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Angry Sherpa

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Everything posted by Angry Sherpa

  1. Yup... I was pretty damn horrified, I must admit... especially considering the other times she always asked about whether there was something going on with Atton, so that's what I was expecting. I had the shudders for a solid 5 minutes after. I think this happens if you're far enough on the LS... You know, the same way the other party members comment on your glow or on how you're an inspiration to everybody... But yeah, basically, the first time I'd talk to Mira, she'd say something about there having a glow about me... you answer that it's the Force, and she's all "Oh. Yeah, see, I just thought there was something going on with you and Atton/Disciple." The conversation is actually quite funny if you keep playing innocent and pretend you don't know what she's talking about. I just thought she automatically asked about you and Atton, but this time she asked about Disciple. Gaaaaaaaah! *shudder* I thought I had boosted up my influence over Atton, but apparently I did a poor job of it. Poor Atton. So insecure. Did you ever get the cut scene with Atton and Mira, when Atton is spying on the Exile and Disciple meditating together? I just got this one for the first time, so I'm thinking it's also a higher influence with Disciple thing... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I got this too, except as a male and her asking about Visas. That scene reminds me of Mallrats when TS said that Brody was glowing because he was in love with Rene and Brody told him if there's any reason he's glowing it's because he just got laid.
  2. I wonder what a Wookiee would look like if you shaved all of its hair off.
  3. Jolee: I guess I just did it all for the Wookiees. Revan: The Wookiees? Jolee: The Wookiees.
  4. It makes her being Darth Traya even more fitting. Generally, white is associated with purity; that's one of the reaons why wedding dresses are always white. You wouldn't expect someone as pure as Atris to betray you.
  5. I miss Jolee. ;_;
  6. And of course she is wearing a white robe and her hair is white.
  7. That's true, but I just finished another DS K1 ending this morning and when speaking to him onboard the Star Forge, he revealed that he wasn't done fighting yet and that he was with me until the end. I suppose he got over the Jagi confrontation pretty fast. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I could never get that to trigger. Can you fill me in on what exactly happened?
  8. Because Disciple is bishi in addition to being boring?
  9. Seeing as how it always cut back to the academy, she probably should have been.
  10. I think it was really one of those Trandoshan bounty hunters that Vader hired in Empire.
  11. Not saying I do either. Han shot first. But I got it from this site: http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/programs/polisci...exb/greedo.html
  12. Well, Greedo did have a blaster pointed at him and was planning on taking him to Jabba, so it was entirely in cold blood.
  13. ..... In the cantina in Mos Eisley space port Greedo, a Rodian bounty hunter, stops Han Solo and is smug about having caught him. A conversation ensues between the two, all the while Greedo still has his blaster pointed at Han. What he doesn't realize is that Han has gotten his blaster out of its holster and is aiming it at Greedo under the table, where Greedo can't see the blaster. The question being asked is who shot first. By not reconizing that you have shamed Star Wars geeks all the world over.
  14. Talk to the salvager in the armor and grey hair and she'll take the bodies.
  15. In my last playthrough HK-47 was as LS as you can get. And before anyone asks, yes I did remove the Pacifist Module.
  16. In my latest playthrough I named him The Exile. It was amusing when he was refered to as The at times.
  17. What characters do you use in your party for most of the time?
  18. You get it if your dark side when you go back to Dantooine to face the reassembled Jedi Council. You know how you gain Force Enlightenment if you're LS or neutral? You get Force Crush if you're LS.
  19. It just ruins it for anyone coming into the Star Wars universe who hasn't seen the original trilogy.
  20. When you're considering doing a fourth playthrough.... Ugh....I need to get another game...
  21. If you kill the Jedi masters and go through the conversation with her, is there any way to not fail her?
  22. The movie contains massive spoilers for the original trilogy. Do you remember how you first felt when you heard Vader say those famous words inside Bespin? Seeing the disbelief in Luke's face, which probably matched the disbelief on your face? When you find out Leia is Luke's sister, how disgusted were you that they kissed on Hoth? With the new movie (/trilogy), you already know that Luke and Leia are twins. You already know Anakin is their father. You already know that he becomes Darth Vader. You already know that "Old Ben" is really Obiwan. For those who are watching the original trilogy after having seen the new trilogy, a lot of the plot twists are already known.
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