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Posts posted by Calax

  1. Sucky thing about retail work is the turnover. Local shop has had great cashiers that I used to chat with but they all leave within a couple of months.

    One of the McDonalds I worked for (the last one) was legit stoked about the fact that we only had 70% turnover. Most stores there run over 90%


    Hertz seems to run about 50/50.


    So... Hotdog girl is only 19...


    I feel like an old perv now.


    Anyone being paid to interact with you is not to be trusted. Also hold out for a free hot dog.


    Wiser words ...


    :something something double entendre:




    This would mean that white men would even elect Trump in California.


    I doubt you can explain that with just economy.

    Looks like a major cultural backlash.



    No, it just means you have a misconception about California being an overwhelmingly liberal state.  In actuality it is a very diverse state that Ronald Reagan came out of.



    The demographics of California are profoundly different now than they were in 1980....



    It's much more likely that the Republican leadership is simply terrible in California.  This is the state that in 2003 was fed up enough with the government to recall Dem Gray Davis and elect a Republican to take his place.  Do you really blame the demographics for him being terrible at his job?  Instead of reforming and balancing the budget, he wasted more money and plunged us deeper into debt.  Jerry Brown isn't popular because he's a liberal, he's popular because he can balance a budget.  


    The GOP doesn't even show up to run anymore.  There is plenty of places in CA that they could compete, but they've given up.  


    There's always Dolittle (well, Now it's McClintock) in the 4th congressional district.

  4. Crazy that Clinton didn't even carry Wisconsin. They haven't voted Red since 1984. Not even the Simpsons saw that coming!

    From what I heard that could be attributed to Paul Ryan never actually pulling his endorsement (he's from there and quite popular)


    Source, 538


    Also, lol at the idea California would leave the US.  You don't just let the biggest agriculture provider in the country walk away.

    Meh, as Ross Perot said, you don't have to own the cow to get the milk. And it would be cheaper to buy your produce in pesos once you rejoin Mexico.


    I'm sure you'd be happy for higher costs for Entertainment, Food, Air Travel and a grossly deflated GDP in the US once the 5th largest economy in the world went independant or joined another nation.


    A part of me is wiling to bet that somethings gonna happen that'll get trump removed from office and/or he won't even be sworn in.

  6. In brighter news. I think the chick who runs the hotdog cart down the street is sweet on me. She gave me a free drink before cooking my dog (not a euphamism) and then we spent 5 minutes chatting.


    She's an art student here in Portland for school, having grown up in Iowa.

    • Like 6
  7. And my new boss (well kinda, two levels between us) just told me today that I am not as trained as I should be for the position I am in. And that "If you transfer offices and you don't change much as a manager you probably aren't in the right place."


    Never mind that I am the assistant rather than the actual boss, and thus any major shift in policy requires that it go through our branch manager, I was trained to operate in a tiny tiny region that had to do everything themselves, while here everything is "let airport handle it".


    And oh look, Firestone and Avis both have positions open for manager level candidates in the region... should I apply...


    But a reserve on a car. A 2000 Acura Integra




    That (including cover) for 3500 bucks overall, with a loan from the Bank of Mom And Pop. I might do some minor modifications to it (A rear spoiler, a different air intake and that's about it...) once I have the money for that sort of thing (or the mechanical knowhow to do it myself)


    The car I regretted giving up for my Volvo (back in 2014ish) was a 98 version.

    You really like your Hondas, don't you? =)


    How does it seem to be mechanically? I'd reckon it might've been driven hard, no bad smell from the engine ventilation? Coolant colour looks ok?


    Why did you regret giving up your Volvo for one?

    It's been driven by an old lady who kept all the records for everything. Still had the original window sticker.


    And I regret giving up my 98 for the Volvo, not the other way around

    • Like 1
  9. But a reserve on a car. A 2000 Acura Integra 




    That (including cover) for 3500 bucks overall, with a loan from the Bank of Mom And Pop. I might do some minor modifications to it (A rear spoiler, a different air intake and that's about it...) once I have the money for that sort of thing (or the mechanical knowhow to do it myself)


    The car I regretted giving up for my Volvo (back in 2014ish) was a 98 version.

