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Everything posted by Alfinfrance

  1. I finally managed to strengthen the wards. Level 14 Party, Eder and 4 spell casters, one spell caster on each round stone to protect the wards from dragon attack (you see an energy shield protecting wards from dragon's attacks but not from tentacles ones). 1st round invoking every help possible Every other round, sending either a sleep spell or using Eder attacks to stun the dragon, blocking it to call the water tentacles You have to cast your most powerful spells to decrease dragon's life asap, but be careful not to kill him. After 5 tries (killed him once, 3 other tries a ward was destroyed), I managed to make him lose enough life to surrender before the first tentacle attack. Good luck.
  2. I have the same problem as Originm here, I tried to lock the dragon in his cave, but the wards were destroyed, so nowhere to click. The stones in the wall work only as containers.
  3. Hi, The NPC "Condwen double un" iin "Mortelune" s saying the exact contrary of the dice rules : " Bet on minus if it's plus, bet on plus if it's minus" I also saw lots of typos, especially since my Watcher is a female, and in French you have to change the adjectives between male and female. Oh, and NPCs without specific dialogs shouldn't salute me as "Gardien" (which means male Watcher) but "Gardienne" (female Watcher).
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