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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. Faith No More - Last Cup of Sorrow
  2. good stuff
  3. from what i've found out, gungans are quite militaristic and serious, its just that the bosses and jar jar are so ****ing annoying
  4. oh god no!! jar jar = most annoying star wars character EVER (and i frickin despise C3P0)
  5. no more tattooine! it has been used way too much! kashyyyk is pretty boring too.... plus wookies take too darn long to say stuff personally i'd like to see some new planets, or at least some that haven't been used so often. yeah the minigames are pretty boring. if i wanted to play cards, i'd play frickin solitaire, if i wanted to do some racing, i'd play a racing game. i like the fact that they took out the turret minigame from kotor1. it was WAY to easy, the fighters flew in a specific patter, and if you learned that pattern, you could take them all out in about 10 seconds (oddly enough, some people found it really hard)
  6. atton (when seeing male exile for the first time): hey sexy, hows it going (w00t) *hides from atton fangirls* :ph34r:
  7. the fork of horripilation!!! @baley: pity its not a spoon, or you'd be in BIG trouble :D
  8. dems aren't guns
  9. *shakes fist at baley* the spoon will always win!! soundgarden - spoonman :D
  10. Do I want to ask? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *in a not so subtle whisper* its because.... OOOOOH SHINY OBJECT!!! (w00t) oh yeah.... i forgot
  11. 7 hours a day to get water?! you better take a BIG bucket then! i can imagine.... i just dont feel like it tehehehe GRANNY FROM HELL!! GRANNY FROM HELL!!! (w00t) (w00t)
  12. i have been reading some tom clancy and robert ludlum stuff recently oh and of course, silvershadow's fanfic :D and i'm still waiting for robert jordan to finish the Wheel of Time series. 10 books so far!! (11 if you count the prequel....) and i found a magic the gathering book the other day! i have been playing magic: tg for about 12 years and have NEVER found one before!!
  13. i dont smoke.... i guess im just naturally insane. hmm..... yay? Disciple? i thought it was evil "jesus" exile now i shower you with teh smileys!! attack!! <_< (w00t) :"> :D " :cool: :ph34r: etc etc... yarr! by the seven seas!! darn limit of emoticons!! *screams* where's my eyepatch gone!?!?!
  14. tehehe *prods baley with a spoon.... again* yes, you must hurry up and post the... masterpieces? (still be better than mine though) *hides* :ph34r:
  15. i agree. the evil tyrant spoon-king must not be allowed to take over cutleryland!! oh... umm.... what was this about again...? oh! right! avatars! anyways.... i haven't really been here long enough to notice too many changes...
  16. I agree. Let's talk about REAL drinks. Best beer: Singha for lager beers, Kilkenny for stouts. (Is that the right terminology?) Best liqour: J
  17. it may be bad for you, but its oh so goood :D anyways, i prefer caffeine. in fact, if i go for a few days without caffeine, i get major headaches
  18. argh! baley's following me around the forum!! (w00t) oh yeah.... nice handmaiden oh nuts.... been forgetting about my (attempt at) fanart.... i'll get round to it sooner or later
  19. best drink ever = waffles in liquid form!! (w00t) (w00t) i wonder if it actually exists......
  20. i use shryke because one day when sitting in my mate's lounge, i screeched like a bird for no particular reason. and most bird-based names are kinda used a lot (eg raven, condor, eagle...) so i decided on shrike, but i spelt it wrong, so now i have shryke
  21. the filthy spam-monkey lies!! (w00t)
  22. there IS a bronze crystal, but its pretty much exactly the same as the orange crystal
  23. yeah the "traditional" (ie blue, green, red) colours in this game seem a lot rarer than in kotor1. i almost always end up with lots of violet, bronze, siver, etc, but only one or two blue, green etc crystals anyway, i think its time i go to bed. its.... 6:30am?!?! i gotta get up in the morning!! actually.... i gotta get up in about an hour!!
  24. those three are always there there might be more fixed locations, but im not too sure. all the others are random
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