What kink of force powers do you think would come in use while fighting the sith, or the republic?
For me a power like: Force Control, you would cast this power on a droid, then temporarly control it to see past enemy lines. You could not attack anyone with the droid(because that would be to easy)
Or a power like kreia's Force Kinetic, that way you could wield extra wepons, while it is slowly draining your force points, it would be a universal power.
Another power could be a temporary force chain with your party members, your attack modifiers, strength modifiers, and dex modifiers will be add together for each of your party members. For example: member 'a' has a strength mod of 4, member 'b' has a dex mod of 6, and member 'c' has a attack mod of 4. Then 'a' will have a dex mod of 6, a srength mod of 4, and a attack mod of 4. That would happen to all three. The mods could also be cumlative.