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Posts posted by Calax


    Have they caught the guy yet?


    So it turns out the guy was another war veteran.. like in the other shooting.


    I suppose, by the logic of many here- that this should put all veterans under scrutiny right?


    Don't you know, every person who joins the military is a Saint for Defending Our Country from the Evils of Non-America! They Can Do No Wrong and don't look at their homeless numbers please?!


    Idiots. Ambushing the cops will totally help matters. 

    You do kinda wonder at the logic. Do they think this will mean less black youths getting killed by police or more.


    Psycologically, it's probably that they think that this is the only way they feel they will be able to fight back. Their sense is that they can get pulled over, ticketed/arrested for "wrong place wrong time" and when they try to go to court, it's weighted to favor the police in terms of evidence (and they could lose their jobs just taking time off to go to court to fight it)

  3. I'm going to just go out and tell from the experience of this country I live in, National Police is a very VERY bad idea.

    I wasn't saying that it was a good idea, just an idea I heard floating around on the airwaves.


    The real problem is A) Locker room culture and B) lack of actual active oversight of the Police. 

  4. As for this issue in particular, what I was trying to say that nothing of substance has changed. The police of today is probably much the same as the police 20-30 years ago, and criminality, poverty etc. has long been a problem with the black population.


    But for months now a narrative about particular police brutality towards black people is being repeated by the media. In a country of 350 million people, there are countless murders and crimes committed every day. Yet a particular selection is constantly in the news and is helping feed the "civil war" atmosphere. I don't believe any of these latest events would have happened without the "them vs us, police vs blacks" cauldron the media keep adding fuel to.

    Playing devils advocate.


    I think that the BLM movement would say that their entire goal was to push these particular incidents into the picture because of how badly they've been getting marginalized by the system, and that despite our attempts otherwise, policing hasn't changed much in terms of culture since the Rodney King beating in the nineties.


    I think that one of the things that has been stated as being a possible solution in the long run (and to address several issues about oversight) would be to nationalize the police forces. Because as it stands right now, each individual city having it's own police force that has it's own budget and reports to itself means that it's incredibly easy for abuses to be swept under the rug. (Did hear a BLM movement member wonder why over 50% of LA's city budget runs right into the LAPD)


    Basically, if Erdogan (or whatever his name is) decides to cut off the US base, and wants to play hardball with the USA, He's going to lose... and lose HARD.


    Especially when the US is going to have to replace that Air Force base with a Carrier or two.

    Unless he decides to play lovey-dovey with Vladimir. Then he will probably not lose at all.


    Turkey has, for a LONG time, been at odds with the Soviets and friends with the US. Long enough to have pissed off most of their soviet leaning neighbors.


    Remember, the Cuban Missile Crisis was solved, in part, by the US moving nukes out of Turkey. Just because the current political leadership feels it's inconvenient for them to be allied with the US at this point, doesn't mean they can just "Switch Sides" over night and be buddies with all the former soviet Satellite states around them. Also, alienating the west means that the deals over Refugee's could fall apart for Turkey

  6. Basically, if Erdogan (or whatever his name is) decides to cut off the US base, and wants to play hardball with the USA, He's going to lose... and lose HARD.


    Especially when the US is going to have to replace that Air Force base with a Carrier or two.

  7. They should add IQ tests to these questioners.

    Or just include a "We don't have to serve you if you're drunk/high/horny" note in everything (probably more of a situation on my end given I get drunken people off a flight who ordered the cheapest car... when they're 7'3... and get pissed when it's a Spark).

  8. Hmm, got a customer review 5/10 for staff. In the text they wrote how awesome the staff was. Customers can be such...

    I got a -100 on my Net Promoter Score at work...


    Because the prices were to high (something we can't change at the branch level at all).


    It takes 30 100's to balance it back.

