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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. Go to this site http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/index.php to learn and play sabbac Firstly it was a card game that has always being in the SW galaxy, and is more original than pazzack. It is also more complicated, which is better. Which do you like?
  2. I wonder if the devs have made the Sith Queen really ugly but you can still have a romance with her. Its whats on the inside that counts after all.
  3. arm amputation ehhh
  4. Still it might be better if reven was out of the way for KOTOR 3
  5. Were going to need seperate forums and more moderators though. And bans for those who intentionally trcik others (ie false topics names) tp read spoliers. Dont be surprised ive seen it done before.
  6. I just hope that the following endings are avalible. Sacrifcing your character for the sake of others Sacrificing your party memebers for your/others sake. Killing all the Sith Lords. Joining the Sith Lords Restoring the Republic Any more?
  7. Yeh. What has happened?
  8. No spoilers for me.
  9. Maybe. It up there. Thats for sure.
  10. What ever it is. It looks cool
  11. Lets hope its work ehh
  12. They have said most of it is done and alot of dugging is taking place.
  13. Assasin all the way
  14. I doubt a console title could ever match a PC title style of RPG.
  15. Just leave each other alone.
  16. It all going good.
  17. Hey. Sacrificing your character is a great idea. Maybe its one on the options, as light, to take down all the sith lord wiht you.
  18. I dont think the game should not protect the player from their own stupidity. I what they do causes 100 selkath to run at you, bring it on:)
  19. The xbox series i think will be known from now on as the powerhouse of consoles.
  20. Chris has said that he really wants the player to be emotionally involved. You just dont throw statements around like that. KOTOR 2 = A classic in the making
  21. How about instanly? I would so go around healing the worlds sick.
  22. What about treat injury? Cancer and the like will be out the window.
  23. We have all talked about how the game might start and the circumstances that surround our character. But how will it end? For the light side will all the lords be killed at the end? And for the dark side will the PC be the leader? What do you think?
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