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Posts posted by tmp

  1. Well, I waite duntil now, and it never got pass 5 bars , ye sI run IE, and nope, I neve rhave had thsi problem before, I run a Pent 4 with  high speed cable internet connected to my comp by ethernet.  This is just odd.

    Hmm i just tried it now and it loaded really quick, like... 5-6 bars in maybe 10 secs and then it was all done and ready ... maybe you were just unlucky and refreshing the page will help. :p


    Oh and once it loads the beginning can be a bit confusing too, when you click on the first dialogue and then when scene changes you need to click on Bao Dur to continue. Took me a while to figure it out the first time :">

  2. Charting new hyperspace routes is extremely hazordous.  Seems to me that anyone foolish enough to try it ain't going to live very long. 


    "Without precise coordinates, we'd bounce too close to a supernova, or fly through a star, and that would end your trip real quick."  - Han Solo




    Apparently there's not many people in the star wars universe that want to give up their lives to such endevours as exploring "unkown regions".

    Well, all you really need is a bunch of ships each with a droid... ships don't even have to be big, don't X-wings have hyperjump ability? So ou just program droids to make random jumps, the ones who live through the experience jump back home and tell the tale what coordinates worked for them :p"

  3. Just use your imagination. You know when Revan, Bastila and the crew got captured by Malak on the Leviathan? You think that in real life, a pervert like Admiral Saul won't "play" with them a little during the interrogation?

    And that makes someone less of a leader, how?


    In case you're blissfully oblivious, men get to be on the receiving end of rape as well. Just ask the friendly neighbour, Bubba. :p"

  4. Female Revan? Never seen a military tactician/supreme commander/ultimate warrior/ expert general that was female.

    Never seen a Jedi, either. How comes we can suspend our disbelief about existence of nearly magical entity, but this entity not being a male is too much for one's imagination? :shifty:"


    And hey, since we are talking Star Wars... here's your female Supreme Commander. She is as 'real' as Revan, if not more.

  5. Well I'm playing K1 right now and am playing a subtle DS guy and it's going perfectly so far though I'm not getting alot of DS points but at least I don't get LS pts for saying "thanks".


    Yeah I am a jerk every now and then when I want to but I acctually got the choice not to be and still get no LS points.

    Hmm i had no problems getting quite far down the evil path without acting like an idiot in K2... in fact, i had to watch it since it was too easy to get there and i like my alignment to be nicely grey.


    Mayhaps you just don't have what it takes to be truly subtly evil? :s

  6. That actually seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it?  Talia would send troops, because of her Republic affiliations.  But Vaklu's political stance would seem at odds with sending Onderonians to help, unless it was just a matter of honoring a gentleman's debt to Exile.

    I think he did it because he'd consider the Sith his enemies at this point... but even then, it'd be the most practical for him to let the Sith and the republic duke it out on their own and then attack the weakened Sith if they're still around after all is done. This action might be due to him being honourable warrior and whatnot (that stuff Mandalorians respect him for) but either way he appears able to look past his short term goals and see the bigger picture, which is a good thing for a man in charge. ^_^

  7. Vaklu is a bit weak for the kind of ambitions he has, but there's quite a few points going for him.


    * Mandalorians judge people by how they battle; they fought him and have respect for him.

    * He actually keeps the deals he makes as long as you keep things fair with him. Pretty refreshing for a man in charge, especially in the galaxy where even Ithorians are looking for ways to screw you.

    * Not sure now, but i think he sent in some troops to Telos during Nihilus' attack to help with the fight, even though his intention is to break away from the Republic?

  8. The TRUE decider, I feel, is this:


    Revan's emergency plans in case of failure: none that we see. In fact, Rev is pretty lucky there was anything of him/her left.


    Thrawn's emergency plans in case of failure: had a clone of himself ready to be revived ten years after his death.


    Thrawn wins by default, just because being able to admit the possibility of defeat and death - and PLAN for that - shows him to be the more pragmatic and sensible of the two.

    Are clones even an option to consider in Revan's times, though? If not, this 'decider' is rather flawed, because there's nothing Revan could do about her/his death, and hence no wonder no plans to 'come back' was ever made by her/him.


    It's kinda like saying a modern soldier is better warrior than Roman empire soldier, because modern soldier is very skilled with guns and the ancient soldier isn't.... which happily ignores the fact ancient soldier had no way in heck to learn how to handle guns. :)


    (btw, if what someone here wrote is accurate, that Thrawn made some guy from a race he's been systematically exploiting his personal bodyguard ... well, how can anyone so shortsighted be considered a strategist at all, much less a great one? That's material straight for the Evil Overlord list if i ever saw any <_<

  9. Not so sure that being memorable as perhaps the worst endings of all time is that good of a deal.

    I liked the feel it left me with. ^_^ It gave no real closure, no consolation, no usual pat on the back with a "you did well soldier, now let the good men and women take over and happily breed like rabbits in the sunset" kind of deal. But somehow it managed to make me feel a little like my character was perhaps supposed to feel. I don't recall another game that managed that, and this makes it memorable to me...

