I would have organized it so that the Ancient Sith spirits would arise some point in the game, and you'd have to consult with one of the truest, most Ancient Sith, (which would be made up on the spot.. no association in the films or previous games or books).. I'd probably give him the name Count Shadow, or Count Cerebrum. I'd make the game more in depth at choosing sides.. I'd also let the opener be optional.. Wether you're aligned with the Sith ( not fully ) or republic ( not fully).. Youd be able to choose. AS to becoming a Jedi, you'd be able to be trained by either side of the Jedi. Sith or regular. Doesen't matter, but I'd like that for gamers to be able to do. They'd appreciate it more.
I'd also re-vamp the characters.
Work on the diaglogue though it is amazing, better than the first.
I'd help it be relative more to the Era, and the past. More indepth, if you would say, storyline wise.
I'd make it so that Revan was killed crushing a Sith Rebellion.
His last pupil...
Carth Onasi! would arise to be your Master. You were taken as his apprentice. That would be great.
I'd also make it so Canderous had a showdown with a Sith Master.
I'd also make it so Bastila would return, saving the main characters (you) life. She would die in the process.
I'd also completely revamp the council with new Masters who returned from Meditation in a separate, unexplored Galaxy.
You'd be able to jump from One galaxy to another, which would each host roughly 8 planets. I'd make it so you'd literally have to get an expansion for the XBOX.
Sadly, budgets aren't very friendly to developers.
Also... I'd make the main character a crazy suit which he dons.. Sorta like a light side darth Vader suit.. Which he dons in KOTOR3. The character would be neutral, however favoring the Light side more. He'd have to be sought out in order to complete the game. Of course there would be quests in between finding him/her and actually finding him/her.
I'd add a scene where your Jedi confronts a Dark Jedi, after chasing him down.. because the Dark Jedi slaughtered an innocent child.
The dialogue..
Not all, but short snippets.
Dark Sith :: "Ahh.. Jedi. You've searched planet after planet to kill me.. but I must ask to you, why? Why kill a normal Dark Jedi when you have more important people to erase from the face of the Galaxy?"
Main Character :: "I align myself with the light side of the Force. I uphold the laws of the Republic, and defend those who are in need... And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life, even if it costs me exactly that."
Dark Jedi :: "Honorable, but foolish. Enough talk."
Main Character :: (sad it came to this) "Revenge is never sweet; but nonetheless bitter. Indeed."
Lol. Im a nerd!!!
Hahaha, have a good one guys
Edited: I'd have one lightsaber which was required to be handled with two hands. The blade would be increased in width. It would be a Purple colored with an inner blue light.. Lol
My dudes form would be like Mace Windus lightsaber form, but he'd be crouched a little