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Posts posted by Sking

  1. Look at you beautiful scientists,


    1. I'd drop Shadowing Beyond or Feign Death, no need for both. Probably hit another sweet new White March 2 ability. Cough* cough* 'buy our expansions' :).

    2. Wood Elf is all wrong. I'd hit a tankier race; Wild Orlan or Fire Godlike.

    3. Quickswitch.... thought you were going for minimal micro management?

    4. My tank Rogues always rocked shields, not sure how they'd match up to a duel wielder but grabbing Weapon Shield Style and sitting on Retaliates/Ripostes always worked well for me.


    - Sking

    • Like 1
  2. Hoping the OP is still an as of yet incomplete list of problems that will be fixed.  Didn't see anything about Torment's Reach on there, and I'm hoping to do a monk playthrough at some point with it not being op.


    Also, it looks like wall of draining is being looked at, but there was no mention of the main issue with it.  Which is that you can't walk out of it's effect once you've been hit by it.  If many characters get hit by it then it drains them nonstop until it goes away, no matter how far out of it they walk.  Not only does this mean you can no longer buff these characters at all, it also usually tends to completely kill FPS.  It is nice they may fix the fact that this can lead to 300 second duration arcane veils on enemy wizards though....

    To my knowledge the issue with Torments Reach is just that is has a goofy int scale ratio? Am I missing something?


    - Sking

  3. This is not a bug but rather a feature request, which I totally understand not being possible at this stage. If so, then at least hopefully it will be an integral part of PoE2 and other future Obsidian games.


    I am hearing impaired, meaning I can hear (with a hearing aid) but have great difficulty following speech and especially electronically generated speech. Right now, words spoken by characters (party companions or NPCs) that are not directly addressed to the PC, i.e. background comments/conversations, do not show up on closed captioning or that conversation box in the bottom right corner. Sometimes there's a popup next to the character but not always, and it fades very quickly maybe before I've even noticed it. Just wondering if that conversation box can be set up to show any and all words spoken in the game no matter the context?

    Hey kanisatha,


    Can you be more specific? I was under the impression that all of our VO populates in our dialogue log. 


    - Sking

  4. Hey guys/gals,


    We are working on our next patch. We have quite a list of issues that we'd like to address in this patch. That being said, feel free to comment below with any issues you think we might miss and/or should definitely fix.


    Slap hands

    - Sking


    P.S. The current plan has us releasing the 3.04 patch Tuesday of next week (11/1).


    [Edit: 11/1] Delayed until Thursday 11/3, :(


    Total Fixes to Date;

    - Engagement is now broken when characters are knocked back

    - Personal 'Total Damage Done' no longer comes up as '-Infinity'

    - Multiple issues with Glittering Gauntlets

    - Fixed the Nav around the adra pillar in Elmshore

    - Cape of the Cheat will now be rewarded to base and px1 players 

    - Charming all enemies in a combat will no longer reset combat

    - Audio cutting out in the End Slides following the White March

    - Skeleton Wizard 'Necrotic Lance' set up as a ray

    - VFX that start from characters heads (breath weapons, etc..) misaligned

    - Korean Loc issue with text getting cut off during Character Creation

    - Brighthollow error on transition (this includes Durrance/Hiravius, and Rod of Wind and Thunder issues) Also! This will correct past saves affected by this issue.

    - Barbarian, Bash hitting multiple times with Carnage

    - Chanter, Ancient Memory no longer deactivates after casting an Invocation

    - Cipher, Phantom Foes flanked debuff being removed when the enemy is engaged

    - Cipher, Pyschic Backlash hitting the Cipher at the start of combat

    - Druid, Fire Stag *Missing gui* in the combat log

    - Druid, Infestation of Maggots now does the intended amount of damage per tic

    - Fighter, Confident Aim doubling on Save/Load 

    - Monk, Torment's Reach no longer procs off every enemy hit

    - Priest, Seal spells no longer activate twice

    - Priest, Iconic Projection no longer bypasses DR

    - Ranger, Twinned Arrow + Driving Flight accuracy issues

    - Ranger, Powder Burns now works as intended with DR Penetration

    - Wizard, Wall of Draining no longer increases beneficial spells permanently


    Bugs fixed during Beta;

    - Kraken DR raised from 0 to 8

    - Sul attacking her own pride during 'The Old Queen and the New King'

    - Cliant Lis traps not functioning

    - The Unlabored Blade Firebug proc not functioning

    - Breath VFX originating from adventurers hand

    - Tooltip for Sabre +20% is missing item mod 468

    - Nyry the Deft Hand not granting Cape of the Cheat to base game

    - Characters sometimes being stuck in Elmshore adra pillar

    - Stun on crit weapon mod duration is unaffected by graze/hit/crit

    - Party AI sometimes runs to undiscovered enemies

    - Chanter, One Dozen Stood... phrase not reducing Frightened and Terrified

    - Fighter, Clear Out causing Blights to stop attacking




    [update 1: 8/24] Fixes so far;

    - Druid spell 'Fire Stag' *Missing gui* in the combat log

    - Skeleton Wizard 'Necrotic Lance' set up as a ray

    - VFX that start from characters heads (breath weapons, etc..) misaligned

    - Bash hitting multiple times with Carnage

    - Cipher 'Pyschic Backlash' hitting the Cipher at the start of combat

    - Korean Loc issue with text getting cut off during Character Creation

    - Brighthollow error on transition (this includes Durrance/Hiravius, and Rod of Wind and Thunder issues) Also! This will correct past saves affected by this issue.

