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Posts posted by Calax


    Didn't seem they consulted with her. I guess there was a rush just to show stuff being done.


    So a new EO is in the works. Should just run it through Congress, heh

    Congress already passed the relevant law back in the 50's, which the comedic 9th circuit panel didn't even consider. EO was submitted to the DOJ legal counsel and was found legal. The 9th circuit panel already overturned the Congress' finding of the terrorist danger from the 7 listed countries, so they could equally as well overturn any law Congress passes on the subject.


    They're still fighting over the executive order, only the stay got discussed last week by the panel.


    And at the same time, the states could fundamentally argue that the fact that law had been put in place was unconstitutional because of the enumeration of the tasks for Congress in Article I of the Constitution. 

  2. If this reaches the supreme court, what section of the constitution will be contested then? As what is missing from the order or what is the Executive Order in direct violation of?

    I presume commerce given that the argument from the state of Washington is that the travel ban has severely damaged it's economy in terms of tourism and education (specifically that members of it's educational system are unable to perform their jobs at Universities). And technically Article I, Section 8, of the constitution states that it's Legislative that controls immigration, thus kicking it right out of Trump's authority.


    (I am not a legal authority, just borrowed info from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/insights_on_law_andsociety/14/spring-2014/who-is-responsible-for-u-s--immigration-policy-.html )

  3. This may be a long 4 years. 

    I think it'll be a long period but shorter than 4 years. I'm willing to bet that Trump screws up enough politically that he's either forced to abdicate or is impeached and removed from power in disgrace because he pushed the entire establishment in a bad way.

  4. To be fair, if you come out and deliberately tell your employees, very publicly "Yeah that thing our CEO said? Ignore it" You're gonna get fired, even though you go out like a martyr because of the fact you're going with the popular opinion at the time.


    At the same time, as the adage says, "All evil needs to win, is for good people to do nothing". If you do nothing you're complacent within all the terrible acts our president is getting us involved in as he himself is.


    Most worrying part is that this insanity is a single week of El Presidente. We're gonna be at "Draft Everybody!" levels of war in 2020.

  5. Islam has been out for just as long as Christianity and have they progressed anywhere near what we have in America? Why is a such a nation that was founded on Christianity progress so much farther and isn't in the dark ages still? Because we had the knowledge to keep religion away from government. That doesn't mean that there haven't been any christians in our govt to influence our laws and practices, it means that you don't HAVE to be Christian to influence our laws and practices. We swallow things that goes against the faith.

    This is a ridiculous apples to oranges argument but ok, let's deal with it. In terms of science and technology Islam has contributed FAR more than you could possibly imagine. Algebra is Arabic in origin, YOU COUNT IN ARABIC NUMERALS! While Europe (and thus christianity) was going through a regressive dark ages, the Islamic states were flourishing beacons of culture and innovation. Byzantium became the Islamic Ottoman Empire which has been credited as one of the outstanding actors in politics of it's era. The only reason that Europe had a resurgence was because a whole bunch of people died, meaning that serfdom (which was reinforced by the church as the "Divine Right of Kings") was no longer a viable system of government. Even then the only reason they really got far ahead was because the European governments were funding (via governments) expeditions to the new world and to the Far East. If China had decided to keep it's naval program going, we'd all be following Confucian values rather than Abrahamic ones.

    If what's going on in the Middle East is due to Islam practices, then dammit it's the problem. The ME is trying to practice a theocracy and rejects going against Islam thru violence and hate. It's a problem because they WONT separate the religion from government and laws. **** sake, sharia law you allow is doing exactly that, keeping religion and government together. So please tell how that is not a problem. Islam by itself is not a problem, it's the separation of govt and religion that is and you in favor of sharia law is continuing the damn problem. Of course u can explain why keeping religion and government together is such a great idea and not a problem.

    "What's going on in the Middle East" isn't strictly due to Islam or any particular faith. It's a quagmire of faith and history that consumes everyone within it because there are at least four different faiths and ethnic groups that claim the same plot of land as "theirs" leading to conflict. Even if you decided to point specifically at Islam, the elements we hear about are simply the loudest and most extreme forms of it. Like if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's fundamentalist arm got all Militant and decided to start fighting a war with the USA and managed to take most of the western interior. I don't think you'd appreciate being lumped in with those polygamous jerks or being subjected to heavy levels of scrutiny and suspicion just because you happened to exist within 1000 miles of the primary point of conflict.


    And if you're saying that somehow the American Governmental Apparatus is not constantly being pushed to specifics from Christian Laws, consider how many times our political leaders have attempted to declare that God will save our soldiers, or that we need to have the Ten Commandments (something specific to Christianity and Judaism) on our offices of government. That we just had an entire legal fight between the right wing of the population and the government because a doink in Kentucky refused to issue marriage certificates due to her religious beliefs. You're not "Swallowing it" if every time somebody merges the two you fight tooth and nail to prevent the separation.


