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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. w00t! we just got epic cake of doom delivered to work to celebrate the launch of the new mobile network om nom nom delicious cake
  2. i'd heard about the Predator one (now having more than one predator stalking them in the jungle - wtf?), but i hadn't heard about the Alien one
  3. haha i should've thought of that though as hot as she is, the girl is an ex - therefore sex was just not on the cards
  4. well i've decided my friend sara is about as subtle as a kick in the nuts an old school mate i hadn't seen in like 3 years was touring with his new band and was in town, so i went along to the gig with a mate (who's also an ex) to check them out and catch up with the dude they weren't gonna be playing till last (and there were 5 bands), but after the appallingly BAD first 2 bands, we decided to leave on the way out i wandered over to say goodbye to sara, and when i told her we were leaving, she asked me - "what so you're heading off to go have crazy monkey sex with that chick right there?" smooth sara, reeeeeal smooth
  5. sith war swords with the higher end damaging upgrades (off the top of my head vibration cells, mandalorian grip, and ossus? edge) is *nasty* wait, sith tremor swords
  6. nah there's not, but you can still upgrade it at least
  7. oh and when you find him, he wont talk to you unless you leave your party members behind
  8. VAST - Pretty When You Cry
  9. What is she? A puma? nope, a cougar
  10. lesbian vampire killers amusingly silly ^_^
  11. got to the pub last night and pretty much as soon as i got in the door got pounced on by an ex we ended up ditching the bar and going on an adventure - we ended up getting some beers and heading back to her place and partaking of some... other substances, and fun ensued!
  12. energy shields are your friend
  13. yeah, but that's not hard is it...?
  14. never really bothered my brother keeps bugging me to start playing WoW, but i haven't played any games on my computer for months, so it seems pretty pointless paying a monthly fee for something i wont even be doing
  15. it just can't compare to the Red Panda's overwhelming power of cute
  16. oh a tattoo i was thinking of body painting for some reason
  17. epic night was epic good company + lots of whiskey = me being late for work this morning
  18. i'd be curious as to just how the hell that would work as an MMO there's not really any set factions in the book - other than the Night's Watch really everyone else keeps changing alleigance or backstabbing eachother as for the new IP, let's see Starcraft Warcraft so maybe Steamcraft?
  19. Is that the one you needed chains and black leather for? haha no that was another one
  20. yup Duncan's back in NZ along with his new austrian girlfriend she seems pretty cool - though i'm not so sure about the photo shoot she wants to do
  21. that's what days off are for - recovery! today is not such a happy day for me tis the 3 year anniversary of a very unfortunate event
  22. been trying to learn how to say something in german and practicing saying it in a particular voice for a recording we're gonna be doing usually i find these kinda things pretty easy but this particular one has been a bit of a challenge
  23. Are you guys planning an Internet release for those who are from other continents? i really don't think we should inflict it on any other people the genre we got given was romance, so naturally we decided to do the film about an amputee fetishist romance
  24. the music video has crazy tellitubby thingies
  25. went to the viewing for our film last night it was so bad
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