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Posts posted by tmp

  1. One thing that I think is cool, everyone seems to have built a certian attachtment to differant NPCs. Except G0-T0 and Hanharr, I think they are universally hated.

    I kinda liked Goto. :">


    Hanharr though... ehh. But that's more to do with finding the Wookies very irritating on the whole (only Ithorians are more annoying.. the two-faced manipulative little... uhh... cows :)

  2. Maybe it is,but it's still important that the reality of the game mechanics be taken into account when writing scenes, otherwise it makes what you do totally pointless.

    To take into account sure, but not let them dictate the plot of the game... especially when the mechanics are clearly ill thought out and have all safety checks removed, allowing you to turn anyone into a godlike being with no effort.


    But like Kreia said. It's conflict that makes us strong so it's little wonder with all the conflicts you get into.

    Sion is Sith lord, his whole life is conflict. If that's where the strength comes from, he should be able to squash Atton like a little bug no matter how many pigs you two slayed on Dxun together. :)

  3. She is weak, predictably tortured and whiny. (..)


    Anyone else got that vibe?

    Not really, but then playing the female version of the plot doesn't give her much spotlight so i didn't get to see the whiny part. As for being weak... i find her very much like Bao Dur -- she's soft spoken and very loyal which makes her appear weak, but under this all there's an edge to her you rarely get to see. Mainly in the cutscenes, like her final meditation in her room aboard Nihilus' ship.


    Oh, and when she says "no" then it's no and it doesn't matter what you do. You don't get to see her former Master until she thinks it's ok, and you won't make her dance no matter what. Not really much weakness in this one, if anything she just tricks/manipulates you into thinking that's what she is... very appropriate attitude for a darksider, she's not far from Kreia in this aspect. :s

  4. Never liked the endings either. Although the reason was twofold. First I was incredulous that Sion could have killed Atton in game when Atton in my game was only a fraction less uber than a I was.

    Which is quite silly result of game mechanics when you think of it, when any random character after one lesson from broken Jedi and few days of running around grows as powerful as a Sith lord or Jedi master who's spent many years to become what they are...

  5. The molelobster is just the beginning of a lameness not seen for generations.

    To be honest, am currently pondering if Mandalorians yell "DINNER TIME!!!" in unison as their lobsters, all glowing red from cutting throught the atmosphere, swoop down on some innocent city.... i mean, wouldn't that rock. :-"

  6. The scene in Nal Shadda's bar, where you're supposed to get rid of all the pazaak champions - what the female one says to Atton after he 'plays' a game with her for 'you'. That one cracked me up. I can't remember the exact words off-hand tho.

    I think it was something along the lines how lucky you're to have such a 'big player' in your company... let's just say it made me nearly spit my drink out and put Atton in somewhat... different light. :">

  7. Lets see, " MY ARMOR glowing red with the head of re-entry,"


    Not the ships armor, HIS ARMOR. Plus the player is given the option of this, "You rode ON a droid in battle."

    Well, "the armour of my droid glowing red..." would be quite a mouthful. It's natural to shorten something like that in speech, and given choice between "my armour" and "my droid" glowing red ... it's obvious to pick the former, unless one's trying to impress the ladies on subconscious level. :">


    That thing about player option on the other hand is pretty good argument. It still depends mainly on interpretation, though -- you can read it in multiple ways (riding a droid sounds like a crazy thing to do no matter if you're doing it stuck inside of it or outside... i always thought the point of the droid is, it can do things on its own without a human factor) Am not trying to say that the way you chose to read it is wrong, just that it isn't conclusive enough on its own to go ahead and say "seeeeee, they surely meant the droid to be like <whatever>"...

  8. Of course proper context is a factor is such a thing. I sure as hell don't want to ride on a bus or train. I want to ride IN them.

    When someone says thay rode on the train they were quite definitely inside the steel box that makes the carriage.

    For all we know, "riding on droid" might be the same thing -- it tells nothing about the form of the droid in question.

  9. People can have kids with out love.

    Aye; doesn't mean they can't love each other in order to have them, it's generally believed to work better this way, too.... and if we get to see future Vader actually capable of loving someone rather than raping random people, it makes more sense why he'd defy his master at the very end...


    And i think i misread your original comment btw, it's just at first glance it seemed like one of these "omg GL is putting pointless crap no one needs in these movies now for the (childish) target audience's sake" complaint ^_^

  10. I have no problem with good CGI. But GL depends to much on them now. Most movies who use CGI for most of their speical effects suck.


    The old movies look more real then the new movies.

    Well, the old movies make you quite aware you're watching *real* plastic models and *real* fireworks. Does them being more *real* make them *better* ... no, i don't think so. Well done CGI nowadays can run circles around well done "real" effects, and in many cases will fool you into thinking you *are* watching 'real' thing.


