Mesa Red
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Everything posted by Mesa Red
TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress
Mesa Red replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
A couple of things briefly... Frist, once again Thank You for all your efforts. I cannot say that enough. Second, this is the first time I have downloaded a mod for any game and I was a bit worried about doing so. Completely unfounded fears! The mods I downloaded worked flawlessly. Wonderful job!! Lastly, if I could, your next pizza feast would be on me. Well, not on me exactly, but I would foot the bill. :D Mesa Red -
Didn't mean to say she was 'uber'. I agree there isn't one in the game. Just that after completing her quest(s) she is probably the best one.
Should Revan Have An "Offical" Gender?
Mesa Red replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Two quick points if I may be permitted; I have served in three wars ( well two plus a 'police action') as both part of the military and as a civilian. During Nam I had two female officers (I was an NCO) to serve with. Both very capable in all military respects. I had no feelings of unease under their command. Unlike the male captain that eventually took over the company. During ODS (Bush SR war) I was a civilian manning an emergency operations center and both my supervisors were women. Again, very capable, confident and rarely wrong in their decision making, BUT were willing to listen, and in many cases accept and implement, other opinions. Lastly, I went into Iraq with the 4th infantry division where I supported and served with many female officers (as well as NCOs and males of both ranks). I saw no difference in the professionalism, courage, capabilities and dedication between the men and women wearing the uniform. Several of those women are now Coloniels and Generals in the US Army, and in my huimble opinion, the Army is just as good now as during any of the previous wars. Mesa Red Male NCO Male Civil Servant -
***Possible Spoiler**** Nothing like Yavin IV merchant in the game as I could find. However, if you side with Greeda (forgive me if that spelling is wrong) on Nar Shaddaa and then get her the contacts with Datooine and Onderon (I think you have to complete the planets but I am not positive of that) she has probably the best stuff in the game and pays a fair amount for your things. Even if you are playing DS it is worth taking the LS hit to side with her for some of the items she sells. (My opinion only) As for selling things I found it pretty standard throughout the game. So much for competition. <_<
**tsk tsk*** (wags finger) Did you not read the reply to your first post?
***Spoiler**** I think this is addressed in the Spoilers forum, but here is the info you requested. :D Airspeeder Repair: Airspeeder Navigation Interface - Tienn Tubb's place Maneuvering Flaps - Pylon 3 (Docks area) Power Cell - Recieved as a reward from the Ithorian in the Flophouse (Docks Area)
Should Revan Have An "Offical" Gender?
Mesa Red replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I am not sure we could afford the game if a voice actor for male and female Revan/Exile were used, or any PC for that matter. It is tough to do a 100% voice over in any game and is very expensive for the dev/publisher. And, wouldn't there have to be multiple accents for each gender? Though I would like to see it done I think at this stage of gaming it is just cost prohibitive for both the dev and the consumer. As for the main topic of this thread, I really don't have a gender preference for either Revan or Exile. That should be left up to the player I believe. -
Makes sense I suppose. Though I have to admit my family buys games during the year and rarely gives them as presents at Christmas. So, I am guessing that is the exception rather than the rule. As much as I was looking forward to KotOR2, I didn't purchase it until early March of this year. <shrug> Anyway, thanks for your information/thoughts.
Mandalorians have a language?
