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Posts posted by tmp

  1. I also womder how you could only be level 25 by the endgame? I'm usually in proximity Level 30 (higher if I utilize the Hsisss exploit).

    Some people like to grind, some people like to just follow the plot... think i got to ~l.23 by the end of game, and that was after doing pretty much every quest in the book. Can't imagine the amount of pointless extra work that'd be needed to get 7+ more levels, especially when the game is quite easy below l.25 as it is so by grinding i'd be only spoiling my fun... <_<


    as for the original poster's problem: running without speed boost (so the sabers could keep up) and lightsaber throw worked for me :">

  2. Great! Loads of comments for Beaver Boy (even if I didn't draw his terrrrrrible teeth).Thanks folks!

    Here is a pic of the Exile. A sketch, really.

    :blink: the best one yet. methinks it's the hair, slightly softer face lines and the light colours all together that really make it stand out.


    (now, why i can't get *this* outfit at the start of the game, rather than the default overalls... :thumbsup:"

  3. Trying to stay neutral is a futile exercise, and sort of putting the cart before the horse.  You'll need to do strangely contradictory things to maintain the balance: one moment you'll be saving a drowning puppy, the next you'll be stealing sweeties from small Rodian children.  Choose a concept for your character, the kind of person you think he or she is, then play consistently.  If it works out that the character does indeed hover around neutral, I'd love to hear about it, because I don't think the game awards LS/DS/no points consistently.

    It worked out pretty well for my exile i think; she rarely swayed past 1/3rd of the middle and never broke the character i picked for her with the choices. At the very bottom she still held the same 'good' values that made her go to war in the first place, but also the same short temper which played arge part in disagreeing with the council ... then on top of it there was the results of being exposed to war and Revan's manipulative tactics: little compassion if not plain disdain for weakness (especially the whiny kind) and not shying away for violence if it was believed to be the most effective way towards a goal. And then finally atop of it all there's result of living for long years on her own -- looking for self-interest first and everything else later in regular circumstances.


    With a setup like this you can have occasional moment of compassion, choose the 'good' path if there's nothing to gain from acting opposite, kick someone's teeth the moment they annoy you, and rarely turn down offered opportunity to make some money... all in character.


    (and no drowning puppies were saved while playing the game... cats are way nicer all-around, anyway :-"

  4. ONE???? ONE??????  Man Tmp. yas need to set yas sights HIGHER!!!!!  Whats this ONE stuff?????????????

    It depends on the exact type of the game we're talking about. :geek: A typical dating simulator will have the player pursue single character of their choice (while having to dodge advances of other potential interests, to not upset their real target) ... while the 'mature-themed' games of this kind still have the player choose one girl/guy in the end, but still allow them to err... sample throughout all possible choices before it happens. :"> :p"

  5. I must say a combination of cyberpunk and elves etc. doesn't bode well for the game, BUT it's only MY opinion :)

    I'd normally agree but Shadowrun somehow manages to pull this off (and that's just the tip of weirdness iceberg it has...) ^_^


    that said, the rights to computer games set in Shadowrun universe are currently owned by Microsoft if am not mistaken, so the chance of something like that happening is less than slim :/

  6. bah! I want Visra, I want Handmaiden, and I want Mira!


    and dang it, I want them fighting over me :)


    (sorry I just LOVED when Handmaiden got jealous in KotOR2)

    (and no way we can let Mira off with those brush off answers that she gave)

    (and Visra........*droll*.......nuff said)

    Can see it already. "In a bold, unexpected move today Obsidian Entertainment announced the next KotOR game will be done in form resembling that of dating simulator games popular in Japan, with hand-drawn 2d graphics prepared by a recently hired artist, "Aimo" The game will put the player in shoes of a teenage Jedi padawan, and allow them to try to win affection of one of possible love interests, while also requiring them to keep up with their Jedi Academy courses..." :)"

  7. Is Kreia wrinkly enough? Hmmm...

    I dunno about wrinkly enough but the wrinkles all around the mouth make her look like she's sporting a mustache ^^;;


    (i did quick google image search and it seems even for old people the lips remain relatively smooth... the wrinkles form from eye corners outside, all along the forehead and from around mouth corners down the jaw... dunno how they do it in anime, though ... i'd need to dig for my Cowboy Bebop eps ^^;

  8. And how many people actually know who Mara Jade is? I don't outside of being Luke's wife and a female who was a Dark Sider turned Light Side in the end. Sounds like another Bastila Shan/pretty girl added to give flavor and draw men in like Tomb Raider draws men.

    I don't know how many people exactly know who Mara Jade is. I just know apparently her being significant part of series of Star Wars books didn't prevent these books from selling well.


    And please, just re-read what you wrote here. You openly admit you have very little clue on who the character is, then base your conclusion on character's nature on this very lack of the clue (and on her gender), and wind up at the 'anything female in the story is there strictly as window dressing for the men' ... with this sort of attitude that you flaunt, didn't it ever occur to you the fact you don't know many girl gamers in your school --and consequently claim there is few of them-- might be, just might be, those gamers would rather keep to themselves that stay around someone spewing this sort of narrowminded drivel? Honest to god i would. While it's cool if someone shares one of my interests and i'd possibly want to talk about it with them ... it's just not the case when the personality of that someone driving me up the wall. Conversation at the price of too much frustration just isn't worth it.

  9. Would many have read or watched Lord of the Rings if Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Gandalf and Gimli were female characters? Probably not.