    - Fighter 'Confident Aim' doubling on Save/Load


    Note: These are the fixes we have so far, we have a larger list we are still addressing.


    [update 2: 8/31] Our Wishlist so far;

    - Chanter, Ancient Memory deactivates after casting an Invocation

    - The audio cuts out in End Slides following the White March slides

    - Ranger -10 accuracy loss every other shot while using Driving Flight and Twinned Arrows

    - Iconic Projection bypasses all DR

    - Flanked debuff from Phantom Foes is removed when you engage an enemy

    - Druid, Infestation of Maggots is not functioning as intended

    - Priest seals activating twice

    - Engagement not broken by knockback attacks

    - Characters do not attack after engaging enemies with longer range than their own

    - Multiple issues with Glitter Gauntlets

    - Charming an enemy and attacking it resets combat

    - Wall of Draining increases the duration of beneficial spells permanently

    - Ranger, Power Burns removes the natural DR penetration provided by guns


    Note: These are the issue we are considering, some will not get fixed (time, money, etc..) but the majority is our goal. I will be reviewing our forums regularly to add any issues you peeps bring up.


    [update 3: 9/12] More Fixes;

    - Chanter, Ancient Memory no longer deactivates after casting an Invocation

    - Ranger, Twinned Arrow + Driving Flight accuracy issues

    - Ranger, Power Burns now works as intended with DR Penetration

    - Cipher, Phantom Foes flanked debuff being removed when the enemy is engaged

    - Druid, Infestation of Maggots now does the intended amount of damage per tic

    - Monk, Torment's Reach no longer procs off every enemy hit

    - Priest, Seal spells no longer activate twice

    - Priest, Iconic Projection bypasses DR

    - Wizard, Wall of Draining no longer increases beneficial spells permanently

    - Engagement is now broken when characters are knocked back

    - Personal 'Total Damage Done' no longer comes up as '-Infinity'

    - Multiple issues with Glittering Gauntlets

    - Charming all enemies in a combat will no longer reset combat

    - Audio cutting out in the End Slides following the White March


    Note: There are still a few more we want to hit. Plus any that get brought to our attention on this thread. Also, thanks to all you peeps that have been helping out.


    [update 4: 9/26] Tim Table Update and Balance Change;

    - We are about half way through our current test plan for the 3.04 patch, we should be finished by Friday. We will be releasing the Beta on Tuesday of next week. 

    - Sabre base damage will drop to 11-16, and it will have a +20% damage mod. They should still take the 'top damage' slot but this change should lower them enough to encourage other options. Let us know what you think during the Beta.


    Note: We are looking for lots of feedback during this Beta. There will be amazing, incredible, unbelievable super secret prizes for people who participate. More details on this will be announced soon.


    [update 5: 10/17] Bugs to fix before release 'wishlist';

    - Sul attacking her own pride during 'The Old Queen and the New King'

    - Cliant Lis traps not functioning

    - The Unlabored Blade Firebug proc not functioning

    - Fighter, Clear Out causing Blights to stop attacking

    - Breath VFX originating from adventurers hand

    - Paladin, Flames of Devotion becomes unusable after party AI uses it with ranged weapon

    - Tooltip for Sabre +20% is missing item mod 468

    - Chanter, One Dozen Stood... phrase not reducing Frightened and Terrified

    - Nyry the Deft Hand not granting Cape of the Cheat to base game

    - Characters sometimes being stuck in Elmshore adra pillar


    Note: These are the issues we want to hit before pushing the 3.04 patch live. Anything serious found will/can be added to this list until the release. Let me know!


    [update 6: 10/27] Last Beta update;

    - Kraken DR is set to 8 from 0


    Note: Tuesday (11/1) of next week is the target date for switching the patch from beta to live. Unless something serious comes up over the weekend. 

    • Like 20
  5. Hey,


    I looked into this. Constant Recovery is a flat +5 per 3 second tic. Veterans Recovery is a scaling per second tic. At around level 9 or 10 Veterans Recovery overtakes Constant Recovery. Constant Recovery can be upgraded to Rapid Recovery which picks it up past Veterans Recovery. Rapid Recovery ends at +10 per 3 second tic. Veterans Recovery ends at +8 per 3 second tic. After speaking with systems, in retrospect we would have liked to switch Constant Recovery to scale and Rapid Recovery to increase it by a flat value which would keep both talents above Veterans Recovery. But, we think is acceptable the way it is.


    Thanks for bringing this up though. Helps us with are future titles.

    - Sking

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  6. Hey Richardm,


    This along with your other post (Forum Link) are the same issue with Durance and Hiravius. The issue has to do with the auto-level up feature in the game options menu. We should have a fix for both these issues soon. Until then there are two things you can do to 'avoid' the issues. Turn off auto-level up before recruiting Hiravius or Durance. Or, you can purchase the White March expansions. You do NOT have to purchase the expansions, as we will have a fix soon. I just want to state if you do not want to wait for our next patch you can purchase the DLC which fixes the issues in the base game.


    - Sking

  7. The post which contains the fix: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88124-game-breaking-bug-cannot-change-party-303/?p=1829224


    Will mark this as solved, though I'm not sure I agree that buying and installing the expansions is a valid fix.

    We have a fix for this issue that will retroactively fix previous saves effected by it. You do not need to buy the DLC if you are okay with waiting for the next patch. I just wanted to state that if you do not want to wait for the next patch, you can buy the DLC and it will fix the issue.


    - Sking

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