Mesa Red replied to darth spock's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
If memory serves doesn't Mission tell the PC that most aliens speak basic but would rather speak their own language? It would then make sense to me that 'allies' would speak basic to the PC. Dunno, just a thought. That seems like it would also validate Sasha's language use since she would hear mostly Mandalorian during her tenur with them. -
Having read the forums here and at the LA site I have heard numerous references to getting KotOR2 out for the Christmas shopping season. Now this may seem like a silly question and if so please feel free to skip to the next topic. However, since the game was released just before Christmas, how could the publisher be sure sales then would be higher than, say, a February release? I ask because it seems almost all of the ones that purchased KotOR2 also owned KotOR1. Would the time of release have stopped them from buying the sequeal? And this begs another question; By rushing the game to market and having it snatched up by KotOR1 owners who were then disappointed by the 'final' product, wouldn't this have ultimately hurt sales because of the bad publicity (for LA and OE) the game has generated? Just asking for opinions here. I am curious as to what others may think. Mesa Red
TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress
Mesa Red replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Allow me to add my thanks for your selfless efforts. -
I am constantly amazed that folks read things they don't like to read. And then flame and whine about what they don't like to read when all they have to do is not read it. <ponder> It seems to me that most of the negative posts are titled so one can pretty much guess as to the content, no? But then again I have seem some negative replies posted in threads that would not have been anticipated in the title. However, if the first few lines are unsavory perhaps going to the next post or thread would be advisable, no? I suppose there is some good that could come from accepting whatever a business feels the customer deserves regardless of the price charged or paid for the product. It would certainly make life interesting. You paid for it, now just shut up and try to use it. That you can or cannot use the product is not our company's concern! And, anyway, how dare you expect more than what we think is best for you and our bank account!! Danged whiners anyway! Anti-whiners UNITE!!!! Mesa 'the anti-whiners whiner' Red
My top ten from two decades plus of RPGs... 10. The Longest Journey 9. Original Bard's Tale 8. Forgotten Realms Gold Box Series (yea, all of em) 7. Moria (not sure it would truly qualify. How many have heard of it?) 6. Icewind Dale II 5. Icewind Dale 4. KotOR 1 3. Planescape: Torment 2. Morrowind 1. Baldur's Gate series I actually expected KotOR II to knock either number 10 or 9 off the list. Sadly, it didn't. Mesa Red
As with many of the topics in this forum I can think of quite a bit to say in this thread. But I will try to be brief. Console v PC debating has gone on to the tune of the demise of PC games for many years. Perhaps it will happen, I really don't know for sure. There are advantages to both but, it seems unless you subscribe to something like XBox Live you will have difficulty getting a patch for KotOR2, whereas with the PC it is pretty much given it will be a download. Would this not apply to any game that requires a patch for a console game? The state of games today in both arenas seems to be get the beta2 version in the customer's hands and lets see what we need to fix in the next iteration of the game the customers will pay us for. My family owns two consoles and a PC and from what my kids tell me the console games can have nearly as many problems as the PC games. My problem is I think I can see both sides of the issue. Games for the consoles are fairly straight forward. Once the game is in, the system is dedicated to running that software and little to nothing else. A game designed for the PC does not have that luxury because there are an infinite number of system configurations a given user can have; most have applications running in the background; firewalls and AV software and some version of OS all of which can be mixed and matched to a great extent. Not a developer's paradise I should think. However, having said all of that, my position on the console v PC debat is simiply this; if developers stop making games for the PC I will stop playing games. Or, will continue to play only the games I own now from time to time. I cannot see myself supporting the console gaming industry because of the limitations I perceive. KotOR 2 is a good game that could have been great as has been stated many times throughout LA and OE forums. In this instance, both platform users were 'cheated', in my opinion. I hope this is a 'glitch' and will not become the 'norm'. Hopefully more companies will become like Blizzard and BioWare when it comes to the initial product and post release support. I guess we shall see. Mesa Red
What do u want from kotor3
Mesa Red replied to Lord Zacarus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I would like to see some new and old characters and definitely some larger areas to explore. But I would also like to see the inclusion of the NPC banter that went on in KotOR 1. For a small example when Carth chided Bastila about loosing her lightsaber in the crash on Telos. There were several precious exchanges between NPCs in the first KotOR and I missed them in KotOR 2. For me, at least, it help flesh out the NPCs and gave them a little deeper character than in TSL. I also agree with putting the deleted content from KotOR 2 into the, hopefully, finished KotOR 3 release. -
Adding cut content to KotOR II. Some ideas...
