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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I dont particularly like Trump but its not fair he is getting told " how dare he comes to visit Florida by angry parents " Of course, they'd also complain if he didn't go to Florida. BNesdies, didn't Florida vote for him? No take backs.
  2. TRIGGERED. CongressMEN? That is sexist. LITERAL NAZIS. We here, in the Amerikas, like to use the word congressperson.
  3. Why not both? Anyways, these new look Cavs are ridiculously good. It's fuynny too since all 4 of them came from subpar teams yet on the Cavs they are looking good.
  4. Curry is scum. He's reputation as a 'nice guy' is such PR bull****z.
  5. "makes the movie itself diverse" No, it doesn't. The movie is not diverse. It is mostly an all black cast. There is nothing wrong with that, btw, but to call it a 'diverse' cast is a lie and then to go further and claim it's the 'most diverse film' ever is even more ridiculous. Again, the issue here is that the new age Diversity Crowd only think in terms of white vs black ignoring all the other races that exist. Anyways, this is the funny thread.. So... to make a joke.... Nah. I'm not that funny.
  6. That's how I've heard people describe it while praising it. P.S. This isn't bashing the movie. It looks entertaining but as a rule I don't watch Marvel films in theatres. But, I laugh at those (like the poster make) calling this 'diverse'. Then again, it is 2018, and jn 2018 'most diverse' means black and no whites. Who cares about Asians, arabs, latinos, and others. Certainly not the Diversity Crowd.
  7. Most diverse movie ever.
  8. IT need to be dealt. Their defense and their offence was worse with him nim. Can't believe they traded Wade for a silly pick. He must have asked for it since he wasn't exactly paid a lot this season by CLE. Wade did solid work off the bench especially for what he was paid. The big win here is getting rid of the Boston trash. LMAO Hill is okay and the other pick ups are meh to me.
  9. L0L LOGIC. Does this to 'protect' international reputation... yet the act of doing this hurts said rep. BRILLIANT.
  10. KC and WSH a re both dumdums in this mess. But at least WSH still has a legit starter. KC has some who is really really hyped but who hasn't proved squat yet.
  11. "Journalists have criticized Trump’s attacks on the media, and warning that him lashing out against the press could lead to actual acts of violence against reporters." By that logicl, everyone lashing out at Donald Trump should stop because some psycho *cough* Rosie O'Donnell *cough* mighyt actually commit violence against him. But, will they stop? of course not, because they will ustified because he is deemed 'evil'. just as he deems them 'evil'. that is what happens when you dehumanize the opposition.
  12. Women don't have 'powerful' lobby groups that push for them in Washington? That is laughable and a lie. Women's groups are so powerful they can shut down men's shelters with a snap of their fingers.
  13. "Btw, cracker doesn't refer to skin tone." Yeah, it does. Don't try to use the 'old definition' argument. When someone uses the word they are directing it a white person to insult them and demean them except the cases where some white person is using it 'ironically' or to be edgy.
  14. "I'd never heard of the word 'cracker' used to refer to white people." Hilarious. It is used a lot against white people. And, yes, it is meant to dehumanize them and belittle them for being garbage; Of course, like the black word equivelant, more than few white people use the word themselves to insult othert whities or in the same way blacks use theirs. To check the 'unfairness'.. check how the white term can be used casuaully without any blowback... try the black equivelant and see how quickly Obsidian sends you packing and the dogpile that will occur. L0L
  15. "You don't get to pick and choose who you do business with in our society based on race and gender." That's funny. It happens all the time. Race and gender based discrimination occurs a lot and it isn't just 'minorities' and women who Get targeted for it. And, the gov't clearly uses racism to get what it wants to accomplish its goals. LMAO
  16. Why are you trying to make stupid spins and political gooblygook double speak. Dems voted to shut the gov't down. That is simply a fact. Their reasons why - whether one agress with them or not - does not change that.
  17. Except the vast majority of repubs who voted voted to keep the gov't opened. The vast majority of Demos who voted chose to vote for a gov't shutdown. This clearly means Demos are responsible for the gov't shutdown. You may agree or disagree with their votes and why they voted the way they did but it is clear this gov't shutdown was chosen by the Demos. Just like the last one in 2013 (as one of the articles lijnked above pointed out) was chosen by the Repubs. *shrug* let's call a spade a spade.
  18. Dem,ocrats vote to shut down gov't.. it is repubs who won the mandate by voters for the shutdown.. lmao The voting above is clear. Repubs don't want to shut the gov't down. The demos do. But, people in this very thread blaming Repubs be/c they won't give th Demos they want but alsoa dmnit that the Dems are doing this 'intentionally'. L0LZ The LOGIKZ.
  19. Let's be frank. To a gov't there isn't many crimes that is worse than not giving them 'their' money. Murder someone? rape someone? You might get a couple of years. Not pay their blood money? PRISON AND TORTURE FOR YOU. Gov'ts are no different than the mob in that way.
  20. "Proof that they're actually doing so in large numbers (in the range of thousands to tens of thousands or more)? Please distinguish fact from conspiracy theories." I don't need to. My statement had nothing to do with numbers. Prove that politicians don't encourage them to vote and that Kalifornia hasn't made it easier for them to do so. Don't try to make a 'counter' argument that didn't even agrue against the argument that was made. It is a lame way to have a discussion.
  21. "Well, illegals don't actually vote" Yeah, they do. Encouraged by politicians at that to do so. Kalfornia makes laws also making it easier for them to vote as well. I know as a Kanadian I'd be FURIOUS if a bunch of yahoo Amerikans came to my country illegal and voted in my elections.
  22. Thomas (even though he didn't play tonight) is a HUGE issue. He is completely useless on defense and even on offense almost every time I see him drive the net he gets either blocked or twisted around because he is so damn short. Say what you will about Irving's defense but at least he doesn't look completely outmatched. Thomas just looks like a child on the court. No opponent seriously feels threatened by Thomas. L0L
  23. I thought it was about the Bundys not being bullied by the gov't's bullying tatics even if the Bundys aren't 'squeaky clean'. Neither is the gov't.
  24. Well.. because the 'state' is usually amongst the most 'evil doers'. LMAO
  25. Should sue the gov't for abuse of power, Nazism, and evil corruption. This goes for both the teacher situation and the Bundy situation.
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