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About Vic20

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  1. Please don't "just" increase the amount of mobs. This is not what makes combat more fun or difficult... just tedious. It's not the amount of mobs - but the number of enemies in a given mob (though your point stands that simply having more enemies isn't necessarily more fun/challenging - especially if an AOE is taking them out). They also mentioned new level-scaling (so each enemy is tougher) - hopefully that'll make the difference (maybe in terms of abilities used by the enemies from being higher level and not just having more HP / hitting harder). "Mobs" is a term that refers to individual monsters in gaming, separate from the usual definition. It's short for "mobile" and dates back to the earliest days of gaming. Great. So it is impossible to know what someone means when using that word without asking for definitions first. Well. Most of us here have played at least one MMO at one point, and monsters have been referred to as "mobs" in every MMO since at least EverQuest. Maybe earlier. Meridian, UOA, etc. Not sure. Anywho. Why is it that this is starting to feel like an early access game all of a sudden. Quests aren't working. Level scaling isn't working. Gear enchants are bugged. And now content that seems like it was probably meant to be included at launch is being released a couple weeks later as "free DLC". I'm not exactly complaining, as I do love the game so far. But now I'm bummed that I already started my 2nd play-through (stopped the first at around level 12 because Veteran was too easy). Now they're saying there's about to be more content. More items. More ship stuff. More companions. But not, like, a real content patch with more quests. Just... More stuff you'd want access to on your first play-through. It's weird.
  2. Thanks for the clarification - I thought it was on zone-in, but you're right, it's after combat. I'd update my post, but the edit button seems to be MIA.
  3. Oh man... THAT would explain why any Barbarian and/or Cipher wielding the Shattered Vengeance club is applying a stacking, non-curable +5% damage taken per stack (Shards of Woedica) to all their teammates.
  4. Great, except... If only low level encounters are being scaled up, they wouldn't have had skull markers in the first place. It's the LACK of skulls for difficult content that's hosing us. You could simply re-enable your "inaccurate information", and it would be 100% visually accurate to the player.
  5. Casita Samelia's Legacy: Intimidation bonus to deflection needs to be 'reapplied' after every combat (unequip, re-equip). Other things I saw: Magistrate's Cudgel: No indication in combat log that "Judged" is triggering. While leveling weapon, Bleak Walkers Flames of Devotion 'sickened' affliction not counting toward 'apply afflictions'. Reckless Brigandine: "Go Not Quietly" shows up on weapon "Recovery Time" tool tips, but not on character sheet under "Current Effects", leading to some confusion about whether or not +1 enagement portion is actually working. Xoti's Sickle: Unable to enchant "Urgent Harvest" even though all mat requirements met. (Edit: Updated Samelia's bug re: Drum's post)
  6. There really does seem to be a lack of NPCs willing to solve disputes in this game. Makes me want to start a new playthrough where I just slaughter every NPC. Hasten them to their stupid demises.
  7. Same bug here. Kill titan, game immediately crashes.
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