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Everything posted by namelesshero

  1. Lol yeah, why do people think you guys are misogynistic I wonder. It's a mystery.
  2. I guess the overlap with the codex can expain the... ugh ... quality of the arguments here.
  3. Again, he had publicly admitted to the harassment. The fact that the lawsuits were droped doesn't mean he can't be judged as a terrible human being and a pefect fit for g*mergate. Also trying way too hard with the schafer dissing.
  4. I see that one hurt a bit and you're trying to rationalize. Devs I admired for a long long time like Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert (and many more) have come out in the right side of this. It's no coincidence that the most prominent dev supporting gamergate has pretty much admitted to sexual harassment, then there's "indies" with kickstarter frauds, and "unknowns" who have made 0 games but of course it's the "sjw" blacklisting that's at fault. While we're at it, you don't seem to know what blacklisting is. Meanwhile you're grasping at straws with the Blizzard statement. Thing is I would really like it if more devs could share their honest opinions on gg but you probably wouldn't and you're making a damn fine job at making people(especially women, and that includes women of all hair colours) worried about expressing their opinions.
  5. Do you guys just brush off the fact that most devs are against you?
  6. Hey guys what's going on I need a diagram with red markers pls xplain conspiracy!!!1!1!
  7. And here I thought I wouldn't read anything more idiotic than in this thread. Surprisingly you will not find much overlap between "feminist tripe" and guys like him, but a significant overlap between anti-feminist tripe and guys like him.
  8. Putin is an autocrat in midset just like Erdogan and their huge popularity is due to impressive PR campaigns and the fact that they can sell law&order, bread& circuses and stability. They can play sports and be "sexy". The same tactics are also used in the west however, from Merklel's popularity skyrocketing after Germany's world cup win and her participating there, to (much more seriously) Bush and co's use of western media to start 2 wars and defy international law until this day. Yes, there is a dangerous nationalist/czarist atmosphere in Russia and the seperatists which seems to only get worse, but completely ignoring the fact that fascists are indeed acting without control in Ukraike and there are attempts to outlaw certain parties only points to hypocricy. Not to mention that the will of eastern Ukraine citizens is deemed irrelevant.
  9. Pretty much the same 4chan people did this #EndFathersDay thing http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/your-slip-is-showing-4chan-trolls-operation-lollipop If you're still putting your head in the sand, you are definitely complicit.
  10. The denial would be funny if that **** didn't involve harassment. People with the child bride avatars going "photoshopped/doctored!!!" then "it's no big deal!!!"
  11. the guy it was 1 guy not hundrends, thousands it was 1 guy How could you find him. It's not like the whole thing started with hasrassment. "Welcome back Lord of Flies." That book is a big deal in the US huh? I think I heard somewhere it's a lolbertarian allegory so I avoided it but maybe I'm mistaken?
  12. The unfiltered hordes of the internet are not a hive mind united behind one set of morals and ideals. Mind blown. News at 11. " I can easily ignore the consequenses of the "movement" I supported, because I can blame them on uncrontrallable forces absolving me of any responsibility"
  13. Yeah, it's SO funny that *exclusively* women are being driven out of an indursty they have worked for years in, due to constant online mysogynistic harassment. But yeah, it's totally about journalistic ethics guys!1!1!
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