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Everything posted by Sniper69

  1. I think most women can already do that anyway...
  2. A movie dedicated to making fun of America and Bush? As an ignorant Canadian, I have GOT to see the movie.
  3. Calo's deffinetly my favourite, but this Bioware thread is an insult to his coolness and finesse.
  4. I want to see Hoth in KOTOR 2... It reminds me of Canada.
  5. Now that I think of it, force Furry would be cool... Sith: Look over there, it's a jedi! Jedi: Uh oh.. *activates force furry" Sith: oh, nevermind, it's just a french hooker.
  6. How about force furry? or was that supposed to be Flurry?
  7. Are they a busy forum with a lot of members? if so, can I get a link?
  8. Have any of you guys seen this site? It's got some great info/screenshots of KOTOR 2.. ~~ Link to spam game removed by Akari. Please don't do that again here. ~~
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