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Posts posted by tmp

  1. as usual, the syncophants come to the rescue.

    a predictable response from a non-critical thinker

    And a predictable ad personam attack in lack of better argument... because let's face it, you don't have one. The very article you quoted to support your point disagrees with you, quite rightly putting the blame on shoulders of the publisher who enforced ludicrous time frame, i.e. Lucas Arts. Case closed, now run along and maybe come back when you actually find something that supports your point for a change...

  2. now (as I predicted) Obsidians reputation has been tarnished by the problems/glitches/bugs in KOTOR II.

    They have gained notoriety for all the wrong reasons.

    "This comment reveals just how damaging this deadline that LucasArts gave to Obsidian was to the development of a complete game with a fleshed-out story."


    "Beyond the purpose of having KOTOR2's story told in its original intended manner, it will send a message to LucasArts that fans feel it is unacceptable to sacrifice the quality of such a potentially fantastic series in order for quicker profit."


    "We are all aware LucasArts is a business before anything else, but this petition will also send them another message, they will lose fans if they continue their trends of rushing developers and in turn, lose money."


    ... are you absolutely postitively sure you understood whose reputation got really tarnished, according to the article you quoted?


    reading comprehension for the win...

  3. I just ran around a bit. Somehow, just standing there in the middle and taking beating both from front and behind at once seemed like dumb thing to do. :rolleyes:"


    The mat thingie isn't really as small as it seems, so you can always slip past the 'maidens, give a few hits the one that happens to be closest to you (or mess up few at once with area attack like force scream) then repeat when whole gang catches up with you ... no need to cheat and pretty good fun :)

  4. Obsidian Entertainment is indeed working on a third project. All I can really say is that it's in a state of pre-production at the moment and it is not a Bioware license.

    'Tis quite a pity if KotOR is taking back seat, really liked what you did with part II and wouldn't mind continuation of the story in reasonable time... ^^;;

  5. No, he's not. Not yet, anyway. I mean, it would be perfectly understandable if he pwned poor Dooku after becoming Vader or at least after falling to the dark side for good, but man, in the first 10 minutes?

    In the trailer that battle with Dooku is done very much like Vader/Luke duel thing in the ep.6, so apparently they *are* trying to establish so early in the movie how far he fell to the dark side already? o.O

  6. Seems kind of silly to me... if I agree to work for the smuggler right there, then go to the Lt. *before* stealing anything, then I should still be recognized for doing good as I am placing myself "undercover".

    That's how i did it and it worked for me... maybe it depends on which dialogue path you take when taking with the shopkeeper, but am quite positive i left him under impression am about to work for him and with the quest to gather stuff active in the journal, then went to Gren and talked about it, got the package etc.

  7. HK-47 = :luck:


    he's not complicated character, but one of the most memorable creations as far as droids go... only Marvin from "Hitchhiker's Guide..." tends to make me laugh as much as HK does. He's pretty much 'just' evil twist on C3PO ... but his lines, looks, voice and overall concept meld into way more likable comic relief than the perpetually whining, clumsy original. :luck:

  8. Don't know if this is a glitch or deliberate, but:


    In Freedon Nadd's tomb, I'd taken a party of Mira (Jedi), Handmaiden (Jedi), and Mandalore.  Mira was leading.  I walked Mira into the Dark Force manifestation, and then...


    Party conversation.  Mira outside the Dark Force area, saying it's bad mojo to go there, then Mira responding with the players response.  Couple more go arounds, then Mira comes out stronger for the experience, blah blah.


    It seems to be intended that Mira's trying to warn somebody else away from the danger spot, but the end result seemed like she was either trying to talk herself out of it or trying to steel herself for the experience.

    I had the same thing happen.... as weird as it seems, it felt like Mira is discussing the issue not with any party member but *you* the player behind the screen.... kind of 'dialogue with oneself' sort of thing. :s

  9. What really hit it home for me was the landing at Telos.  The Handmaiden is seen outside your ship whether the exile is female or male, but she only joins you if the exile is male..


    While playing through as the female exile I wondered why they left that part in of the handmaiden being outside the ship if she's not going to join you.

    Because that's one of Atris' servants (and not necessarily *the* handmaiden) about to hijack your ship which happens no matter if your character is male or female..?