Mesa Red replied to Mad_Scientist's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Perhaps, Jellybean, if you looked at it another way you could understand why folks are a bit upset. I do, however, think that saying we are totally unsupportive is way overstating the responses. If a person paid the full $50 for the game and earned $6 per hour at their job, that means they had to work a full day plus part of the next day to pay for the game. Approximately 1/5 of their work week based on a five day eight hour work schedule. That means they invested their time and effort to support LucasArts and Obsidian in a direct manner. Hardly unsupportive to my way of thinking. So now they have the game and most likely enjoy it up until the final say 10% of the game. The ending that is to say. Now they may or may not have had to deal with crashes, black screens that never go away during transistions, and they may have even overlooked the quests that can never be completed and the areas that look available but aren't, and they might ignore some of the meaningless encounters and conversations as well as cutscenes that eventually make no sense what-so-ever. Mind you, I am not complaining, only pointing out some of the fun things LA and Obsidian put in the game for our enjoyment. And through all of this wonderful developement, they can take satisfaction that they should not be disappointed or angry, because, after all, they only had to work X amount of hours to pay for such a well developed and complete gaming experience. Those who are satisfied with what they get when they get less than they pay for should not look down at those of us who demand a quality product for the money we spend. If not for those that point out, complain and bitch if you will, about poor performance by any company be it gaming software, home building, road construction, or tree pruning the quality of work and craftsmanship would suffer overall, and we would be forced to settle for whatever the business decided was adequate. Sorry, that is not the way I believe. I will continue to take businesses to task for shoddy workmanship, whether directly or indirectly as with these forums. I work for my money and give an honest day's effort each and every day. I expect nothing less from the businesses I deal with. Mesa Red -
I think its just a lead in to a conversation which results in you picking your prestige class. I don't remember a cut scene specifically for gaining the new class. If memory serves you have three answers to choose from though I don't remember the exact wording. Something like '...a whisper' and a couple others. <shrug> As many times as I have gone through this game you'd think I would know what they were. <chuckle> Hope this helps. Mesa Red
Adding cut content to KotOR II. Some ideas...
Mesa Red replied to Mad_Scientist's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Jebus, I fully understand what you are saying. At least I think I do. Please forgive if this is a bit off topic, but in our family we have two consoles (XBox and PS2) and two PCs. And each is a trade off when it comes to games. I only buy the games I want to play (with one exception NCAA2005FB) for the PC platform becasue MOST games are just beyond Beta when they hit the store shelves and will, almost without exception, require a patch of some sort. Console online access not withstanding, it is much much easier to get a patch for the PC than for consoles. Additionally, from what I have read and heard, MODS are also easier to do for the PC. I like both platforms, but as stated, I lean towards the PC more for MY gaming. Thank you for your indulgence and again I apologize for the off topic post. Mesa Red -
Favoreite NPC and/or Party Member
Mesa Red replied to Darth Hoebag's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
favorite: LS Male - Handmaiden DS Male - Visas LS Female - Atton DS Female - HK-47 note: these are the ones for each I perfer in my party whenever possible. least favorite: GO-TO no matter what I play. I don't even converse with it after the initial meeting and I never use or level it. -
Adding cut content to KotOR II. Some ideas...
Mesa Red replied to Mad_Scientist's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
A couple of things came to mind as I read your post, Mad Scientist. First let me say I am not flaming or spaming here, I found the post to be well thought out and offering some viable solutions. Good will as it pertains to companies, corporations and the like is in economics considered a tangible but oft times difficult to measure part of a business. While it is difficult to measure good will in dollar terms it can become evident especially in this type of forum. As one politican put it (paraphrasing here) one happy voter will tell ten people, but the unhappy one will tell 100. While this may not directly apply to game software or companies, it does point to the fact that happy customers will tell some friends about the game, but unhappy ones will tell the world, so to speak. Having said that I offer that I would rather see LucasArts/Obsidian come forth with a content patch or expansion. This for a couple of reasons. First, like many others I was so looking forward to KotOR2 that I did not read any reviews or scanned any forums before purchasing the game. When I finished it for the second time I was convinced there was a lot of content missing and I was frustrated with the locked military sub-level and confused when unable to follow the sensor to the robot factory/planet. It was then I jumped into the forums and found answers to my questions. LucasArts/Obsidian, in my opinion, would be taking the right course in regards to their customer base by issuing a free expansion that fixes the bugs and, at least, ties the loose ends together. I can live without the sub-level and even without a visit to robo-world, but the incomplete quests are another matter altogether. Perhaps they can follow the lead of the BG and IcewindDale series' and show their customer base (in the KotOR 'series') that they know what is right and are willing to do it? Mesa Red