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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ....screw going all the way up to Oregon. Guess where we're going this weekend. ...hubby's company has an office in Sac. and it's much closer to current office if he did have to come down here once in a while ...note, we're not actually all that likely to move but definitely want to check it out, because something that price could be a no-loan purchase for us (eg, we could still rent the 1st house for a year, vs. sell it, in case we change our minds) ...I know someone in Sac. and he's been complaining that all of us "Bay Area ppl" that are thinking the same thoughts, are coming up there and making rent hike up. Probably happening all over in areas a couple hours away from the Bay in increasing cycles. I'm guessing covid/work from home sped it up over the last year, too. I wonder if that's going to bite some in the butt if companies start retracting the work from home promises as covid becomes less of a risk because productivity loss is noted to be too much.
  2. that 3080ti still feels tasty (if you don't already have a 3080 of course), although it would've been even tastier if it was $1000 instead of $1200 (or, I bet, $1400+ for EVGA ftw) ... and if one could get one near that list price any time before 2023. Only 1 more vram than my 2080ti tho, and a lot more power consumption at gaming load. ...I'll just have to console any jealous feelings with the idea that the 40xx or 50xx will even that much better for my (hopefully native/no DLSS needed) 4k/60 gaming one day.
  3. I started (regularly) cutting my own hair because I couldn't stand the way anyone else did it. I'd go to a place, say "just cut a little off the bottom, where the back is a little rounded (not a total straight line cut) and layer the sides" and I'd end up going home and recutting it anyway. I feel like outside of really expensive salons perhaps, layering of hair is becoming a lost art to most average/cheaper hair cutters. So many don't seem to know how to do it at all and think an even hair trimmer use is layering.
  4. Strangely when I think of Robert Pattinson I still think of his role in Harry Potter, which is where/when I first saw him. He made an impression on me then. I hear he disliked the Cullen role so ... good for him for being able to break out into better roles/not getting typecast forever. Edit: The Lighthouse was interesting, but it's one of those actors movies where I feel like it's a film more to be admired than enjoyed. >.> I saw another movie (not USA) on that same topic and I liked that one better as a story.
  5. When you're about to go to bed and quick-check Netflix on the tablet and they tell you that there's a new special by ... Bo Burham: Inside. *squeal* So you don't go to bed. Filmed by himself in his house during "covid isolation", it's not the usual/expected "comedy special" (there's no stage or audience) so much as a one-man concept musical and performance film. Social and internet culture commentary within tons of those Bo-style songs, but also sometimes moody and a bit dark bits and ... well, it's hard to explain. There's the occasional pacing quirk but overall I loved it. But I've always liked Bo's style. "(Welcome to the internet) .... Could I interest you in everything, all of the time, a bit of everything all of the time. Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime. Anything and everything all of the time!" Edit: netflix flagged those videos fast.
  6. Well I for one hope there *is* a gameplay trailer at E3/soon. Doesn't have to be long or extensive or a release date etc, just a little more concept than what we currently have, which is basically nothing. But if there isn't anything, that's all right, I'll live. I also hope the inclusion of a robust creation-toolset kit ends up existing/being true because that could add 300% more interest in the game, for me.
  7. I bought Flowscape, which gives you a bunch of pre-rendered landscapes, skyboxes, objects, animals etc. for your to "paint-brush" an animated fantasy landscape. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1043390/FlowScape/ You can create beautiful, artistic vistas, tea gardens, visual art inspiration! Meditative, simulation-creative, 4k screenshot friendly! But then I saw it had a cat "brush", so ... Imma gonna make a Cat island.
  8. Re: theaters - I do miss the absolutely giant screens, but the other people is not worth the extra size now that one can have a pretty big TV. I suppose a forum full of indoor gaming geeks isn't the best example of in-theater enthusiasts. Mostly I'm hoping the trend of new theater movies being "ported" to streaming very quickly continues. Doesn't have to be one week or something, but maybe one or two months, say ... not 8-12 months (I know disc sales was more like 6 months, but I want streaming access even faster).