    The issue right now with the ban is that it's lumping everyone from those states in with Bad Actors with no real purpose. Of that list how many are actually involved in an open Conflict? Iraq and Syria? Maybe Lybia? (I need to brush up on my mid east) but I know Iran isn't currently involved in an open conflict within it's own borders, nor is Pakistan.


    Right now much of Trump's policy decisions are being made as if he were a new CEO rather than a President. Get rid of all the old guys and bring in your own people, make a few drastic changes to prove "I'm in Charge!" and reorg the upper echelon to suit what you believe to be the most efficient organizational structure. Thing is Trump is a ****ty business man and it was proven previously when he had several failed businesses fall out from under him and had declared bankruptcy several times. But his ego and him speaking so loud lends credence the "Big Lie" idea (paraphrasing Mien Kamph Vol I Ch. X) "If you make a big simple lie, and keep saying it, people will believe it" because everyone now assumes that he'll make the Economy work for them again just because he's been "Successful in business".



    I'ma gonna stop because I need to sleep for tomorrow and I'm rambling.

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  6. It's prudence, not fear. We see what's happening in Europe. A country's first responsibility is always its own citizens.

    That's the sort of argument that wears away at any and all civil liberties in regards to privacy. It's why the public has gone from "you can't search me" to "Why don't you let them search you if you've nothing to hide." 


    At a certain point the "edge cases" become the majority and soon the migrations that made America "great" in the first place will be dead because only England, Germany, and Japan can travel to the US, everyone else is a magical danger to us.

    • Like 2
  7. I have never heard anybody in an actual position of influence in the state actually talk about seceding, so I don't think 'California' is quite as keen as you might think.


    The main people I hear talking about are jealous 'conservatives' from other states.

    Basically this. This is the third or fourth "let's split this sucker" movement I've seen in my lifetime. Admittedly with the political world we live in, I could see it somehow magically catching fire and the entire western (and mostly democratic) states leaving. Probably won't happen but with the way the times are a changin, I don't put money on anything.


    I do laugh at the fact that most of the facebook posts I've been seeing are repeating the meme that California leaves... alone, and then magically turns into the Soviet Union. Realistically if it left it'd be incredibly messy while people figured out military and utility needs.


    Facebook is providing hilarity with how people think **** works

    Let them go, but they have to remember...

    They do not get to take American $ (Since it is, technically, property of the US Government) and all American servicemembers must vacate the area immediately (There would be no standing agreement for the US Military to occupy). Let us also not forget any and all FBI agents and US Marshals.

    Also wik, any and all utility lines must be severed until proper treaties are in place. Plus, there would have to be provisions on sovereignty of the ocean between California and Hawaii.


    Also also wik, all California teams of professional sports would have to cease as there are no international treaties in place for those organizations to do business. They would, of course, have the capability to relocate inside of the US proper. Hollywood would naturally crumble as new movies could not be shown in US Theaters until a trade treaty would be ratified which could take some time.

    Finally, how is your economy going to look if you have to pay a large tariff to move goods into the rest of the US?

    By all means, let them go.


    Keyrock, my mother-in-law runs a trucking company, so I can ask her some details about it if you need. She hauls sand and gravel locally, so her drivers are done by the end of the day. My father-in-law has also driven truck for 40 years, so he's got a bunch of details, and he did long haul for a couple summers. I know one key is to get your exercise in when you make pit stops. Many truck stops are getting better at offering good options for driver health.

    Thanks for the advice.  Another thing I'm going to do, if I go through with this, is keep a constant supply of deli meats, veggies, and fruit on hand.  That should not only save me money, but also allow me to eat healthier than I would otherwise living off truck stop food exclusively.


    Edit:  Also, Happy Birthday KaineParker.


    All I can say is DON'T go with TMC. They'll hire any dumbass to "train" for crap pay in comparison. The companies I know/have dealt with are Ruan, Decker, and Schnieder. Deckers based out of Ft Dodge Iowa, kinda small. Ruan is nation wide, built up in Des Moines, as is Schneider. All three are company stuff, so finding a rig wouldn't be a problem. Ideally though, you'd want to work for somebody like Walmart or Martin Bower (the guys who drive McD's trucks) Simply because the benefits are best.


    The other option to do would be to find a place that would get you a class B CDL for busses. That's one of those things that most people don't consider simply because Trucking is so hard up for employees (and possibly dead within a decade)



    why'd you call the man "the prettiest princess", again?

    I honestly don't remember


    Was alcohol involved? If so they shouldn't hold it against you. 


    Nope just family. He was the one who said he should be a unicorn.

