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Posts posted by Calax

  1. In my new apartment driving a rental until the insurance company makes a call about it being repaired or not. They called me two days ago to get the release to an estimator bay, but the fact they haven't said "yep" or "nope" has a part of me thinking that it's really close to the line, which would be interesting.


    From what little I know I don't think the frame is bent based on how I impacted. Gives me some hope but am still sweating this because I am underwater on the value of the car

  2. Ran up the rear of someone? Tthe white car to the right in the first photo with the door open? Not sure how the car ended up on the footpath.

    Technically it was more of a tbone. I am on the path because engine died on impact and I had no breaks and kept rolling. Finally had the presence of mind to use the parking break. We are both ok although my chest is still healing
  3. So, life happened and I got in a bad wreck that is considered my fault. But the big piece is that my Acura rsx that I loved is gonna be totaled out. And I still owe a lot on it...


    So I am gonna need a new car. Just don't know how the bloody hell I am gonna pay for it

  4. Second day at new job. Kinda odd being the authority when you can't do rents due to apprehend being behind. My ankle/Achilles tendon is giving me a lot of trouble after it was partially torn and never really healed.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm in a similar boat right now, as I'm shopping for a new car, though I can't offer any help since I'm in Murica and in the market for a sedan rather than a SUV. I've pretty much determined (I'd say 98% at this point) that I'm going to wind up getting a new Mazda 6, based on the fact that I drove it and all the other mid-sized sedans in its price range and the Mazda driving experience blew all the other cars out of the water.

    The only other consumer car that's close is the Accord. Maybe a charger if you want to deal with dodge.


    The Cherokee that killed Anton was because of the ****ing stupid shifter design. I drove a 300 with that shifted and it doesn't provide enough feedback to inform you that you've changed gears.

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  6. My car is in the shop, and they gave me a sweet Audi Q5 as a rental. I am now planning out my next car purchase. I still have a year before I can buy, but I am thinking a Mazda 6 or a Jeep Cherokee. It is a commuter car, so the 6 makes more sense, but I love the new Cherokees.

    Don't get the Cherokee. The transmission is terrible as it can't keep on the power at all. Get a six or an Accord.


    I am in Oregon now. Stressing because of my cat being stressed out. Although that seems to mostly be because I am living in the bacement of a friends house who has two cats of her own and a dog. First real day at the job is tomorrow, but I stopped bye today

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    I am not trying to guilt trip people into feeling something that they never did. I am genuinely interested in the correlation between people not having the same emotional attachment to something abstract (as the idea and symbol of The Towers of New York was something greater than a couple of big buildings, but an extension of Americanism and western civilization at large) and age. The answers in this thread seems to point in that direction.

    Probably because to me (and other like me) it wasn't specifically a giant Icon of 'Murica! I was young enough that "Two Big Buildings" was all they were. And there was no specific thing within that building that contained something that I would relate to America specifically. Empire State Building, Sears Tower and the Statue of Liberty (and to a lesser extent the Chrysler Building) were each a larger icon of 'Murica to me than the Twin Towers ever were, because they were more utilized as a "This is American City!" buildings than the twin towers.



    Thank you.


    The Twin Towers were though very strong symbolic significance, bigger than the Empire State Building actually, because otherwise they wouldn't have been a target. The plan, according to Bin Laden himself, was to strike into and undermine the very foundations of western power, namely


    - Financial Power: The Twin Towers

    - Military Power: The Pentagon

    - Political Power: The White House (failed as we all know, and crashed into a field)


    Not of course to mention how ingrained they were in the classic New York skyline and in pop culture as well. Still though, i appreciate that you told me about you and your friends view, it was interesting in how different people percieved them and the attack at large.


    Admittedly part of the reason I used the Chrysler building was because of this




    Kingpin had his hideout in it.

  8. I am not trying to guilt trip people into feeling something that they never did. I am genuinely interested in the correlation between people not having the same emotional attachment to something abstract (as the idea and symbol of The Towers of New York was something greater than a couple of big buildings, but an extension of Americanism and western civilization at large) and age. The answers in this thread seems to point in that direction.

    Probably because to me (and other like me) it wasn't specifically a giant Icon of 'Murica! I was young enough that "Two Big Buildings" was all they were. And there was no specific thing within that building that contained something that I would relate to America specifically. Empire State Building, Sears Tower and the Statue of Liberty (and to a lesser extent the Chrysler Building) were each a larger icon of 'Murica to me than the Twin Towers ever were, because they were more utilized as a "This is American City!" buildings than the twin towers.


    That memory is to me nothing but a reminder of how desensitized I truly am. I was doing my homework for high school when the news came on TV, I looked up briefly, said "huh" and continued doing my homework. The next day all the other kids tried to use it as an excuse as to why they didn't do their homework and the teacher gave in, and I thought it was ridiculous.


