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About Venemo

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    The centre of the galaxy
  • Interests
    Programming, website creating, reading
  1. C# is not a Windows-specific language. It can be used on every operating systems which have a .NET framework. (For Linux, there is Mono.) But .NET is still M$ proprietary, as opposed to the open standard for C/C++. Microsoft made an ISO standard from the .NET technology, and Mono is an opensource implementation of it.
  2. VB6.0, VB.NET, VBScript, VBA, and Basic are the same language. ASP.NET is not a language, because it is a technology. You can use it with every .NET languages. Java and JavaScript have the same syntax, so they aren't different languages. Html and Xml and aren't programming languages, because they are markup languages.
  3. C# is not a Windows-specific language. It can be used on every operating systems which have a .NET framework. (For Linux, there is Mono.)
  4. What items do you get from him?
  5. Vandar went to Katarr, to the last Jedi Council. He died there.
  6. To complete the Redemption quest you shouldn't show anyone your lightsabers, and you should only speak to the administrator abot this topic. After defending Khoonda, the quest will be completed. A question: One of my characters met with the escaped criminals, but an another didn't and I dont't know how to complete that quest. Can anyone help me with this?
  7. I have this problem, too, but I think it can't be fixed.
  8. Where is this airspeeder exactly?
  9. you can't...trust me, no matter how aggressive you try to be it'll just loop until you say something(forgot exatcly what you have to say) and she lets you go How do you mean "forgot exatcly what you have to say" ?
  10. Kodin's part isn't unique part.
  11. No. It is not exciting to start a game with a level 20-50 character. And I think the players don't want to kill their characters. Because both Revan and the Exile are player characters and players don't like when their characters kill each other. I think they should unite against the Sith Empire.
  12. Ad what happens if I try to kill her?
  13. I don't agree. Why would a player want to kill his/her characters? I'm from Hungary and I am 14 years old but I think I can't speak English better.
  14. Yes, I know that, when Kreia meets her. I finished the game but I thought I can go to her earlier. And what happens if I ask Atris to give it back when I first meet her?
  15. I think Darth Traya was the most difficult boss in the game. I was lvl15 consular/ lvl10 master when I fought her.
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