  10. Saw Rogue One. It was ok I guess, tie ins and references to Ep 4 were neat. Didn't really find it as gritty or dark as people were saying but it was an ok war film. Even with the Imperial military idiocy at times

    IMO just the fact that it's a War film makes it's "dark and gritty" when compared to the rest of the series.

  11. So, couple things have happened. Back at thanksgiving I met an old family friend and her husband again. Both families were there, and ended up giving the husband a bit of crap (teasing and calling him the prittiest princess) At the same time I asked if she wanted to go see a movie too. She said yes, but after that night I heard nothing from her. When I finally ask if she wants to see this (via text) I got an essay long response that said "you don't respect me or my husband, you're a terrible person for calling my husband a princess in front of his wife and mother-in-law!" and a few other things (legit, it was a paragraph).


    Basically made me go "yeah, don't want to be your friend bye" to myself about her.


    Then visited my parents, driving, spending to much money. I need more of a buffer.

  12. Rogue One. I enjoyed it but had one major problem that most haven't really talked about.



    so Jin joined the rebels because of the effort to find her dad, then reports her findings. But in the Alliance she's allowed to debate policy with the leaders as somebody who joined recently (feels like this adventure happened in two days) and is taken more seriously than Spanish guy because... reasons



    I won't say Jyn is the femenist archtype to make girls go "hiya!" While performing high kicks, because that's really Rey. Jyn is built to be Matilda from The Professional all grown up, and while still a femenist figure she's not as "do everything, be awesome" as Rey was

  13. Batman's original appearance he sported a gun. Which he used. In 1940 issue he used the bat plane to gun down men who'd been turned into giant monsters by Dr. Hugo Strange.


    However there were already complaining about comics and kids and National Periodicals made a line wide mandate - their heroes didn't kill.


    This held until at least the 1980s when comics had completed their transition to the direct market and had primarily changed to an adult oriented product.


    However it should be noted that the 1989 BATMAN film also had Batman killing thugs during the bell tower fight (and fir the record, the people who complained about Superman killing Zod in MAN OF STEEL forgot he killed all the Phantom Zone criminals in one version of his origin - an act that led the character to adopt his no killing stance)


    As an aside, National's no-kill stance was not the industry's norm and most Golden Age Heroes had some deaths on their hands - even Fawcett's Captain Marvel often seen as one of the most whimsical charcters/series.

    ALso Superman went a mite bit insane after killing the people to the point he exiled himself (leading to his first meeting with Mongul). The difference between him and Batman, that I can see in reference to their no-killing (and guns) policy is that Batman's usual reason for "No Guns" is baked into his storyline of "Guns killed my family" as a simple convenient tie in.


    I'm eager for the WW movie, but I feel like the BvS movie didn't really need her. Mostly because she showed up without explanation and seemed designed to just be written out with almost no work being needed. Her presence also gives a giant plot hole to the movie of "why not give her the spear instead of letting Supes do it?" I remember watching it and thinking she was a henchwoman for Luthor or somebody.


    The other major issue I had with the story is that they decided to go with a Martin Shkreli type for Lex Luthor, when his entire bit for the past 3 decades (and more) is basically "Ruthless CEO" in the Robocop archtype. He's not the type who'd have his office be "In this corner of the food court!". He'd have his office be the entire top level of the building, and just to **** with people he'd have his apartments be the second level.


    I mean, for a good 10-15 years Lex was a guy who gets phenominal cosmic powers, and conjures a business suit before saving the world. That's literally the primary form of contact an entire generation had with him (beyond Kevin Spacey, being Gene Hackman)

  14. Fantastic Beasts.


    Felt like the movie wasn't sure what the main thread of the movie should be. I mean there's the named plot, but there's like six other's going on. Was to many things going on and the plots just straight up bounced off each other half the time. It felt like it needed a re-write or four to unify things better.

  15. Got a strange schedule coming up. Currently am a bit on tenderhooks about this overtime pay law thing that a judge is deliberating on because the next rung in my company is going to be bumped up in terms of pay to cover it.


    Three day weekend (tues/weds/thurs) then I work for 5 hours on black friday... then saturday, sunday off.


    Need to find a week to get out of dodge before the end of the year to burn my last vacation days.


    Hurlshot, that's where you use the fact she's a "Special Wizard" as leverage to get your kid to do stuff.

  16. 15055734_10205894559321711_2493332194291


    That's out my back window earlier this morning... woke up to "THIS IS THE POLICE! COME OUT OF THE APARTMENT!" and then a crash...


    THEN the loudspeaker goes off in four languages telling us they had a search warrant and for the people to open up and come out.

  17. There is an ongoing hostage situation involving an armed gunman in the same place my girlfriend lives (luckily she's alright and not involved aside from not being able to go back home until things are safe).

    Joke's on you, she is involved, she's the one holding people up!

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