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Everything posted by Naso

  1. What I don't understand: where in tarnation do all these Sith lords come from? I know there are some powerful people like Uthar around here and there as governors or whathaveyou but really, it seemed like on the sf they were pretty much out of powerful sithy types. Those three to be his "next apprentice", etc. There just isn't anyone to seize power and there wouldn't be for quite some time.
  2. I agree about it being a new game, except for the fact that the *possible* romance with Bastilla and whatnot really does need some tidying up due to the incredible ambiguity, though I'm more curious how they're going to integrate the DS ending with the starwars universe generally. If Revan slaved his ships together and did something stupid I will not be happy, and currently I can't see any other explanation for how he did not gain total dominion.
  3. HK-47. He wasn't game defining in Kotor, but when I think about the game and fun times, he is the first thing I think of. HK is just too good to not bring back whether you play light or dark
  4. Jedi Outcast was okay in that regard, and the saber system was fun enough to counter that problem, but Academy tired it out and with the same ready-made army it got very old. With KotOR it wasn't so improbable, seeing that there was the academy and all, that there would be so many, but they really would benefit tremendously from more variety. Just, for the love of god or whatever you hold dear, do not have some easy-sith-oven like Jedi Knight. Twice was more than enough.
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