  9. My location is being shut down again...


    To explain that. A week and a half ago, I was told to back out of my lease and other things because the location was being shut down due to not making money (before I arrived... since I arrived it's making money, yay!) Fastforeward to monday, we're told we're not shutting down yet. So business as usual... until the paperwork that had been filed last week kicks in and we're listed as "Permanently Closed" as of tuesday. So we file MORE paperwork to get it reopened... to be told we were spared a total of one week.





    I learned that there are still commercial planes flying over Turkey....


    Also $16 a day rental at Orlando airport is a pretty good deal.


    But what is the significance of TK8456?


    ... Who's that from? It's probably just weekend rates [/rentalagent]


    I figure that there's three major outcomes of this. 1 is the current government stays in control, and the president clamps down on free speech. 2 is the military takes over and the same thing happens. 3 would be  that this is the kickoff of a protracted civil war to mirror the one in Syria.



    Think it was Budget, but not sure. The page timed out and when I reloaded it the ad was gone. I wasn't planning on traveling in Florida anytime soon so I didn't look into it.


    Very low for an airport rate in general, though I've no experience renting cars in Florida.


    Car rental rates can be wonky, and if you shop around a lot sometimes it's possible to find amazing deals. ie: Last fall I scored a ridiculously low rate on a mid size at a non-airport site. $14.80/day (taxes included) with unlimited miles (this was done by shopping around a lot, using a promo code, and my AAA discount). I kept it for 3 weeks and 3 days and put almost 10,000 miles on it. I almost felt guilty. I paid less for 24 days than the previous renter did for same car for a weekend (they left their receipt in the glove compartment).


    Eh. It's dependent on demand and fleet levels more than anything. My particular branch of Hertz was at the point we were sending out cars on the weekend for 10 bucks a day (mileage is a thing of the past for the most part especially if local), which is most of the reason that that particular branch is shutting down. Florida is a... wonky market because it's SUCH a tourist state/market.


    Looks like the coup is officially Treason, so I'd expect a crackdown soon, which will either make things better, or worse.

  11. The first one seems to be the most likely, currently, especially with his recent "statements" (aka lies) in mind.

    It looks like Istanbul has been settled at least. The question is if the rest of the military is a part of this (probably not or we'd be hearing more of it from their side in another location.



    I learned that there are still commercial planes flying over Turkey....


    Also $16 a day rental at Orlando airport is a pretty good deal.


    But what is the significance of TK8456?


    ... Who's that from? It's probably just weekend rates [/rentalagent]


    I figure that there's three major outcomes of this. 1 is the current government stays in control, and the president clamps down on free speech. 2 is the military takes over and the same thing happens. 3 would be  that this is the kickoff of a protracted civil war to mirror the one in Syria.

  13. Applied for two positions within the company in Portland Oregon. Don't want to go back to Cali all things considered, and always wanted to live in Portlandia again, even though everyone is telling me "Oh, boy, it's changed don'tchaknow! Soo many moore people!"


    At work I'm doomed tomorrow unless I get a PHENOMINAL head start on cleaning cars.


    And due to the uproar at work (see yesterdays post) I am considering applying to transfer back to the left coast as a location manager up in Portland. Not sure yet.

    It sounds like you've had enough of the midwest anyway. And it would be closer to family. 


    Eh, I like having the different weather, but Portland would give me that. Kind of annoyed that they didn't give me more warning about the branch I was moving to being terminated.

  15. My entrance to yellowstone years ago was different.


    Basically me and my mom and brother were on a long road trip on basically the rout Hurl's doing now, but we came into Yellowstone from the east side. The night we were supposed to get there it started storming, and while every road sign said "Yellowstone:SOON!"  we just couldn't seem to reach it until finally my mom pulled us over into a motel in Cody Wyoming. We get a hotel, see a Buffalo Bill museum (actually pretty dang good) and sleep. When we wake up, we stretch, and drive thinking that the signs were lying to us and that Yellowstone was an hour and a half away or something... literally 5 minutes after leaving town we hit the entrance gate >.<

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  16. Im not that squeamish either but I guess I draw the line at bodily fluids. I probably coulnt hack it in the medical field or taking care of old people either.

