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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. weekend was epic it's now thursday and i'm still feeling a bit like my brain is packed in cotton wool
  2. had some random chick i only very vaguely remember meeting at the Fetish Ball talking to me online today she owns her own corsetry company, and she wants me to model some of her stuff for when she comes to Wellington thankfully it's not actual corsets she's wanting me to model
  3. i'm gonna be a mighty king so enemies beware well i've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair i'm gonna be the main event like no king was before been brushing up on looking down been working on my roar thus far a rather uninspiring thing... oh i just can't wait to be king
  4. damn, heard of birth control at all buddy?
  5. Popular ≠ good many things gets sequels/expansions - doesn't make them any good though. a lot of the time it just means it's seen as a good moneymaker and therefore gets milked as much as possible and i think part of the reason NWN was so popular was because of the toolkit and the ease for people to create their own mods etc
  6. heh Volo always makes me chuckle trying to say the NWN1 OC was actually anything other than a complete pile of ****
  7. we shall see i suppose i've already told the others they need to ply me with booze beforehand though
  8. finally got a chance to watch Zombie Strippers a few funny moments, but overall rather disappointing
  9. got band practice on sunday somewhat foolishly agreed last night to do vocals for a Sisters of Mercy cover band
  10. Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3 this is like the 5th time today it's been played on the radio at work today so... much... hate...
  11. awesome - you guys rock looks like for the next few days i'm gonna do some experimenting and see what i like best
  12. I suspect it is not because of the food, but because you want to do it for her then well yes that too - but i do actually enjoy cooking as well that Thai rice sambal looks pretty good - i might try that one
  13. basically vegitarian = no meat vegan = no animal products at all (no milk/cheese/eggs/etc) and i don't wanna get stuff delivered - i'm gonna be cooking it myself
  14. borrowed Zombie Strippers last night - haven't had a chance to watch it yet anyone seen it? it looks pretty hilariously bad
  15. Oblivion was okay for a first playthrough, but i needed mods to tolerate it a second time
  16. so i promised to make someone dinner next week - only i forgot she was vegitarian (not vegan thankfully) i was pondering making a spinach and ricotta cannelloni, but i need more ideas! help me and i will love you forever (or not as the case may be)
  17. hey yeah i suppose i could change that and stop e-stalking me huttboy!
  18. god no! gotz a new girlfriend, so no more nights of drunken debauchery - unless it's with her
  19. Don't you mean WHO you did? *ahem*
  20. *drum roll* Shryke is no longer living the lecherous single life! hehe i am pleased
  21. maybe i shouldn't mention what i did last night then....
  22. man that's awesome - i wanna glow in the dark puppy!
  23. heh well i'd certainly be up for the idea, but yeah... don't think there's any chance of it happening... dammit!
  24. the only time i've had T3 "help" was when he came bursting into the room just as Visas dropped to her knees
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