics skill which is shown in character screen and in the door tooltip. But the combat log says 7 mechanics and there is a message that I need a lockpick. In the door tooltip, the text "Mercenary Rogue´s Mechanics" covers the number, so its hard to see that it is 8. expected behaviour: My rogue has a mechanics skill of 8 and the description says this allows me to pick difficulty 8 locks, so I expect that I can open a lv8 door.
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