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About grieva86

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  1. he has a point which is what i stated already. only the stong rule and if your stronger you take that rule which is why the first jedi outcasts claimig sith lord fought there can be only one highlander i mean...err...sith lord... now to answer this thread question a sith apprentice is an apprentice but he uses his power for the dark side so he is a dark jedi there....
  2. Time and again the Sith and Jedi would clash, with devastated worlds lying in their wake. The last great conflict took place on the scarred plains of Ruusan. The Sith Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness did battle with the Jedi Army of Light. From this onslaught, one Sith escaped: Darth Bane. It was he who would resurrect the order with duplicity and secrecy in mind One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice. -thank you starwars.com
  3. In the early days of the Jedi, a great schism tore the order apart. Jedi who had tapped the forbidden power of the Force's dark side rebelled against their light-sided brothers. After a terrible war, the Dark Jedi were exiled from the Republic. Past the Republic's growing borders, these castaways discovered Korriban and the Sith people. Powerful with the dark side, the Jedi outcasts set themselves up as gods on Korriban. The primitive Sith worshipped them as their lords, and so the Jedi grew, and built temples and monuments to celebrate their power. Millennia of interbreeding blurred the distinction between Sith native and offworlder, and the term Sith came to encompass not only the indigenous people of Korriban, but also the powerful overlords that ruled them.
  4. when you think about it really it makes sense i mean look at it. you use your power for dark side your a dark jedi no matter what. if you just came to the dark side and your strong already you can deam yourself sith lord. nobody would doubt you because how strong the force is in you. so you just govern everyone around you by fear. and plus all the sith lords did the same thing became truly powerful in the force then just deeme themselves dark lords.I mean look at Vader after he crossed over palpatine made him dark lord gave his mantle to him for if he entered the congress as dak lord he would lose control over everyone and they would rebel. but in order to maintain order he had tp passed his mantle on to anakin and deamed him dark lord that wy not to lose support as powerful as he is if eeryone found out his secret then they would rebel and his plan would be destroyed. secondly. palpatine is old he's been shifting bodies for years so kno one truly knows if he is or ever was originally human he could be an ever survuving original sith. the red lighsaber is the symbol for all related to the darkside showing anger cuz thats whats associated with red anger hate so a red lightsaber says it all.
  5. I see it like this a sith is a dark jedi. it's just people not affiliated come to know them as dark jedi. while those with knowledge within the force address them as sith. but it goes byond that. dark jed are like low ranking sith then dark jedi knight then sith master. and the most highest ranking is called a sith lord a most powerful advversarie who has instant command of the force. his concentration and control over the force is so stronge he uses little or no will to overthrow opponents in mastery of lightsaber and or knowledge of the force. so even a jedi master could fall prey to a simple mind trick caused by a lord. but being of the dark side you will simply be adressed as a sith or dark jedi if you are low ranking. oh yeah a sith apprentice is like a padawan there to follw in their masters footsteps except in their own way if their master falters or falls. and each sith master has two apprentices. even a jedi knight can still be an apprentice until he is ready to step up and become a master then he becomes on his own. in the order your a padawan until you can pass the test then you become a jedi knight after that you venture own your own promoting peace..
  6. Seth Tansill you make a good point but if you get this said to you by malak. like I did he'll tell revan that maybe it's fate he die and he live or that he is sith lord but it seemed to him that you really belong to no side oof the force that was malaks dieing theory if you say the right order of words to him.. he really went into seclusion. I say part2 is about four dark master jedi's that did the same thing ajunta and the others did. go into seclusion build up their force powers to massive levels then come out being revered as the most powerful. On the sith thing I figured the original sith were the rakata. since all their technology came from sith alchemy and use of te darkside of the force plus they ruled way before the republic began even before Naga sadow and the other four found out about the darkside and rebelled against their teachers.
  7. In sith lords please please let certain characters clothing look distinct i have all the exar kun armours but they look like every other armour like it i come across, except for the colors. please let certain main character named armours look different kinda like how revan armour was. also hold lightsaber different for each class and mastery level. like how malak did. like a sith assassin may hold his backwards figing in a ninjitsu style. some really cool sith masks would be cool since you wont be able to wear sith face paint.
  8. I read something at the top about no same sex love scenes but in the first one if you kill juhannie her lesbian friend will swear to kill you and run off after making comments about how they use to spend time together wasthing the moon
  9. Carnifex i hope you kno that every sith name has a meaning behind it like darth vader or darth sidious it's more than just a name.foor example Darth Kaotix might be because he rains true terror throughout the galaxy leaving terror and destruction in his wake. each name symbolizes their personality
  10. they should be on super DVDs those special xbox cds used for halo and other titles that require lots of space and clear graphics.
  11. everything but they coulda at least made the closthes stick out so that they don't look like cardboard. but the game altogether was great i didn't even see the identity being revealed. i figured it was something else. that just makes me want to go play it now
  12. are you ediots or have you forgotten that dependiing on how you ended kotor is how he will appear in this one. something similiar to the budokai thing but not with a full follow through, nothing you said or did as him will have an effect on this game only what path you chose as light or dark. man peope who don't pay attention.
  13. can you put one lightsaber in any hand??. i hated having to just put it in right hand im left handed so I see it unfair for a character to be just right handed for single weapons.
  14. I say robes would only be good if you can wear them over what your character is wearing and you can cut the hood on and off on it aint no sense in having different robes that you can only wear hoods with certain ones. I say it should be like when in on the equip page if you press the white button your character cuts their hood on. also if you meet revan again he should be able to join you if your using a good game and you beat the first game as a good guy. but if you went evil and your character is evil he joins you. or fight him if your good and he was evil. also i think he might return if you go to lucasarts home page for kotor 2 they have a pic of a jedi wearing the light side revan costume. truth be told i think they should imprve the clothe graphics and add new ones to replace th old ones. it didn't make sense how a padawan's uniform looked just like a masters uniform. every class should have it's own clothes for each ranking. and if your an evil sith master people should sometimes fear you depending on your ranking because i had master sense and had fully red dark side. when i went to korriban they talked to my character as if he was some young fool. i wanted to slay them right then and there but i had to wait... i think that needs to be fixed.
  15. Iwant to know will we be able to facually customize our characters for Individuality
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