    The problem with 'most movies who use CGI' winding up looking bad is due to people in charge who have no clue how CG works treating it like magic box and expecting too much, too fast *and* too cheap. While the ol' "good, fast, cheap -- pick two" rule applies to CG just as much as it does to anything else.


    The only reason they need anakin and padme love story is for the kids.

    Or it could be because the end result of that love story is the focus of ep. 4-6... :p

  11. If you think about it, K2 really starts to look at the grey matter in the SW universe - it hasn't been done before (to my knowledge; if anyone would like to elaborate on that please do)... therefore, OE were very ambitious to go this route. The thing is, while were looking at the arrogance and... well, yes, IGNORANCE of the light side and the consuming dark-side, we must choose either of these paths to progress through the game (yes, i know it is possbile to complete the game in the grey-matter area, but there are simply no ADVANTAGES to this). I think there should have been some sort of advantage with the 'grey-area' to really link up with what Kreia says throughout the game.

    Well if you think of it, having awareness you wind up as neither ignorant light-sider nor consumed dark-sider *is* an advantage in a way... though that's on mental level rather, and you pay the price of no 'easy mode' with extra force powers and whatnot... but that seems like quite a fair trade-off. :s


    Oh, and in the end Kreia says she loved you because you're not (fully) a Jedi/Sith --which was reward good enough on its own to me-- but perhaps you get that line in ending no matter what anyway? :p

  12. I put Mira in charge of the tomb party, Mandalore to play the guide and Visas for her loyalty test of sorts... if she failed it, Mandalore had... certain instructions. ;)"


    Mira turned out to be perfect choice with her skills to disarm mines and hack computers, she scouted ahead with the stealth gear on, turned the security system on the Sith guards and that made the number of enemies go down rather quick.. she apparently found her call as light side Jedi too, came back with newly crafted lighsaber and half way blue from keeping her wits together when surrounded by the evil energy (small wonder really, if you can stand the Nar Shadaa noise, then any evil energy after that is walk in the park. :s


    For the palace visit picked Kreia and Bao Dur... turned out ok too, there's nothing like look on the guards' faces when Bao Dur disables their precious force fields with single punch of that mechanic arm...


    "Omg, she's coming through!"

    "There's no stopping her!"



  13. I was asking what level Wis/Cha is high enough to avoid the enemy saving often :ermm:

    Ahh ^_^ I have no clue then, was on purpose keeping my force-related skills quite low, so it'd fit the idea of character that was put of touch with force for years and only now re-learns it... she had charisma at 14 or a bit more being a born leader and whatnot, but it alone definitely wasn't enough for me to use the force powers with much success. :">

  14. I am still trying to decide how to play through because of just this issue.

    Just roll with the punches. Energy shields, med packs and strength boosters can work wonders, especially when you also remember to switch the battle stances and aren't afraid to do some running around, to break enemies in smaller groups or simply to heal... even if you didn't bother to metagame your character, and your skills are nothing to talk about :">

  15. This is a paraphrased version of what she says.


    The Mandalorian Wars was a series of atrocities which masked a war of conversion which culminated in one final atrocity which NO MAN walked away from SAVE ONE. That is what she said. No person survived Malachor, no one there turned to the darkside because they all died, save the Exile.

    The interpretation is quite dependant on where you put the accents, though. ;s


    "The Mandalorian Wars was a series of atrocities which masked a war of conversion which culminated in one final atrocity which no man walked away from save one."


    The war was a war of Jedi conversion -- Revan were putting the Jedi that followed her through events which were giving them a 'taste' of dark side, to break them and turn them into blind followers (possibly in the war to come with the remaining Jedi and then maybe with the 'true Sith') What was arranged at M5 was mass murder on such scale, a siren song of the dark side that was so strong that no Jedi could ignore it anymore, no Jedi could just walk away from it. They'd either give in to the power they got to experience, or die. (which was exactly cleaning up the house -- those who still didn't get converted by then were all conveniently gathered at M5, and either would finally become Revan's followers, or die) Only the Exile rejected this lure, for whatever reason(s).


    The claim that no person survived M5 except for the Exile is simple to refute -- Bao Dur lived. And possibly, if that theory about Kreia's origin is correct, he wasn't the only one. :huh:

  16. I set my Exile's age as 30, so she would've been 20 at the start of the Mandy Wars, thus fulfilling the classic RPG cliche of young adults in a commanding military position :- I would think that SW mythos indicates that LS jedis look younger than their age because of their positive Force affinity.

    There's even frustrated comment from Mira at one point (when you learn to listen to others' thoughts, i think) along the lines of how the heck does exile manage to still look as good as she did in that 'trial' holorecording... :huh:

  17. Here's HK's impression:


    "Oh, Master, I love you but I hate all that you stand for, but I still think we should go press our slimy mucous covered lips together in the cargo hold."



    That was a pretty good impression, too...

    ^,^ is that what he says when you play a male Revan? damn, now that's just too funny... and yeah, seems pretty accurate. :s

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