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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Prefer this by them: If only because of the word 'panzer' in the title ~ Shryke, you just made me groove sideways along a corridor.
  2. I just had an awesome idea. It's like a medicalert bracelet, but for chaps. It simply reads - "in case of life threatening emergency..." and a number. The number is a voicemail box, which results in two hookers, a tame bear, and 14 lbs of confectioners sugar being dispatched to your location so the circumstances of your death are more hollywood than "t*** dies jogging".
  3. Oi! That's, like, racism but for rich people.
  4. Don't get any funny ideas about fundamental changes of heart, but I found this article about how teaching prisoners to write can help reoffending rates. What this suggests to me (by informed guesswork as much as anything) is that compulsive criminals lack metacognitive skills, which writing helps develop. That is 'thinking about thinking'. I need to reiterate, though, that I don't give a **** how we stop people reoffending. They can have a hug a day for all I care. But I find the reoffending rates far too high.
  5. I'm buying Arcanum this Friday, and going retro.
  6. I thought Cass' quest had th emost interesting deciisons for charcter development/concept (in my head at least).
  7. Too true. Of course I know you're only saying this so my head will explode like a microwaved grape.
  8. Let it not be said that I am afraid of my own medicine. Did twenty ascents of the hill today, at double time for 4 in 5, and rapid controlled descents the same ratio. No halts to rest. Was hanging out on the last go, but made it with minimal lasting pain to my back. However, ten minuts later I'm still a bright red colour in the face.
  9. Canadian communists say: hands off Libya!
  10. This has to be the only fashion photo I've ever seen that cost me d2 SAN: http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/galleries/T...-a-wedding.html
  11. Do phys. It will help with the stress, and help you sleep. It's now 6 am (barely) and it's snowing outside. *sigh* Circuits?
  12. I vote the SAS change their motto to that from 'who dares wins'.
  13. By 'western spec ops are operating' I assume you mean 'getting arrested'.
  14. Do phys. It will help with the stress, and help you sleep.
  15. Since Obyknven is clearly Lord of Flies' alt is it any wonder that he struggles to handle the concept that anyone other than the proletariat might revolt? BTW, they ARE having outside help. I already posted that Qatar has agreed to act as their broker.
  16. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/cri...ed-for-boy.html
  17. Call me an old hippy, but I was rather looking forward to the point where we'd have to burn our old nukes just to stay warm.
  18. Foolish Tigs. You cannot have any ordered system, infused with energy, without some form of moderation.
  19. I seem to recall saying that if everything esle was going fine then we'd forget our exes. everything IS going fine, and I've basically forgotten my exes. Learn from this, my young apprentice. *hit by falling piano*
  20. Apologies to all for lack of response. But there's too much meat in here to just cough back something off the cuff. And the mixing of that metaphor shoudl tell you all you need to know about how hard I've been working the leetle grey cells today. As an aside, Qatar appear to have agreed to act as broker for the Libyan rebels' oil. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2011/03/28...rude-liberated/
  21. Hey! I really enjoyed farcry 1. Now Farcry 2... I've done algebra that was more stimulating.
  22. Well, I certainly agree with you about the need for a little more courage in our convictions. I think perhaps our disagreement was practical rather than theoretical. My objection was that there would be an outcry after inevitable bombing casualties (however low), and the rebels would fail to deliver success on the ground. Obviously as of today we seem to have stayed the course with the bombing, and the rebels seem to be making progress. However, if the British Army and the Italians went yo-yoing back and forth across that area during WW2 I'm not being unfair if I'm skeptical about the ability of the rebels to continue making gains. Not now they've moved towards Sirte which we're told is a ghaddafi loyalist area. Ghaddafi's forces have taken a thorough spanking from airpower so far. But don't expect them to continue doing so, especially not in built up areas which our rules of engagement preclude us hitting. Also ask yourself what the rebels have demonstrated in terms of mobility and the application of firepower, both of which are strongly linked to logistic and tactical organisation.
  23. Thanks for the quick replies. I don't think it needs a full license agreement. It links to other copyrighted work. It's more to give fair warning than protection as such. Always use PDF. It stops the formatting getting funted between different programs.
  24. I'm writing up a document which I want to distribute like an academic paper, but retain ownership of it. What do I have to write on the bugger to do so? "Copyright Walsingham 2011"? "I'll cut yer knackers off, so I will 2011"?
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