    Would any of Stephen King's story's have sold as it has if The Dark Tower Series' Roland the Gunslinger had been a female?  Probably not.


    How many people would have read Harry Potter if it was Harriet Potter?

    Thank goodness they had the common sense to make Mara Jade a man. Imagine terrible sales and lack of popularity if anything with a woman in focus was introduced in the Star Wars universe.


    ... oh, wait. :(


    ("probably" as argument works both ways. For every "probably not" there's equally valid "probably yes" when it's all 100% based on what-if's and wishful thinking)

  10. As for ignoring the minority altogether, yes it would be a mistake.  But all along my posts have been about CATERING to the minority.  Obviously it's a wise decision to try and make all markets happy, whether it be male or female, young or old.  But what I disagree with is a few posts in this thread that make it sound like game companies should shift entirely to cater to the female gamers, while not taking into account what the male gamers (ie. the majority) would think of this switch.

    Hmm perhaps we have misunderstanding here. Catering to me means, to supply someone with what they want. This does not imply in the slightest exclusive attention, but simply investing part of resources into enhancements of the product so it appeals to wider customer base. KotOR out of all things is a good example that it can be done, and it doesn't look like the majority of male gamers are up in arms that there's something in this game that isn't aimed squarely at them... unless they're all suffering silently because of it and don't tell, or something <_<

  11. I don't care if the percentage of women is 5%, 15%, 25% or even 40%.  It's been a while since I was in math class, but that still makes the MAJORITY of the market male, and thus it's still better business to cater to the 60% market rather than the 40% market.

    It's been a while since i was in math class as well, but i seem to recall 60% + 40% is considerably larger than 60% ... i don't see why taking into account wider playerbase is automagically expected to exclude the male part of it?


    Btw, does it mean you are okay with the idea once the numbers are reversed (and with the rate of increase we can see for female gamers, this can be sooner than you think) the game industry drops the 'boys' altogether like no-longer-worthwile hot potato and collectively starts making games for women only? (as, by your own words, it'd be simply a better business for them) :s

  12. For instance, link one and their 41% number.  You touched on it, but didn't bother to actually give a number for console percentage.  That drops to 28% of consoles are bought by women.  Not quite as big a percentage eh?  But yeah, despite the fact that CONSOLE games are bigger selling, lets focus on the one that helps our argument and post the 41% computer game statistic.  :)

    So, that makes the women ~35% of market share on average. While if i remember right, the arguments earlier in this thread went along lines the 'female' game market doesn't exist and as such isn't catered for. Remember, we are talking games here which currently bring bigger revenue than movie industry does.


    Anyone who thinks they can afford ignoring 35% of market of this size is an idiot.


    Basically, your precious 40% number, which is supposed to prove some kind of point, includes GRANDMOTHERS and LITTLE GIRLS who only have interest in specific types of games.

    As opposed to GRANDFATHERS and LITTLE BOYS included on the other side of the fence? You are making it sound like a 'little boy' is somehow a different, better kind of customer, where he too has interest in specific game types after all...


    "One does a double take when one sees that more women buy computer games that men, but note that these figures are related to purchase
  13. Hell, a lot of women still have disdain for gamers or people who 'game' (mostly 15-17 yr olds) and find them to be 'loserish.'


    BTW, are those the same 41% of women who generally lie about it just so they can be popular within gaming cliques?

    So, a lot of women think gamers are losers, and yet at the same time they think gamers are cool and lie about playing games themselves, to too appear cool..?

    Something tells me you didn't really give your own arguments a second thought as you were inventing them on the fly :("

  14. The companies aren't stupid -- they do market research all the time. If at any time, they started to see a noticeable change in the trend, they would start marketing toward female gamers more. But the mere fact that it's not changing indicates that, while there may or may not be more female gamers, it's still not enough of a change to make decent money off it.

    Isn't this a 'chicken and egg' thing? Trends and markets are to large extent formed by marketing nowadays, rather than just catered to. So as long as the current trend is "games are boys' thing" and there is no marketing push to change attitudes of people, probability to actually see any sort of change is little, and the change itself is going to be extremely slow. The very lack of attempt becomes the best excuse to do nothing.


    ::cue Kreia with her "know the right spots to apply a push and you can bring the house down" speech:: :thumbsup:

  15. Am I going to have to sday this again, of cours eI am, caus esoem of you have thick skulls o:)

    In the Dark Horse comic books, "Knights of the Old Republic"  Revan is a Lightside male.

    The only reason youc an choose a gende rin this game is because it is a ROLEPLAYING game, and as such, shoudl suit all manner of players, being male/female, white/black/asian, evil/good etc etc etc.  This is not me flaming you or trolling, you must have fun as well, and that is cool.  But TECHNICALLY Revan is a LIGHTSIDE MALE.

    Well, _technically_ Revan doesn't exist. :p


    I don't see a problem, really. like many said, Revan can be whatever gender you prefer. The comic books you mention are aimed at those who prefer Revan as male, that's all. (if the publishers were really shrewd they'd follow the game's footsteps and make two versions with possibly slight differences to storyline ... if just to rack in more cash by covering both angles and getting twice the money from these who'd want to have 'full' story)


    btw, being able to choose the gender, race and alignment in game has very little to do with _roleplaying_ ... as roleplaying is the ability to _play_ the role of someone you are _not_, gender, race, alignment and fashion sense or lack thereof included ;)"

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