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Everything posted by Meresin

  1. Unfortunately, that is the problem. I should have been a bit more specific. Races such as the Ithorians don't speak english, so listening won't do me any good. There are a few bits of dialog in which their spoken gibberish ends short of the time it takes me to read whatever it is they're saying. I may be a lazy reader, but even when I try to focus on what they're saying I can't get it all in before it moves on to the next statement. I suppose I could look back at the log for the missing bits of information, but I don't like making choices without full knowledge of what I'm being asked to do.
  2. Flurry sounds a lot more appealing in this game since the top end version of it has no penalties, but I'm still not sure if that's better than a quadrupled chance to crit. With a keen lightsaber, it really adds up. Then again, I'm not entirely sure if critical strike and keen stack. EDIT: Now I'm considering a sentinel/watchman. It'd be close to what I played in KOTOR.
  3. I say wipe 'em out. They try to kill me, and hey, do unto others...
  4. I'm considering a 10 str guardian/WM with lightsaber finesse. I'm just trying to decide if the extra defense I'd get from dexterity would be a worthwhile trade for the damage I'd lose. I'm also not sure which primary attack I want to favor. I really liked critical strike in KOTOR. I mostly favored critical for the stun due to my scoundrel/guardian sneak attacks, just wondering if it'll be equally beneficial for a character without sneak attack. Any thoughts?
  5. I can't play as dark side at all. I always feel bad about hurting NPCs in games, as illogical as that is. I've gotta admit, though...I've been sorely tempted to go through KOTOR as dark side just so I can try to kill Carth.
  6. I 'unno who I'd say is the best since they'd all have their strengths, but I think Yoda and Darth Maul were the most interesting to watch.
  7. High res movies would be wasted on a normal TV regardless of the gaming system involved. I doubt that's the reason. I'm chalking the delay up to laziness and lack of responsibility on the part of LucasArts.
  8. The non-human subtitles are scrolling past at a rate that I can't keep up with at certain points of the game, and I find this very frustrating. Is there any way that I can slow the rate at which the subtitles progress or pause the game at each subtitle? I apologize if this has been asked about before. I did a search and came up with nothing, but I didn't spend hours digging.
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