  10. If yout hink in KOTOR2 all you gonna do is realize the game is, while decently fun after Peragus, is a hack game. Too much effort was put in to rip off of PST, and not enough effort was to pull it off successfully.

    I guess i enjoyed K2 more because Planescape was one of very few games that somehow managed to make me stop playing before the end (made it out of the starting church or whatever that was, talked to people around, walked here and there and realized i have absolutely no interest in waiting for the story to develop enough as to actually make me want to follow it) That way, when i played K2 i could take it for what it was, rather than feel depressed how it's a rip off of another game.


    Still, seeing how K2 succeeded where Planetscape didn't, guess the former wasn't that horrible and unsuccessful in weaving the story together.

  11. Hmm... must say i liked both KotOR games. The second one though, i liked more.


    the first one was very simple. like people said, it has the 'star wars feel' down to a T, but the story was done well and it won me over even though i tend to avoid all SW-related games like a plague they tend to be (i played the old Tie Fighter and Dark Forces games, and everything after these seemed just too lame to waste time on it) But KotOR surprisingly was fun enough to make me want play the sequel.


    The second game, is far from the usual black-and-white clear cut Star Wars stuff. It feels grey and broken, and offers very little hope when it tells a story of wounded characters and the republic that's as good as dead... but somehow it manages to not fall into the "i smolder with generic rage" trap as it does so.


    And as Kreia would've put it, "for that, i loved it." :">


    (even the often criticized ending. true, it's not a typical ending... but in odd way, it fits the rest of the story like a glove... and only makes it more memorable)

  12. Actually, I don't know why KotOR 2 is not compatible with the Radeon 7500.


    The 7500 is fully capable of hardware 'Transform & Lighting' [T&L], has full support of OpenGL applications and the ATi Catalyst 5.3 fully supports OpenGL 1.4 wich is needed to play the game so I don't really know why the 7500 fails to run KotOR 2.


    KotOR 1 had the exact same requirements as KotOR 2 and it ran perfectly.

    You might want to try Omega drivers with your Radeon card. The current version is based on 5.1 original drivers, but it's very nicely optimized (to the point where you'd rather use these drivers than the official ones) My ATI card is just a wee bit better (Radeon 9000) and Omega made it work with KotOR 2 where the official drivers wouldn't render Ebon Hawk but just the stars in the background, some random bits of ship controls and the poor T3... :rolleyes:

  13. Here's one from her site that she hasn't posted yet. I really like the different interpretations of the Exile.

    Ohh. I had trouble picking character for the game, since most of them are rather mediocre in appearance. Now, if they had this sort of quality to them... i'd still have trouble picking, but this time due to way too many great options >.<;;

  14. And if being shallow is juding by looks, I'm pretty sure everyone saying that you are shallow have done the exact same thing. I judge on looks sometimes, too; it's human nature.

    I form first impressions from looks and initial behaviour. First impression is a long way from making actual judgement, though... and long way from making forum posts about my judgements, for that matter. :s


    Opinions, much like wine, need time to refine. :-"

  15. And poison immunity or breath mask suddenly fail against the stink of Nar Shaddaa in the scene where you meet Mira, even though you can walk the docks just fine earlier without any immunity.

    Wasn't the "stink" just a story made up by Mira to keep you confused while the actual poison she used in that little room of hers to disable you was working its way down into your body? (she says she used some sort of immunity pill or whatever herself in advance so it wouldn't affect her as well...)

  16. i agree with poster ncr. it's more sexism in TSL than kotor 1.


    the only strong character, kreia, is just like christian mythology,

    represented by the devil in disguise. nevertheless, it's a great game,

    even if the game's feministic developement took a big step backwards.

    Uhmm "the only strong character"? ;)


    You have determined women in charge all over KotOR 2:


    * the administrator of Dantooine.

    * the leader of Dantooine scavenger group.

    * Czerka manager on Telos.

    * head bodyguard of Exchange boss on Telos.

    * Atris in charge of Telos academy (and her handmaidens aren't exactly weak, either)

    * the woman on Nar Shadaa taking over the swoop race intending to rebuild it after the guy running it drove the business into the ground

    * the shopkeeper girl in Nar Shadaa that makes her male competitor go nearly bankrupt because she's better vendor.

    * Onderon queen, hardly as 'weak' as she's being painted by those running for the throne themselves.

    * dealer in Onderon cantina, apparently very well connected and infamous member (boss?) of local underground.

    * leader of that little bunch of too-trigger-happy cantina guests, Onderon again.


    Some of them aren't "good" characters but then so is quite a few if not most of men in this game. There's very refreshing 'equal opportunity' approach to the issue in KotOR2, but if someone like the original poster can't focus on anything but Visas' chest or Mira's fashion sense then they aren't going to spot it. <_<

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