  9. Hmm...I'm glad I never dyed my hair "wig auburn/red" because with my skin tone, I don't think it's me. Also, how do people wear wigs without their head/scalp feeling like it's in a sauna after 5 minutes? I feel like I'd have sweat dripping down my neck constantly. I guess wear them only in winter, ha? And why are the bangs like six inches long? I guess one is supposed to "style" their (cheap) wig to fit and look better. Just like real hair. Sounds like work.
  10. Maybe I should shave off the eyebrows again too. Hubby bought one of those shallow plastic storage sheds for rakes/ladders, so today he was out there placing cement pavers (he became really picky re: levelness ), then putting the shed together. If he likes it he'll get another, so two side by side. I can't believe how much they want for those cheap plastic things. $400 or something. That does not include any shelves or tool hooks or anything (it's a few hundred extra for the DLC!). Absurd. But they make good fence-gap/neighbor blockers! Maybe we should get a couple dozen more of them and ring the whole backyard fence with them, so I can run around naked back there all the time (no 2-story houses around here). And a hot tub! Edit: should've put in pics to begin with: ...thanks to my uber photoshop skillz, you can easily see that this would be the perfect spot for a small hottub.
  11. So if you're vaccinated, will you be going back to the theaters? Or did you never leave - (I know one person who kept going to them). Not that I was going to theaters to begin with. But even if I don't personally care to, it'd be nice if they bounce back and start doing well again.
  12. Eh, it's mostly the back of the head. Kind of a dip in the center, if you put both hands back there, it sorta feels like the back of my skull has rounded corners, haha, so my imagination goes wild thinking what it would look like with zero hair. The forehead/front is ok. Anyway, I didn't totally buzz it all yet, it's all mostly maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. I didn't originally want white-scalp-syndrome. The trimmer is annoying when trying to keep things even because angle/pressure you keep making thinner/shorter spots etc. I slipped and one side of the neck is near shaved and the other side not and ... am debating whether to actually near-shave all of it so it doesn't look all scrunchy-weird. Pfft. If I do that I'll try to get pick of the back of head or something. Oh and ... why not hand the trimmer to hubby, you ask? Because ... that would not be any challenge fun. Y'know, since my hair was black, it is/would be really hard/damaging to first bleach then color-dye it. So I never did. But now. Maybe time for some of these? Time to Amazon-shop!
  13. Can't cut my hair, so once again, maybe I should just buzzcut my head. Problem is still that my vanity tells me that I would look like some short, broad-faced, oddly shaped-head dude. I don't think I'd be pulling off the "hot bald woman" look. But hair is becoming a PITA. Waking up and rubbing a washcloth over the head now and then sounds convenient. It might be low-neck length by winter again. Hmmm
  14. ^ From the title "Old" I thought it might be some documentary re: aging, retirement, something like that. I guess it's not a documentary, but it's still seems to be a film about the horrors of how fast we grow up and how quickly time accelerates as we age.
  15. But are there hot men? *looks it up* ... nah, not re: my personal tastes, seems like. I'll pass. ...I think I noticed that when I was browsing that channel once. Looks like another stylistic, glossy show.
  16. "Oh, that looks cute I might ... oh, turn based, never mind." :/ I know, I'm a heathen.
  17. Well, since Biomutant seems like it's going to be a "wait for 40% off sale" I continue playing 7 Days to Die. I'm unsure why. I always reach this point where I find myself doing the exact same thing over and over: --start new game (heavily self-modded to taste) --build some basic to moderate level base/home in short order because at minimum you need tons of protected area storage space --kill lots of z's and loot lots of buildings so I can make forges, workbenches, motorcycles, and fill 30 storage chests full of "stuff" --grow bored after 12-18 hours of that, from general over-familiarity with the game for years, start new map (starting is the best part) ....still, it's better than staring at the wall. ...although I should play more of the original DK1 campaign for kicks. I only got to Moonbrush Wood and then stopped. Slapping imps to death to make an overkill army of orange robe wearing vampires to stomp on goody knights and wizards is like stress therapy.