  10. Read my last point about why men will sometimes play games with a female lead: basically men play games like BloodRayne and Tomb Raider because the female protagonist is aethetically pleasing to look at. She's either wearing short shorts or tight-ass leather with spiked heels. It's all about the sex appeal and little else.

    I think it's oversimplifying things here. The "it's all about sex appeal" argument is much like "what was first, egg or chicken" -- we have no way to tell if these games wouldn't have sold just as well if the main character wasn't wearing such kind of outfits... which is quite likely, when you consider that games which had 'normally' dressed females as leads (the Longest Journey or Syberia series) also wind up popular and recognized widely as masterpieces... plus, men apparently have no problem with playing female characters that aren't really pleasing to the eye in MMO games. (trolls, dwarves, hundred years old wrinkly mages and whatnot)

  11. I mean, just think how many people would have NOT bought KOTOR 1 & 2, if the sex had been restricted to female only. In contrast, women would still have bought the game if only a male character could be selected. Men could never handle being women. The mere thought of being female is repugnant to them. :-"

    Didn't really stop the Lara Croft games from selling, though... and the whole business with many MMO players picking female characters even if they're males themselves. :huh:

  12. I'm more inclined to go with DS Luke and Hive because the whole Bastila turned to the dark side gives you a bigger reason to go to the Star Forge to save her for love and all that stuff and gives you more of a sappy StarWars reason to turn her back to the light side with your love and all that... the sister thing works, yeah, but it's stronger storytelling-wise as a lover, but it's not as strong as a sister cos they're not really sisters...

    Except you can love someone without wanting to get in their pants... especially when you happen to be a light Jedi. Love and sexual attraction are two different feelings even if they often come together. So to me that whole rescue bit works just as well no matter what gender Revan has...

  13. She's a horribly depressing character. Even with the cut content, she never grows as a person - okay, maybe she feels a little better after meditating in her old room. But her ultimate development: she's willing to die for the PC. Or she does die for the PC. Wow, just like she was willing to do ALL ALONG.


    And beyond that, I think she's on the dull side. Yup.

    ... Huh? I thought her character development was, after Nihilus bites the dust she has this sort of speech when she says she feels like now she'll be able to move on with her life and leave the past behind, and how that's thanks to you and whatnot. It was quite touching actually, really seemed like she's on the way to recovery... :p

  14. I'm merely pointing out that Revan *offically* appears to be male...

    Hmm i thought the aforementioned official source was the databank at starwars.com... ^^;; but then i checked it and curiously enough, they go to great lengths there to not provide even a hint on what Revan's gender is "supposed" to be.

  15. Upon entering the mining tunnels Munchkin raced past the lowly droids in order to take out all four maintenance droids before crossing the level-3 XP threshold, because at level 2 the maintenance droids yield 125 XP apiece and at level 3 only the same 100 XP as the rest. That accomplished, she thoroughly de-droidified the mining tunnels and fully repaired the damaged droid at the entrance (50 XP per character level, so she got 150 XP). At that point she was still 70 XP short of level 4, so she picked one lock (30 XP) and recovered one mine (45 XP) to level up before cleaning out the area (one more lock @ 40 XP, 11 more mines @ 60 XP).

    If i remember right, you can also play with the computer somewhere around there (on the bridge in room with force fields in four corners) and raise the room temperature to render all droids in the mining tunnels blind, yet still have them as potential targets... which gives some extra xp..?

  16. 2.  The guy is unrepentant about wholesale slaughter of Jedi, and then seems to feel almost nothing about outright murdering the female Jedi who tried to help him.  He even comes up with excuses for doing so.  And my character is supposed to trust that Atton has the inner strength to be a Jedi and not turn into a Sith at the first sign of adversity?  please.

    Spoken truly like Master Vrook. :blink:

  17. revan is a dude; deal with it. the bastilla vs. revan story is a lot better, than the moaning carth vs. female revan thingy.

    I dunno, the subtle tension between Bastilla and female Revan was quite interesting, and you get moaning Carth as a bonus (somehow that sounded.. wrong. :">


    With Revan made 'officially' male that's a moot point though, i guess...

  18. I think you only need to get rid of the two entrance guards. Which you should be able to do by failing intimidate on them.

    That didn't work for me when i tried; killed both guards but when talking to the wife, i'd still only have option to [Lie] the path is clear, and she'd then die.... in the end that's just one of the few quests i had unsolved :/

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