    • Like 1
  10. I've bought a couple former rentals, actually both my current cars and the RV were rentals.  It's hit or miss, one was a real issue and has had a lot of problems, the other has been great, and the RV was also no trouble.  I typically buy an extended warranty if I get a rental, but it has to be a decent price.

    The other nice thing for me is that I can get that sucker for 700 bucks off due to employee pricing. I think I'm driving the red 2016 that's up there right now (yay for insurance paying). Nice thing about the way we do it is that you get a 3 day trial.

  11. Wow, that's a crazy low price for a 2015 Mazda3.  Most of them in my area are priced around $18k.

    It's because it's a former rental. The Mazda's don't get used as hard as a few others (never buy a fiesta or focus, they're demolished by the time we get rid of them).


    And Grom. When you get down to it, any decision we make is pure rationalization if it's not the most basic version of life support.  We can live in a tin shack down by the river, driving a 1980 Chevy thats billowing smoke, and eating pure ramen. Anything higher than that becomes a "rationalization"


    Well, generally speaking, any vehicle you buy under ~$3000 is going to a person to person cash sale. I dont know of any dealerships that have cars that cheap or are willing to finance something that small. So if he doesnt have the cash on hand then hes kinda stuck. I suppose he could get a personal loan from a bank for a few grands?

    I thought he was going to get money from the insuarance company for is old car?


    Anyway, I think it's better to get a cheaper alternative, and then start saving for a newer car if that is something you really want. I'm pretty certain that if you jump back a few years on the cars age you can still get a decent Japanese car.


    Is there anything that prohibits you from getting an older car Calax? Or do you 'have' to buy it from work?

    It's a combonation of things. Getting the Mazda from work puts me in a car I consider fun and good for a steal relative to everything I have seen from other dealership lots for the same model. Also, as Giftd said, I don't have three grand just hanging out in my bank account to use. If I took out a personal loan for that much I'd be paying almost 20% interest on it because it is unsecured by anything.


    I know I can handle the payments on something that big. I have been budgeting for it a.with the car I just totaled. And from the total I will break even at this point where I will get just enough from different sources that I won't have to owe anything extra.


    Also in the longer run the Mazda will have a lower cost due to maintenance and insurance being a tad bit lower overall.


    I mean I'd take a cheaper vehicle off Craigslist, but I'd have to get that money from somewhere.



    That's where work sells cars.



    Now I'm not down any, I'm breaking even on the car just barely.


    Now it's figuring out the new car.

    get yourself a 97 monte carlo with ~100k miles for cheap... dunno, 'round $2800 to $3000? is reliable and inexpensive to repair if something goes wrong. should be good for another 100k miles.


    sounds as if you aren't exact comfortable with your current economic situation, so do yourself a favor and buy the cheap and dependable used car. five years from now, when breaking even on insurance ain't a matter of possible breaking you, then splurge on something fancy. hell, in five years, when you feel comfortable with your money, go out and buy something stoopid... like a 1987 buick grand national gnx. feel like batman or darth vader.





    five years is nothing.


    HA! Good Fun!

    Anything I buy is going to have to be financed because I have no savings. Thing is I can get a 15 Mazda with 30k miles for about 11.9k so I am going to be investigating


    They have possession at an auction yard right now. I am still waiting on a final estimate to know exactly how much I get but I won't have the money for even a down payment at this point.


    I can get a Mazda for about 13k from work but I don't know if they'll accept no down


    ****, that sucks. I doubt they can get as much at an auction yard as you could get selling the spares. Do you have to get such an expensive car though? Would'nt it be better to get some sort of "beater" or similar that you can get to get from point a to b? Maybe for a few hundred dollars or so?

    The way insurance works is they have to give you the fair value of the vehicle as it was when you wrecked (minus your deductible). They do it both based off the KBB value of the vehicle and what vehicles of similar design are going for in your region.


    Looking at it a quick canvass shows that I'd be about 1k or even just 500 bucks out of pocket (just a google search has my car, a 2006 RSX with 89k miles on it, at about 10/9k for my region). Still not a good feeling to have to say "I need an auto loan plus 500 bucks".

  15. They have possession at an auction yard right now. I am still waiting on a final estimate to know exactly how much I get but I won't have the money for even a down payment at this point.


    I can get a Mazda for about 13k from work but I don't know if they'll accept no down

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