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About baldurs_gate_2

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    (8) Warlock
    (8) Warlock


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  1. I got a question there. Somebody told me, that they changed the initial fight in the throne room with the phantoms, that the door that usually opened there, won't do that anymore until the fight is over. Is that correct?
  2. The damage of the weapon seems pretty low and the cone seems buggy. Has anyone tried to make this build working with a Barb (because of carnage) and Wizard (Arcane / Hardened Veil etc.)?
  3. They have two lines and big circles in front. Sometimes i not even hitting enemies that stand in front of me or enemies that are clearly in that big circle. It's multiple times over, so it can't be that i miss everything. Is it the same like in the first game?
  4. That explains a lot. But that has to be in the game since the start or? Because they nerfed the WotEP one time with the double hit, but did not realize that cone problem?
  5. Because i clearly see two enemies in the cone, but only one gets hit. Same happens when i use a active ability like knock down or soul annihilation.
  6. What i not under stand is the following in Kaylon's guide: Deep Wounds (and all dots) will keep you in combat preventing Brilliant Tactician from triggering. I thought, BT triggers wenn all enemies are flanked? And if you just use Smoke Veil, you get it automatically?
  7. I think something like Rust's Poignard. Because a rogue class crits a lot and benefits from it.
  8. And this swashbuckler is only playable with ranged weapons? Or can it be done in melee as well? (Has not be every fight)
  9. Thanks for the recommandations. The one with the helmet is a bit too extreme with almost one-shotting dorudugan. The other one, hmm, i hate to cheese fights with gouging strike. I m thinking to even record my run, but if it takes so long, i have to fast forward the video ^^ Not quiete sure how good the assassin / tactition is in that regard.
  10. That can do the megabosses on potd upscaled. No priest SC/MC. No SC Bloodmage and no SC Monk. Is there a build besides them, that is still relatively fast in winning fights?
  11. Is there a way, to get to Nemnok around level 12/13 to get the staff? Maybe with spark crackers? Can't remember if it's possible without fighting the pack in front of the door.
  12. They are very viable. Seven Nights can just hit the same enemy multiple times if it's big enough. It's obvious if you play solo, because summons are just meat shields for dragon thrashed and seven nights. In party play you can play with different invocations for buffing heal / attributes, but not if you want to solo the game.
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