    I managed to reconcile at least intellectually why it was a big deal. But emotionally? Meh. Probably too far from home for me - doesn't register any more than an earthquake in Africa.


    That was interesting. In what year were you born? 


    I am curious since i've noticed that the emotional attachment seems to be more dim in the younger generation, while for older ones, like me and even older, it was a world-changing event.


    Honestly, intellectually I know that it changed the world, but for me it wasn't an emotional hit. I was 15 and living on the west coast. Somewhere there's a photo of 8 year old me "squashing" the towers with my hand in a photo booth in tower 2(?). Thing is, even though I have family that lives in New York, I was so young that the only major difference to me was that I couldn't just answer two questions at the luggage counter for security.


    Literally I woke up to my mom telling me "So, two planes just hit the twin towers..." and then I watched the towers fall on tv before going to school. And most of the kids in my school got more upset the next year (I think it was the year after, so 2003) when somebody in the "media" department that did the morning school news program did a tribute that included shots of the people jumping from the towers to survive before it fell.

  10. So... uh... hrm...


    My transfer finally got approved. Moving to Portland Oregon the first week of October.


    Need to figure out where though. Probably means a decent commute given that the new job is going to be in the dead center of Downtown Portland. And I'm not 100 on my budget given they're giving me a small pay raise to cover cost of living (to 15 an hour, from fourteen.... but for context, I normally pull 50+ hour weeks and have earned about 30k to date this year gross mostly due to overtime)



    I got Magna **** Laude from Rice University, what did you get?





    Let me guess, Communication Arts?  


    I got my degree out of a Cracker Jack box.  But it came with a cool decoder ring.  


    Hah! I got my degree in Nude Interpretive Dance from the Kraker Yack box.

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    @Calax: To eliminate the protection of the 2nd Amendment all together would require a Constitutional Amendment. That would mean 2/3 of the states would have to agree to give up their freedom. And do it knowing they are forcing the other 1/3 to give up theirs. That would be a hard sell on both counts NRA or no. You must understand that would break the country as no issue has since 1860. As to your second point I think every liberty protected by the Constitution, as well as those that are not should be zealously defended. Always and unflinchingly.

    But the thing is that people often will clinch for free speech because the intent behind the protected word is insane or hateful. We don't allow people to curse or use racial slurs because we consider that "bad". We don't allow somebody to scream "fire" in a movie theatre because of the damage it would do. But if mr "hold mah beer" comes along with a revolver in his shorts and blows off his manhood, the bra would say that he should have been allowed to hold his gun as he chose.


    Anyway, putting aside that rhetoric for a moment, my point to you was that Youseem to be viewing the constitution as a document that is consistently unchanging and the very concept of removing an amendment is unthinkable. But we have done it before. And I am willing to bet that by the time you are on your death bed, the second amendment will be treated removed

  13. Can I just ask, if the second amendment was amended by the proper fashion GD, what would you do?


    After all there are mechanisms to remove that amendment, and probably the political will if the NRA were marginalized for a political cycle. You cannot say that anything is intrinsically unable to be changed because the as "powerful" as you think a pistol might be in the hands of a population against oppressors, a pen is a much more significant weapon in that situation but we seem to treat guns with more "you can't infringe this" attitude than we do the first amendment.


    As to the election, I don't really see a way for Trump to win. As many people who say "I cannot support Hillary, and thus vote trump" there seem to be just as many who are in the party that just won't vote, or are voting against trump.


    And purely on a "arguments the candidate makes for themselves" basis, the fact that Hillary out earned "the amazing business man" in her campaign war chest speaks volumes about his ability to run an organization as labrynthian as the us federal government

  14. Have become the bookkeeper at work for lack of a better explanation. Basically if we have something admin related that doesn't have to be done by the bm I am doing it... For most of the regions. This includes having to fight the Ames pd to get a car reported stolen and figuring out what body shops have what cars for customers.


    Hilariously a guy from John Deere made enough of a fuss with his company that he almost got my old store reopened to keep the contract, but corporate just declared we are gonna deliver the car to him.


    Supposed to have a phone interview with a guy from Oregon. I had applied out there and heard nothing until the gm showed up and had dinner with us. Next thing I know he's called the other gm and the area manager is calling my boss for a "should I really hire this guy?" Call.

  15. I shopped around the internet for tile today. I'm going to put ceramic tile down stairs and laminate flooring on the stairs and 2nd floor bedrooms. I'll hire out the tile work because f--k that. The laminate is pretty easy so I'll do that myself.

    You're sounding like my dad...


    He bought three rental properties and has always been a "Do it yourself" type. But within the past two years he's basically started hiring people because "I just realized I couldn't do it anymore".

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