i m lucas arts registered ... but i dunno if that was my hotmail stupid code that wouldn't allow me get into the page and i had to copy-paste the adress .. hotmail sucks... it also considers spam the SWG newsletter
vader all the way!!! i still dunno if he was any match about the emperor's powers.... despite what he said in the movies ... i think the owned the emperor
i say no lvl cap
i mean real life has some limits but there's not always a limit
it sucked with a small lvl of 20 in kotor it was NO fun i mean i hit the cap wiothout even killing everything no lvl cap for me
it's a good thinking but i don't think it could be just that... he may be a kyle katarn-like katarn character if u v played all JK series u ll understand me
it seems like like coruscant but it could be nar shadaa however ...
i hope it's no world fom the 1st movie i don't wanna see the same worlds .. again!
especially manaan
as i said before the gore as long as the SW universe allows it ... we didn't always see em chop em like meat but it wasn't only about drama ep4 rodian hand gets cut :S is that drama? :S no imo
i dont mean when u kill everyone u ll see chops of him :D LOL but at least we should see dismemberments more often
mine said 5 hmmm
do u think that this may be a code that shows in how many hours of country time this will happen? i mean it's pretty easy to program this
i check if u can set setting in ur profile about GMT times but i found nothing
maybe it's the code :S it seems to strange though
I m GMT +2 dunno about u if u wanna verify this
OMG kotor 1 sucked in this session ... they didn't allow us to see bastila and revan kiss each other if u chose to play as male!!!
imagine this...
Or even some gore ...
There should be some gore lvl option... ALWAYS AT THE GORE LeVeL STAR WARS ALLOW OF COURSE
(i was bored to line it-instead i used caps )
LOL can u imagine how we might find carth (if he's in kotor 2) on telos ... in a hidden cantina drunk and saying stupid things LOL especially if u did the female-DS ending LOL!!! that would be uber
do u think the rakata will do a major part in kotor2?
i think not(then why did i ask? )
omg vanidar don't get out of topic ..
I 'd like to see more NPC models and more species !!!
it's proved that zabrak and bothan existed by then (by the items u got-zabrak armour,bothan visor)
being more sithy would be much more fun this would own. but i wouldn't like things like commanding ur troops ... they just wouldn't attack u and they d be feared of u more star warsy u could force grip to do some tasks for u though i guess