    I admit part of the desensitization is the fact that most of the stuff I'd be cleaning up there would be designed to mix with another human being rather than waste material

  17. Got a phone call from a property company here in Ames about working for them as an assistant leasing manager. Pays the same but seems like it'd be less stress overall.


    And the adult shop wants to talk to me. That'd be a small pay cut initially but I'd easily make location manager pretty quick.


    I was a bit worried that this trip would not happen.  We had some major work to do on the RV, about $3000 total, and I had no idea where that would come from.  But thankfully, we received a retroactive cost of living increase right before the summer, and it was enough to cover the expense.  So with the RV running smoothly, I was able to book a 3 week trip for the summer.  I will try and post a picture a day, depending on data availability.


    Day 1 - Our first stop is Reno, Nevada.  We are staying at my Uncle's place for the night.  They are serving pozole for dinner, score.  We head off to Idaho tomorrow.




    I checked my previous year's threads, and it looks like the images are all broken.  Please let me know if you can't see this pictures.

    Wow you brave, what about all the Latino rapists and murderers that Trump has identified are prevalent in the USA  and many will live there  :wowey:


    Dude... It's RENO. The most he has to worry about are the hookers.


    Note: The Mustang Ranch is near there. And my daycare from 1991. My dad used to tell us the S on the mountain was for our last names (He's kinda a **** like that)

    • Like 1


    Whelp, applied to manage the **** selling store because I'm just getting tired at Hertz... (and want less stress)

    had a teacher friend o' ours quit his job a few years ago. the guy liked teaching, but he started to hate the kids, so he figured it were time to quit. so he quits his job w/o having any real prospects. that bachelor of arts in history from csunowhere that he invested four years o' his life (and innumerable keggers) pursuing weren't opening too many doors for him. our friend didn't have a genuine plan, but he were still in his early thirties, so he considered his options.


    commercial pilot.


    commercial pilot?


    we thought he were crazy. less than six months o' training/school and he had to pay ~$25k? guess it don't matter too much if you love your job. he gets paid well enough that it didn't take too long to pay back the school loans. the guy is happy.


    am not suggesting commercial pilot. have no idea what is your situation. even so, you is still young enough that you can find a career rather than a job, yes?


    as hopeless as it may seem, try to stay positive.


    HA! Good Fun!


    ps gd already has a dedicated melee weapon.



    I'd be fine in the adult industry for the rest of my life. I am a decent salesperson and don't have any real moral qualms about sexuality so working there and moving up would be fine. Looking back on it I enjoy a retail environment because you get the customer interaction but don't have the current bad bits where you have to in effect say "yeah, that thing you reserved for your vacation? I don't have it" and get in a fight with the customer about it.


    Hertz is a good employee, but it seems like the problems I have won't go away because the company knew that my coworker at this store was leaving four weeks ago (as of Friday) but still haven't opened the job she left for an employee to come in and replace her. And word from the boss is that they are dragging their feet because having one guy do stupid amounts of hours is cheaper than two employees.


    It probably wouldn't be as bad if I was in Ames, but right now I have a 60 minute commute and am working six days a week. I just punched in my timecard (assuming I get off tonight at 530) and have 56.55 hours for the week clocked in. As in about 10 hours of commute time and you can see why I am cratering.






    How long must one dunk their own head in a toilet and keep it there to be this unaware of how the world works...?


    ... That's from a website that claims that Ted Dibiase bailed out Greece after making the President/PM dribble a basketball 50 times.






    Satire or just a bad news source? If the latter, why'd you link it in the first place lolol


    And if satire, I like it. Hell, I was ready to believe it, given their past "protests" they've done in the face of the lawsuit.


    Yes, Tis satire... 

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