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Posts posted by tinysalamander

  1. My take on this — every single NPC is romancible (unless morally opposed to, roll some faithfulness/faith/story/whateverelsereasons at world generation) and recruitable with some templating magicks. Depending on how you are going about it revenge, jealousy, treachery, cruelty, espionage, attempted murder or battle royale with massive collateral damage to your property and/or sanity might follow. Or maybe you are a good* fella and everything works out.


    * Good’s defined relative to NPCs in question.



  2. Personally, I'd feel cheapened if that option was available - it would feel like a feelgood deus ex machina 'everyone lives happily ever after'. So much of POE is about how in life, you can't get everything you want, sometimes your sacrifice is in vain, sometimes the clear truth can never be known - and how you still have to live with that, live on with that. I appreciated that Eder never finds out the full truth about his brother, Kana never finds the Super Secret Lore, etc., and in the same vein it makes sense to me that charname can't just drop in on Iovara and her thousand-year-old struggle and simply say "hey now you're free" or "hey I'll end your suffering". 


    So either it’s “everyone suffer” or “feelgood deux ex machina?” Eh…

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  3. -As a fellow player stated in one of my threads, make dispositions change my behaviour. If I always choose benevolent, progressively take out cruel from possible answers..if I want to become cruel again, I should go through a gradual change in my answers.


    Considering that devs’ opinion on what a certain disposition is can differ greatly from player’s, I advise against this.

  4. This might mean an upkeep system, where, for example, your character's Resolve controls how many different spells you can keep alive at once (see: Arcanum), so that maybe your priest can only keep 1 or 2 buffs going at a time;


    So, you cast 2 spells and then do nothing, yay. Sounds boring. On the other hand if the priest still have attacking spells available and can cast them this achieves pretty little. Besides, chanter already exists.

  5. Well, I’m not sure it’ll make an interesting story as it isn’t quite in line with PoE's story, but here it is.


    My pale elven priestess (somewhat high Res, Int) was a mystic from The White that Wends, which in this case was a poetic reference for the world beyond this one (or between them? I’m not sure myself). She and her trusty beastslaying other self and a glorious immaterial space piglet came here following her visions. Visions are Tuesday for a mystic, really.


    In this world she presents herself as a priestess of Eothas (who may or may not had a hand in her appearance) and mostly play the part. She isn't really worshipping him but she respects those ideals he happens to represent. Too bad she arrived too late to have any chance to have any philosophical debate.


    Big things were happening and she intended to witness them. Surprisingly, she was a “big thing” this time…


    Thaos connection was handwaved, possibly as Eothas mudding things in a gambit against Woedica, depending on how PoE2 is going to go about Eothas.


    In the case of Iovara there was no connection in the past but there is now. And my character isn’t hot about the whole reincarnation thing as well as she percieves it as a loss of everything one achieved. So, after the final battle my priestess’ new goal is to find a way to free Iovara from that place without travelling through the wheel of souls. Which, likely, requires god’s intervention. Now, about that dead Eothas business…


    In the end here there will likely be no gods. It doesn’t mean they (all) will be dead, but they won’t be gods anymore and wouldn’t have grand power over kith. Holders of knowledge rather than rulers.

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