  18. I'd be doubtful Biomutant has enough reason to "keep playing" or replay it to create a large, even niche fanbase. I mean I'm sure like with almost ANY game, there will be those few who think it's the bestest thing since sliced bread, but for most, even if they overall enjoy a romp through it, it doesn't seem like it'd have a lot of staying power, so to speak. Unless patches/DLC address some issues/add more repeatable content. Anyway ... it's funny because, maybe since I never expected some masterpiece of a game to begin with, what I focused on the most in recent days is the art style. One reason I haven't snapped it up just to take pictures for a few hours is that it has that overly saturated colorful type of style, where it purposely avoids neutral or subtle tones. Like having digital vibrance turned up to a billion. Sometimes that's fine/I like it, at least while playing, but it doesn't bring out the "photographer" OCD in me. I had the same issue with No Man's Sky visuals.
  19. I have a feeling Biomutant is simply an all-around mediocre game, nothing really all that horrid, nor nothing great, but it's somehow been slated to be early-hate-trained on, at least for the moment. Example: if you don't like the VA or using it as an npc dialogue-translation theme/tactic, such doesn't warrant two or three paragraphs re: wanting to poke your eardrums out. Reviewers just like to rant these days. It's just not the combat-uber game some wanted. I see plenty of people enjoying playing the game, it's just ... casual. Edit: I still don't think it's a $60 title tho, that's part of the ire I'd guess. If I get it it's mostly because I don't mind/like wandering open worlds to take pictures. haha. Also, I personally think on Steam, users/players shouldn't be able to "review" a game if they have under 3 hours played.
  20. Apparently the one thing "wrong" about making a giant single-city map in 7 Days to Die is that there aren't enough POI prefabs, so sometimes you get crazy repetition. Most of the time they're still spread out at least "enough" but occasionally... ...although in truth there are a few various shapes/colors /POI styles for this "company gas station" so visually the buildings aren't always exactly the same. But at night the lit signs are hilarious. It's like Demolition Man and all the restaurants are Taco bell.
  21. Based on the reviews of Biomutant (even the fairly positive ones) what I take away is: --unbalanced/too easy, both combat and puzzles, also combat repetitive and crafting feels kind of pointless because of not difficult --beautiful open world, fun to explore --a constant narrator that you'll either love or hate listening to --"not enough enemies" out and about, eg too empty (don't people say that about half the open worlds tho?) --would be great for the 10-14 year olds where a parent might not want them playing Resident Evil #666 or something, or anyone who just wants a more casual, no stress experience. And likes to take screenshots. Which all actually sounds like it'd be my thing overall because I am not looking for "dark souls/rouge-like" or complicated. Still, feels more like a $40 game to me. I'll probably wait.
  22. So about 12 hours now .. still no reaction, I feel perfectly fine. The injection site did end up becoming a little sore, it just took longer this time. So I'm going to say I'm like hubby and am not going to have any horrible side effects. I read an article where a doc. theorized that older people may (emphasis on may) have less reaction to the 2nd dose because of a higher chance of a weaker immune system to begin with or something like that. Don't know how plausible that really is but it sounds reasonable. Regardless of the reason...phew.
  23. I was watching the Pitch Meeting for Army of the Dead, and it reminded me that when that one character mentioned the zombies and rain thing, I was also expecting some later scene where it would ... rain. Man I love Pitch Meetings - doesn't matter if I loved a movie or disliked a movie. They're still great regardless. (Pitch Meetings are full of/nothing but spoilers, in case one doesn't know that already)
  24. The hubster got his 2nd shot yesterday. He's had no ill effects at all. I got my 2nd shot 4-5 hours ago. So far nothing, not even the early sore arm I had from the first one. Hopefully I'll be like hubby. Guess we got the good shipment of Pfizer. Or a placebo. Who knows. Also finally ran around to Verizon storefronts trying to get my mobile phone 'net access to work again. Went to the 3rd party store I bought it from, then the "official, not 3rd party" place. Both changed sim cards, restarted 'net access or something etc. First place, it didn't work. 2nd place, it eventually worked. Maybe the 2nd guy had magic sim-card fingers. Whatever, I can lurk on the forums while out and about again.
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